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RE: Choices

in #story7 years ago

Four years ago, after reading a book called Choose Yourself, I made the conscious choice to stop chasing material rewards and fame as a writer. I pinpoint this is the precise moment when the universe began to open doors.

OK, I'm about to go get this book... and I agree, 2017 has been an amazing year of new opportunities. It saddens me that a lot of people don't see crypto and blockchain technology as new opportunities for them, but I think that will slowly change. Maybe even in 2018, which is what many are predicting. My big push right now is in trying to convince my friends who are mildly curious about crypto that Steemit offers a third way of getting into crypto, beyond buying or mining it. Write your way in! I need to go put that on a t-shirt. Happy New Year Eric! 😃


Thank you @geke! I highly recommend the book. It's a quick read and really does change your perspective on things. I totally agree with everything you said. The most frustrating thing for me now is people who don't listen when I tell them they should join Steemit and start investing in cryptocurrency. It's so clear to me now that those who don't do this will be left behind or it will be so much harder for them to improve the quality of their lives. I've told so many but only a very few follow through. Happy New Year, my friend!