Meant to be.

in #story6 years ago

episode 13


Mama’s phone was ringing again,….. She checked the caller ID and it was the same number again,..she has received more than a thousand missed calls from that number,… She decided to tell Angela about the call……

Angela had started noticing the changes in her body,. She has now realised that she is pregnant,… Mama has been providing her with all she needs,… But she has been wondering how she became pregnant,…. She cant remember who the father of her unborn baby is,….

……….. She was lying down in her room when mama entered,… Mama noticed she was looking worried,.she sat down beside her ..

“My daughter,…. What are you thinking about? ”

Angela sat up and sighed heavily

” Mama, is it not a shame that i dont know the father of the baby in my womb,…. I wasn’t pregnant when i was in the village,… How can i return home pregnant,… What will my parents do to me,… I cant face the shame,…. ”

Mama from her calculations knew she was pregnant before the accident, having known her mental condition,… She decided to change the topic

” Angela,. There’s something bothering me,…”she brought out her phone and showed Angela

“This particular number have been calling me for the past one month,…. I refused picking the calls,… But something got me worried,… He started texting me that he’s the love of your love,… “she then paused,….

“Love of my life?,,…”….. She asked looking surprised

” Yes my daughter,…. He said his name is Richard,… ”

” Ri….. cha…….. rd?,….. “The name came as a shock to her,…. She closed her eyes deeply and saw imagery of someone she couldn’t recollect,… Imagery of a youngman filled her thoughts,…. She was trying so hard to recollect the image,…. She held her head with her two hands and let out a loud cry,..there was blackout

Richard was at home in his sitting room relaxing,…. He decided to rest after another failed attempt to reach Angela,…. He switched on the television and focused his attention on it,…. He was staring at the television but his mind was with his girlfriend,… He just couldn’t stop wondering what she must be passing through,… He had helped her family so much,…and He was ready to do more for them,.. He was still in his world of thought when his door,…. Father Emmanuel walked in,..he was shocked to see the rev. in his house,.. He got up immediately and went to greet him,

“Good….. Day….. rev.,… ”

” Good day my son”the rev. responded hugging him
“I’m so sorry I’ve been away from church for sometime, i’ve been having family issues,……. How did you manage to get my house address,… “he asked the rev.

” it’s very sad that i’ve not seen you for a long time,… I cant believe you ‘ve been having serious issues and you didn’t bother confiding in me,.. Have you forgotten i’ m your god father? “the rev. asked

” I’m sorry father,.. Pls sit down let me serve you something to drink ”

The rev. Sat down and he rushed in and served him soft drink,… They sat down and was discussing the church and it’s politics,…… The entrance door to the sitting room opened and he was shocked to see Mrs Johnson walk in,… He now understood the reason for the rev.sudden visit,……

“who opened the gate for you!, “he threw at her not minding the rev’s. Presence
She knelt down immediately and started crying out loud

” My son pls forgive me,….. I’m a changed person now,… Pls bring back my loving husband to me,.. I want to take care of him,… I’m missing my husband so much,.. I cant stay in this world without him,… You took away my happiness from me….. How can you separate a husband from his wife ”

Richard was so furious,… He was speechless at his step mother’s drama,… He controlled his anger because of the rev. That was around,… The rev. felt sorry for her,… He went to her and held her

” It’s ok my daughter,.. It’s well,.. I must settle everything today,… Get up my dear,…. “he helped her to her feet and she sat down

Richard felt like slapping her hard on the face, he felt like spitting on her,… He was trying so hard to control his anger,…

” Richard,… Why did you take away your sick father from his caring wife,…. A woman that has been doing her best to see that the family business doesn’t collapse,… She trained you and your sister and made sure you lacked nothing in life,.. How can you encourage divorce,…. You have committed a big sin by separating your father and mother,…. Just take a good look at this poor woman,… She has been through a lot since you took her husband away without telling her,…. No matter the issue you’re having now, you dont any right to separate a husband from his wife,….. “the rev.advised

” Thank you rev. Pls did she tell you what actually happened?,.. Did she tell you why i took my father away from her?,….. ”

Mrs Johnson became restless,..

