How much of everything is a lie?

in #story7 years ago

People tend to believe what they hear instead of what they see. It's very easy for someone to listen to someone else and take ever word as fact. They tell all their friends, their friends tell their friends, and eventually, the information is spread across the population. Living in a world with an abundance of information, how much of it is actually true? Growing up we learned that Christopher Columbus was a stand-up guy and that he discovered America. When you're really young, they don't tell you about the death he brought to the Natives who were already living there. I also don't believe he discovered it, I think he knew it was there. The same bloodlines have ruled this world for a long time and they've been following a plan that was predetermined. America had to be discovered because it was going to be the basis for the New World Order. The last piece of the puzzle if you will.


False Flags

Every month it seems like there are 2-3 mass shootings reported on. When I walk down the street, I don't see any of this. Of course, there are shootings but I happen to believe the ones the media reports on are staged. The stories keep changing, the puzzle pieces don't fit, and there are many unanswered questions. Even when September 11th, 2001 brought down the twin towers our media and government immediately knew it was Osama Bid Laden. What a coincidence, they figured out exactly who did it yet couldn't stop it in time. Besides taking 10 years to find Bin Laden the team that participated in the murdering dropped his body in the ocean so no one can question the story.

Elephants never forget

We are constantly told to never forget 9/11. To me, it sounds like a brainwashing technique to not allow people to move forward with their lives, take away our rights, instill fear in us, and to accomplish the goals of the New World Order. Unfortunately, during this process, many innocent people are being killed, tortured, and forgotten about. The theories out there suggest September 11th was planned all the way back in the 1950's with David Rockefeller as the mastermind.


Individualality or Similarity

We live in a time where we should be questioning everything. For example, I ran out of dog food so I fed the dog some chicken and rice. This stemmed my curiosity, so I started looking up foods that dogs can eat. Of course, everyone knows chocolate is dangerous for a dog, right? Maybe it's not healthy for dogs, but it's not healthy for humans either, at least the chocolate with the processed sugar. I decided to dig deeper and found on Reddit that many people have had their dogs eat trays of cupcakes, bags of candy, and cookies with no sign of being in danger. So the question remains, where did this story that chocolate is bad for dog's originate from? I'm not saying you should feed your dog chocolate, but at least be aware that maybe not everything is completely factual.

Why not question?

I think some subjects that are worth looking into, is the sun 93,000,000 miles away? Why does gravity work some things, but not others? Why do space agencies have different interpretations of planet Earth in their imagery? Why are people so trusting of their government? Was television invented to brainwash people into thinking a certain way? Why are a lot of the same symbols hidden in TV and movies? The list could literally go on forever, but asking questions will get you thinking and may bring new information to the world.


Education system

In school, they tell us to ask questions about the information, but not to question what the information itself. We are taught to only memorize and regurgitate. By doing this the elite are able to control what we believe, what our values are, and who we become as an adult. The education system has been tailored to make the majority of the citizens more socialistic and dependent on the government. The truth is, our Founding Fathers were completely against government powers and that was the whole point of The Revolutionary War.

Reverse Psychology

Some of the lies we should take a look at. War for peace, spend to get out of debt, inflation is good, we need more taxes, they hate us for our freedoms, government will protect you from greedy corporations, The Federal Reserve was created to keep the economy stable, Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, government subsidies help the poor, regulation reduces monopolies, etc. Start questioning everything, it will lead you to new information and new ideas on how this reality is working. Things will never change unless the people change the way they think.

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Sincerely Yours,



yeer ha hallellujah I love knowing other peeps can see through all the sheesh

keep it up!

Thanks for the post. Yes, TV shows are used to control what people think. That's why they are called programs, and TV schedules are referred to as TV programing.

My life is a lie!

Really thought provoking. I try to keep an open mind but hard when you don't REALLY know what is truth and lies.

Important perspective... it really is disconcerting how much people believe at face value.

Indeed. Be curious, doubt and question to think more about what we are told and what we see as well. In 2010 I realized how hard it is to get people to look into things, to go beyond the conditioned veil of appearances and more to the deeper substance of what is really happening.

I realized people will believe whatever they want to because they don't really care for truth. Knowing the definition of belief and truth also helps when saying things. Unless its verified we can't call it truth. Just believing what someone says and calling it it truth isn't truth lol.

We believe in the facade and image of "good" all around (Columbus, "terror" attacks and the "good" govt) yet aren't even cognizent of the difference between good/evil, right/wrong, truth/falsity. It's all just an intuited automatic involuntary uncritical assessment based on the appearances provided to us.