My Experience With A Scammer and How I Put Him In Jail Today

in #story7 years ago (edited)

My Experience With A Scammer and How I Put Her In Jail Today

If you live in a place where you can just go and buy a car congratulations you live in a normal country but that's not the reality around the world.

As some of you already know I live in Venezuela (yet) and the procedure to buy a car is far away from any parameter you could know. Since the goverment have been trying to control everything (food, production, energy and a big etc) products and services has just disapear because they pretend you to produce and sell to production cost and no one works for free right?

There are three ways to buy a car in Venezuela: You work for the goverment, you pay a fee to some corrupt state worker or you pay a big amount of money to some corruptn intermediary company normally owned by the figurehead of some military man (The army controls everything in Venezuela from food to importation) so he or she finds the car for you, that's a pretty good scenario for scammer doesn't it?

I went for the third option, I payed some amount of money to a company wich suppose to find the car for you, I sign a contract and the waiting period started.

I want to make this story short, it was written in the contract that the waiting period for them to find the car was 90 days. I patiently waited for 90 days and guess what? They said the haven't been able to find the car and I should wait a little more. They kept the lie for 8 months I decided to go to the police to report what had happend.

To my surprise there were hundreds of complaints and reports about the same issue, with the same company and the same owner I knew that moment the whole scheme was a fraud.

But I knew a little piece of information the police was missing I knew the address of the scammer, how did I find out? It was pretty easy in fact, the owner of this fraud company had rent a house to my mother in law.

The police told me if I was absolutely sure the scammer was still living there and I said a rotund yes. They inmediately drive to the house and found the guy there but guess what? He was moving away, what a scammer with bad luck. The police took him away he was crying like a baby.

Tomorrow I have to go to court to complete the procedure the man will go to jail for a long time.

Keep fighting the good fight!

We can't let them get away with it forever!

Wow, you're lucky. This scammer deserves going to jail. Hope you will buy a good car finally.

I hope so but first of all I'm gonna have to work a lt in order to recover all the money I have lossed

Dont let them get away with scamming you!
Good Story

Congrats! I am happy for you. Be more careful

Thats South America, women scam people everyday on a regular basis there.

Don't beg. You're piggybacking off his hard work.

Another CISCO engineer I'm in love hahahaha

It's a photography blog right?

Good work!

I'm happy that you are safe! And I hope the scammer drops the soap. He will enjoy a cockmeat sandwich.

Best comment ever hahahahaha

After what I read in the news this week I'd rather die than go to prison in Venezuela.

I think the same

Nice. I like that story. Sorry about the car. Did you get some money back? The process to buy a car in your country makes no sense.

I won't get back any money that's for sure ... I always tell people to apreciate the freedom of democracy this country used to be a normal place until socialism/communism took control of political power ... This political system assume people is too stupid to take care of theirself and while they try to control everything paradoxically the system lose all control and crazy things like this happened

Man, that sucks; I hope you make the money back in Steem! :-)


Wow, that's an amazing story, and really makes you think about how much we take for granted in certain countries. Thanks for sharing, good luck with getting full and complete justice.


The major difference between developed and underdeveloped countries is the number of people who have access to culture and education

Way to go, I've been had by a few scammers in my time lol say no more. Glad you caught him bud.

I'm on my way to the court right now

This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @cryptogee! For more information, click here!

Hey this is great thanks @cryptogee :)

so many bad people get away with things these days, it's really uplifting to hear this story :) JUSTICE!

And the lack of technological ability it's making it worse I have seen people store their keys on their windows desktop