Meant to be.

in #story6 years ago

episode 10

Mrs Johnson was furious,… She dialed her friend’s number and she picked,…..
“I’m in big trouble oooo my sister,….. Those boys were involved in an accident this early morning and they all died,…. The worst part of it is that the girl survived but i dont know the hospital she was taken to,…. I’m finished ooo”she cried over the phone

“So what do your expect me to do? “she asked bluntly

” Aaaaah, aaaah, i called to hear your advise,….. Why are you sounding like this? “she asked surprised at her friend’s sudden outburst

” Because you’ve messed up everything,…you couldn’t sacrifice a small girl like that,’re in for big trouble,…. You’ll soon here from mother supreme supreme ”

” Pls calm down,….. I dont even know what to do,… My life is in danger,.. Where will i start from now,….. ”
” Go and meet superior mother first since you’re in Lagos already and know if she has another solution for you,….. “she cut the phone on mrs Johnson

She rushed off to meet the superior mother.


Richard told the police that he doesn’t need them barging into someone’s house as if they came for an arrest,…. He told them to hang around and be watchful,… They entered the compound,….. Angela’s mother was chatting with her best friend when they entered,…. He was happy aunty Beatrice was around,… He met her during Daddy Joe’s burial,… She was well educated and nice,….. Richard believed she would understand his predicament,….. He prayed inwardly for God to take control of the situation,….. He entered the sitting room and greeted them

“good afternoon mama,….. Good afternoon aunty,… “he greeted them one after the other

” My son, how’re you doing?, she searched around for Angela but didn’t see her

” Seems Angela entered the house from the backdoor, Angela!!!!,. Angela! “she called her

Richard, Desmond, Nancy and the taxi driver had taken their seats,….

” Actually mama,… Angela is not here with us,… “Richard told her

” So where’s she,? She asked with fears in her eyes

He doesn’t know how to start narrating to her, he was silent for some moments before he gathered courage and continued

“Mama, i’m sorry, i lied to you about her being in the bathroom,….. She wasnt in my house,….. This is the taxi driver that picked her up yesterday,…. He said she was kidnapped yesterday on their way to Asaba,….. “he said pointing at the driver

” Kidnap gini?… Why would anyone want to kidnap my daughter,… We dont have money, so what will they gain from kidnapping her,….. I think this is all planned,….”. She was now raising her voice

“You used my daughter for money rituals and you planned with these people to come here and lie to you,…. “she went to Nancy

” I thought you were her true friend,… I dont understand what you all are talking about,.. Provide my daughter for me ooooo,…. She left here yesterday hale and hearty,… Now you’re telling me rubbish, .. “she held Richard on his clothes shouting

” Give me my daughter oooo,…. Give me my daughter,….!!!!!!! “her shouting was attracting her close relations that live close to them,…..

” Mama pls believe me, i didnt use her for rituals,….. The police are already searching for her,… Mama pls,…… “Richard begged her,…. Aunty Beatrice saw truth in Richard’s eyes,….

” Mama Angela calm down and listen to this young man, he seems harmless to me,…… “aunty Beatrice tried calming her friend

” I wont believe anything you’re telling me now, until i see my daughter,…. All i want is my daughter,….. ”
.” Mama, we’re really sorry for what happened,…. The police are searching for her,… Richard is not a ritualist,…. “Desmond told her

” And who are you to defend him,… Ooohhhh, he’s your friend therefore you must defend him,…. “she screamed at him
” Mama uncle Richard cannot do anything to aunty Angela,.. “Eric told his mother

” Will you shut up and get inside!!!!!, who invited you here,…. ”

Angela’s two uncles and their sons had arrived, some neighbours were also present,……

” Young man, you said Angela left this house yesterday to visit you,…. You even sent a taxi to pick her up,..Have you paid her dowry?, “the old man asked

” Uncle,… I have plans of doing that,…. “Richard answered him

” Now, you want us to believe that she was kidnapped,..we dont believe your story,….. Have you reported to the police?, ”

” Yes sir, i reported to the police in Asaba,…. ”
” We must go to the station right away and report to them,…. ”

” Nooooo, this man will not leave here without providing Angela,….. He must provide Angela,…. “some of the boys that gathered there spoke,….

Angela’s cousin then spoke up

” Pls let us handle this issue amicably,… We shouldn’t take a drastic decision on this,… This youngman looks harmless,….. “Azuka said

” Bia Azuka, how much did he give you to say all these,.. If you dont have anything to say, just shut up, turn around and leave my house,..” “Angela’s mother shouted at him

” Mama, i know how this man helped us during Daddy Joe’s burial,…… Such a man is rare, ”

” And how are you sure that he wasn’t pretending all along,…. I liked him too because of his good nature,…. But I’ve realized he has been pretending all along,…. ”

The boys have divided into two groups, one group said he should be tied and sent to their king, while the other insisted they must report to the police in their village first before taking any action,…..

There was commotion in Angela’s compound,…. Richard stood helpless looking at everyone,… He was ready to do anything they ask of him,….. The police entered the compound and calmed everyone down,….finally, they all accepted to go to their station,…..


After taking down Richard’s statement,… He was detained,…. The policemen that accompanied him helped him and he was granted bail,…. But Richard refused to go,… He said he would stay there for the night, that he wont leave the village until he sorts out things with Angela’s relations,…..

“I’m sorry i cant go with you,.. I can’t go home to sleep on a comfortable bed, while Angela is some where suffering,…. I prefer staying here for the night”
Everyone was shocked,….. The boys that were angry with him calmed down after seeing how hurt he was,……

Desmond and his girlfriend lodged in a hotel, they too refused going without their friend, the taxi driver returned to Asaba with the police,…


Mrs Johnson has waited for mother superior for more than two hours,…. She was later allowed in to see her

“I’m sorry there’s nothing else i can do for you,…. The consequences of this is unbearable,…. You shall become so poor that you would beg for what to eat,….. You shall loose all you have, then you shall gradually die a painful death,…. But if you succeed in bringing back your husband in eight months time, all that you lost shall be restored back to you,…… You have lost all your powers,… No one will obey your command again,… You are just a walking corpse,….. ”

Mrs Johnson fell down crying,… She begged mother superior to help her out,

” Mother pls, i cant die like this,… I dont even have a child that will bury me if i die,…. Just have mercy on me,…… ”

” It’s too late,… Leave my presence!!!!, “go and search for your husband!!!”

Mrs Johnson was devastated,.. Her world was crumbling before her eyes,.. This wasn’t how she planned to end up in life,……

“My mother warned me,.. She warned me about my evil ways,…. I’m doomed,… “she thought to herself

” I think i know what to do,.. I cant just fold my arms and watch that little brat destroy me,….. “she entered her car and drove home,…. Smiling at herself for a brilliant plan ahead……….