” I’m only here for peace,… I want you to make peace with your mother, and bring back her husband ”

” I’m sorry rev. I cant do that,… I want her to tell you why i took my daddy away from her,…. She also told me that she’s not my……… “Richard ‘s son rang, Desmond was calling him

“Hello Desmond,……” he greeted his bestie

There was silence,… Then he screamed

“What!?,. Ok…. I’ ll be on my way,… Just wait for me,… “he cut the phone,..

” I’m so sorry rev. I received an urgent call right now,…. My presence is needed right now,.. Emmm…… I think we will reschedule this meeting,… I need to be on my way,…. “he apologized

” I understand,… I’ll call you later to know when we shall visit again,.. “they stood up to leave,…

” Thank you for your understanding….. I’ll pay you a visit, you know it’s been long i visited,….. ”

” Thank you my son,…. And pls think about what we discussed,. ”

. He escorted them outside his gate and watched them drive away,…

He heaved a sign of relieve,…

” Thank God they’re gone,… Adamu!!!!!!, Adamu!!!!!!, “he called out his security guard

He ran to meet his oga,…..

” Do you know that you’re very stupid,… You are the biggest fool i’ve met in my life,…… How can you be so dumb as to open the gate for that woman,… ”

” But oga, na your mama,….. ”

” Shut up, you fool,….. Now listen, don’t ever open my gate for her again,….! ”

” Yes sir!!!!! ”

His phone rang again and he picked it,….

” Hello guy”

“What’s wrong with you na,..why were you screaming on the phone,… I only asked if you can come over and play snooker with me,… You just screamed as if something bad happened “Desmond scolded him jokingly on the phone

” guy you just saved me from that witch’s trap right now,…she came to my house oo,.. Infact i’m on my way to your house, i’ll tell you everything when i come,…. ”

He cut the phone, entered his house, dressed up and left for Desmond’s house,….. He might sleep over since it’s weekend,…


” Mama i told you not to force her to remember what she forgot,…. Look at her case,…. If she continues like this, she might loose all her memories,….. Pls dont try such again,….” the doctor warned her

” I’m so sorry doctor,.. I was only discussing with her, she just screamed and fainted,…. ”

” What exactly were you discussing with her? “the doctor asked her
” I only told her about a particular number that has been calling since she was discharged from the hospital,..immediately i told her that the caller’s name is Richard , she screamed out loud and lost consciousness”she further explained

“That name is important in her life,.. I suggest you pick that guy’s call and listen to what he has to say,…. If he’s trusted then you can tell him about her whereabout,… But dont inform her of your plan….. “the doctor advised her

” Thank you my son,…. I’ll not disclose this to her,… My only prayer is that she recovers and goes back to her family,.. I cant stand watching her pass through all these,… My heart bleeds for her,…. She’s pregnant and cant remember who impregnated her,….. “the old woman lamented

Angela was discharged that night, the old woman and her driver took her home,…. She decided to pick Richard ‘s call when next he calls,..he might be needed in helping Angela regain her memory…… ..

Richard returned the next day tired….,he was exhausted from yesterday ‘s clubbing,….. Desmond had suggested they hang out to ease the stress he’s been passing through for the past months,…he refused at first but after much persuasion from Desmond, he reluctantly followed him,…. He was moody throughout his stay in the club… He was busy gulping down drinks until he became tipsy,… He remembered a club girl coming to him but he shunned her away,…..

He thanked God it was Saturday,… He had his breakfast bathed and slept off,….


*********** Vanessa have been able to revive her dad ,…. He’s much better now, he can now talk and interact with people,…. she has been trying her brother’s number but it hasnt been going through,… She was scared that something bad might have happened to him,…. She checked him on Skype but he wasn’t online,…..

She went to her dad’s room to tell him of her fears,…

She opened his door to meet him reading his bible,…. Ever since he was saved from the claws of death, he has given his life to Christ,….. He has now realized the mistakes he did in the past and cant stop asking God for forgiveness,….. He prayed that the spirit of his wife will forgive him,…….. Vanessa sat beside her daddy who was lost in his reading,…..

“dad,…….”she muttered
He looked up and stared at his daughter,….

