"Meu-indang" Culture of a Gold-Resistant Gold Environmentally Distinctive Mighty Women in Aceh [BILINGUAL]

in #story5 years ago (edited)

In addition to oil and natural gas, Aceh also has other natural resource potential, namely gold ore. One area that is well known for its many gold ore is West Aceh District. Gold ore in West Aceh is found along the Mas River Basin Area Tutut Village, Sungai Mas District and Meureubo River, Pantee Ceureumen District.


The traditionally environmentally friendly work of panning for gold ore is dominated by women. They depend on their livelihoods from this sector. The work has been carried out for generations since decades ago. "Generally, gold is pioneering here by women, and has long been our source of income, because we consider this work light and easy for women to do," said Faridah (45). According to Faridah, this activity has become one of the alternative sources of income for the "There are more women here who take care of the fields and fields and trade and carpentry," said Faridah.


"The income is erratic, sometimes one day soaking in water in the hot sun we earn Rp 50,000. If the river water debit decreases, we can earn Rp 100,000 a day," said Kak Nong (42), when he was "roaring", panning iron ore with a number of other women on the Meureuboe River.


Usually, the gold ore that they get is sold to collectors or gold shops in the Meulabouh market, the capital of West Aceh district, with a price of one million rupiah to Rp 40,000 or 1 gram to Rp 400,000. But, generally they first collect a lot of gold ore up to a week, then they sell it. "If we gather a lot first, and sell it to the market, we also have a lot of money, we can shop for household needs and our children's school fees," said Wak Bon (50), another gold ore miner.

Usually they use a gold panning device made from selected wood materials, quality and durable. The price is Rp 300,000 per unit. "Capital to wash gold traditionally and environmentally friendly is not expensive, we only buy it once and it can last for years, as long as we don't fall," Wak Bon said again. "There is also a regulation here, gold seekers are prohibited from using mercury, to protect the environment, pollute river water, of course fish will die and be harmful to other living creatures," he said again.


Currently their livelihoods are threatened, because many of the heavy equipment owned by local entrepreneurs dredge the river to extract gold ore on a large scale.

This adventure when me and @my451r to West Aceh.

Photo taken with the Nikon Lumix L810
Credit by: @my451r

“Meu-indang” Budaya Mendulang Emas Ramah Lingkungan Khas Perempuan-perempuan Perkasa Aceh

Selain minyak bumi dan gas alam, Aceh juga memiliki potensi sumber daya alam lainnya, yaitu bijih emas. Salah satu daerah yang terkenal banyak terdapat bijih emas adalah Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Bijih emas di Aceh Barat terdapat di sepanjang Daerah Aliran Sungai Mas Desa Tutut, Kecamatan Sungai Mas dan Sungai Meureubo, Kecamatan Pantee Ceureumen.

Pekerjaan mendulang bijih emas secara tradisonal yang ramah lingkungan ini didominasi oleh perempuan. Mereka menggantungkan mata pencarian dari sektor ini. Pekerjaan itu sudah turun-temurun dilakukan sejak puluhan tahun lalu. "Umumnya yang mendulang emas disini para perempuan, dan sudah lama menjadi sumber penghasilan kami, karena pekerjaan seperti ini kami anggap ringan dan mudah dilakukan oleh perempuan,” kata Faridah (45). Menurut Faridah, kegiatan ini menjadi salah satu sumber pendapatan alternatif bagi kaum perempauan disini. Laki-laki disini lebih banyak yang mengurusi sawah dan ladang dan berdagang dan pertukangan," kata Faridah.

"Penghasilannya tidak menentu, kadang satu hari berendam dalam air ditengah terik matahari kami berpenghasilan Rp 50.000. Jika debit air sungai berkurang, kami bisa berpenghasilan Rp 100.000 satu hari," kata Kak Nong (42), saat tengah “meu-indang”, mendulang bijih besi bersama sejumlah perempuan lain di Sungai Meureuboe.
Biasanya, Bijih emas yang mereka dapatkan dijual kepada penampung atau toko emas di pasar Meulabouh, Ibukota kabupaten Aceh Barat dengan harga satu mili Rp 40.000 atau 1 gram Rp 400.000. Tapi, umumnya mereka mengumpulkan dulu bijih emas hingga banyak sampai seminggu, baru mereka menjualnya. "Kalau kami kumpul dulu yang banyak, dan menjualnyal ke pasar, uangnya kamipun banyak, kami bisa belanja barang kebuthan rumah tangga dan biaya sekolah anak-anak kami," kata Wak Bon (50), pendulang bijih emas lainnya.

Biasanya mereka menggunakan alat pendulang emas terbuat dari bahan kayu pilihan, berkualitas dan awet. Harganya Rp 300.000 per unit. "Modal untuk mendulang emas secara tradisonal dan ramah lingkungan itu tidak mahal, cukup sekali kami membelinya dan bisa tahan bertahun-tahun, asal jangan jatuh saja," kata Wak Bon lagi.

"Di sini juga ada peraturan, para pencari emas dilarang menggunakan air raksa, untuk menjaga lingkungan, mencemari air sungai, tentunya ikan akan mati dan berbahaya bagi makhluk hidup lainnya," kata dia lagi.

Saat ini mata pencaharian mereka terancam, karena banyak alat berat milik pengussaha lokal yang mengeruk sungai untuk mengambil bijih emas secara besar-besaran.

Photo diambil dengan kamera Nikon Lumix L810


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