How to treatment ruqyah

in #story7 years ago
  1. If blowing into media containing water or other, no problem. For the best medium blown is olive oil. It is mentioned in the hadith of Malik bin Rabi'ah that the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam said: "Eat olive oil, and rubbing the body with it. For he comes from a blessed plant ".
  2. Wipe the sick with the right hand. This is based on the hadith 'A'ishah, he said: "Rasulullah, when confronted with someone who complained of pain, he wiped it with his right hand ...". [Narrated by Muslim, Sharah An Nawawi (14/180) Imam An Nawawi said: "In this hadith there is a suggestion to wipe the sick with the right hand and to pray for it.Many of the glorious stories about it which I have collected in the book of Al Adzkar" And according to Shaykh al-'Uthaymeen said, the actions of some people when meruqyah by holding the hands of a sick person or a certain limb to be read to him, (hence) there is no basis at all.
    10 For people who meruqyah themselves, hand in the place of complaining while saying بسم الله (Bismillah, 3 times) أعوذ بالله و قدرته من شر ما أجد و أحاذر "I seek refuge in Allah and His power from every ugliness I encounter and I fear." [3] In other narrations mentioned "In every swallow." The prayer is repeated seven times, or read: بسم الله عوذ بعزة الله و قدرته من شر ما أجد من وجعي هذا "I take refuge in the might of God and His power from every ugliness I encounter from this pain." [4] If pain is present throughout the body, by blowing two palms and rubbing it on the face of the sick with both.
  3. If the illness is in one part of the body, head, leg or arm for example, then read on the spot. Mentioned in the hadith of Muhammad ibn Hathib Al Jumahi from his mother, Umm Jamil bint Al Jalal, he said: I came with you from Habashah. When you arrive in Madinah overnight or two nights, I will cook for you, but the wood is consumed. I went out to look for him. Then the vessel touched my hand and rolled over your arm. So I brought you before the Prophet. I said: "I bet you with my father and my mother, O Messenger of Allah, this is Muhammad bin Hathib". He spat in your mouth and rubbed your head and prayed for you. He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam still spit on both of your hands while reading the prayer: أذهب البأس رب الناس واشف أنت الشافي لا شفاء إلا شفاؤك شفاء لا يغادر سقما "Eliminate this disease O Man ruler. Heal, You are the Healer. There is no healing except your healing, a medicine that leaves no disease "[6]. He (Umm Jamil) said: "I am not standing with you from the side of Sheikh Alaihi wa sallam, unless your hand has healed."
  4. If the disease is in the whole body, or the location is not clear, like crazy, narrow chest or complaints on the eyes, then how to treat it by reading ruqyah in front of the patient. In a narration it is mentioned that the Prophet sallallaahu 'laihi wa sallam meruqyah people complain of pain. Mentioned in the narration of Ibn Majah, from Ubay bin K'ab, he said: "He hurried to take him and seal him before him Sallallahu 'alaihi wa salla, m. So I heard him fortify him (ta'widz) with the letter of Al Fatihah ". [7] Does ruqyah only apply to the diseases mentioned in the texts or diseases in general? In the hadiths that deal with ruqyah therapy, the offending diseases are the influence of evil eye ('ain), the spreading can be poison