“Nessa dear,….. You look worried what’s wrong with you,? “he asked her

” Daddy, i cant reach Richard,… I’m scared”

Her smiled at her

“Is that why you’re almost crying? ”

” Dad, that witch can do anything to my brother,…. I think i’ll visit Nigeria to check on him”

“So fast?,….ok.. If you dont talk to him today,. Then you start making arrangements on visiting Nigeria,…,.. ”

” Ok dad,… “she stood up to leave but her father call her back and beckoned on her to sit bedside him

He closed his bible and closed his eyes for seconds and held his daughter ‘s hands,…

” Nessa dear,…. When i remember the horrible things i did to your mother that caused her death, i feel like dying to go and meet her and ask her for forgiveness,..” ..

he covered his face with his hands…..Nessa was surprised at what he was talking about,……. She looked at him closely and saw traces of tears in his eyes

” Daddy you’re crying,…”she asked wondering what her dad is talking about

“You wont understand my daughter, because you were still young when she died,… I lied about the cause of your mother’s death,…”she shut him up by putting her hand on his mouth,….

“Daddy pls you’re still recovering from your illness, you dont need this right now,….. You can talk about this anytime you’re ok,…. Just forget about mummy’s death for now,….. ”

” ok my daughter,… But there’s something important you and your brother should know,… Especially you,….. ”

Vanessa looked at him, she just wanted to leave the room before he reminds her of her late mum,…….

” Nessa,….. I lied to you about your grandmother’s death,…. She’s still alive!!!!!!!, “he screamed letting out a cry,…

Vanessa stood up as if she was stung on the buttocks,… She looked at her father with so much hatred in her eyes,….. She remembered clearly how everything happened

************** first she was forced to attend a boarding school at such a tender age,.. She remembered crying and begging her parents not to send her away, her mother who was pregnant cried the most,…. Her father dragged her to the car and drove away,….. Some months later,…. She was called and informed she had a new brother,….. She was so excited but when she asked of her mother,…. Her father couldn’t answer her, it was later she was told her mother died immediately after delivery,…… After her mother’s burial she was forced back to the boarding school,…. She so much wanted to take care of her little brother,… But her father refused,…. Few months later,… Her father visited her in school and introduced her mother’s best friend as his new wife,….. She remembered how shattered she was,….. She ran away from school to her grandmother ‘s house,….. She told her what her father did,…. She was so close to her grandmother that not even her father could separate them,… Her grandmother fought so hard to end the marriage but to no avail,…… She was bundled back to school,….. One month later,…. Her father came to her school crying and informed her of her grandmother ‘s death,… She was so devastated,…. She wanted to join her grandmother too,.. She begged her father to take her home but he refused,… Her dad told her that her grandmother’ s burial will be in a week’s time and since it was during exams period, she wont be allowed to leave the school,… She spent days crying over her grandmother ‘s death, she neither eat nor drink,…. She remembered how she collasped in the class and was rushed to the school clinic,…. The school management advised her father to take her home,… He promised to come and pick her up inTwo days time,…. He came and picked her as promised, but she was informed they had relocated to Asaba,…. She left for asaba immediately,….. That was the last time she stepped her foot in Lagos till she grew up,.. .

Hot tears fell down from her eyes, but one thing she couldn’t understand was why her grandmother never searched for her since she was alive, how could she abandon them….. She promised her of taking them away from their father but she never fulfilled those promises,…. How could her once loving grandmother become so mean as to forget them for years,…. She looked at her father from head to toe and sighed heavily,….

“I don’t know how many more secretsyou’re keeping away from us, i dont know how many lies you told us …. “she said with a teary voice

” Many secrets my dear and lies,…. I’ve decided to reveal them all and have peace of mind, my conscience has been pricking me,….. I’m paying for the evil things i did to my wife in the past,…. God was using Benny to pay me back,…. “he said amidst tears

“I cant stand this anymore,…. This is too much for me,….” she turned to see her husband standing by the door,.. She rushed him and gave him a tight hug,… She then allowed the tears to flow freely

“Cry it out my love,….. “her husband consoled her

She cried so much in his arms that she was having hiccups,…. Her husband took her to their room and gave her a glass of cold water to calm her nerves