in #story6 years ago

Price of gold dropping? Seems like a good time to put more in my Goldmoney account! The process is very simple and takes less than a few minutes.

I set the desired amount while choosing the visa payment method:


Not too extreme of a visa purchase- I'm not depositing tens of thousands of dollars. Seems easy enough right?


I tried to submit my order but instead... I GOT HIT WITH AN ATOMIC LEG DROP:


I can't believe I thought the transaction would process after my recent venture with fiat ATM's:

So there I went. I dove into the dark abyss and contacted Chase customer service.

"This call will be monitored and recorded."

OFF TO A BAD START. I wanted to hang up immediately, but knew I must buy gold. I soldiered on...

I was asked various questions regarding my card and bank, it honestly felt like I was being watched in my own home. After answering these nervously, the lady said "Ok I have increased your limit, please attempt your purchase with Goldmoney again in 3 minutes."

What a relief and disaster at the same time. But in the end, it finally went through:


Nearly an ounce of gold deposited to the vaults in Zurich, Switzerland.

You win this round, Goldmoney. Better luck next time banks.



LOLL!!!!! To the victor go the spoils! Congreat @goldfashioned! Congrats Goldmoney!!!

Thanks man!! True money always triumphs!!!

Damn straight

The bank was just stalling for time to create some money out of thin air.

Frikken banks,I hate them and I hate very few things.We are so ahead of the game knowing how fradgile they are!

Agreed my friend! Before depositing I thought "WWTBNFL4SUN DO?!"