Heartbeat Harmony - storiette by Fikra Haikal

in #story7 years ago

Heartbeat Harmony

   Students' admissions in the year 2013 arrived, all junior high school students were

busy looking for the schools they wanted.

 However, Aldi just resigned to his current state, three years ago his father died 

because of his accident at work, now he only lives in a simple hut with his mother,
now aldi have to work hard to meet the needs of his life and the mother,
it is in Because Aldi's mother is unable to work again because of the illness he is suffering,
now Aldi was discouraged to continue his education to the next level,
let alone for the cost of school now he must also be hungry to eat because all the money he worked in use to buy medicines for The mother.

 During his schooling, Aldi was one of the most accomplished children in his school,

three years in a row he became the overall champion at his school,
but his teacher and his friends at school never knew about Aldi's life condition at the time.

 He always dreams of being a great singer like his mother,

and can learn the famous music school in Jakarta.

 One day after work, a Honda CR-V car crashed into a tree near where he worked,

Aldi rushed to the car with the intention of giving help to the man in the car,
he found the driver of the car unconscious and he was surprised when he Knowing who was driving the ill-fated car was Mr. Ruslan a successful businessman in jakarta.
Then he rushed to seek help, but no one when people pass, the streets are very quiet, he finally took the initiative to bear Mr.Ruslan and bring him to the nearest hospital.

 The hospital also contacted the family Mr.Ruslan with the identity card found

in his pocket, his family was soon came to the hospital to meet him,
after his family at the hospital wife and son Pak ruslan very shocked to see the condition of Mr.Ruslan at that time,
the doctor said to They, if he had not immediately brought to the hospital most likely he will die.

 His son also asked the doctor who brought the person to the hospital,

the doctor replied, "I do not know for sure, but he's a kid in rags,
and right now he's taking the medicine for your father, maybe he'll be back soon ".

 Moments later mother and son Mr.Ruslan saw Aldi was carrying a blue plastic 

containing medicine into the room, Aldi was surprised to see Briyan and his mother was in the room.

 Briyan is Aldi's schoolmate during junior high school,

Briyan is a proud child and he never liked Aldi because the teachers loved Aldi because he was a diligent and intelligent child, and Aldi was superior to Briyan in music art lesson ,
Briyan was very hate Aldi because he felt unrivaled, he always mocked Aldi.

 But with very humble Briyan holding Aldi's hand and thanking him for

his help that saved his father's life,
then Briyan embraced Aldi and apologized to Aldi for what he did to Aldi during junior high school, and Aldi excitedly forgave Briyan.

A few moments later Briyan asked Aldi, "You go to high school where al? 

When did I start school? "Aldi replied" I dropped out of school,
I can not afford to pay tuition, whereas for everyday life it's hard,
and where can I get into music school, it's expensive "yan" in surprise Briyan replied " My goodness,
once again I apologize to you al, I do not think so much about your situation,
as my gratitude and permintamaafan to you what if you join music school with me,
my parents must agree, let my family who financed you al " Brian, "I do not want to trouble anyone,
I guess you do not have to do that and I have to work to buy my mother's medicine,
she is sick" replied Aldi sadly, "Are not you going to reach your dreams? And go to music school? About your mother,
I will also pay for her treatment until she recovers,
I hope you do not refuse this al "Brian replied with great anticipation,
Aldi finally accepted Briyan's invitation to go to school again, from then on they became very close friends.

 Briyan and Aldi began schooling at a prominent music school in Jakarta, 

over the years when they both became the most loved students at the school,
with Aldi's distinctive voice and the lively fingers of Briyan dancing on the piano,
many female friends who liked them , And they also often get good achievement in school and also they often win the race and music competition in jakarta.

One time when they came down from the stage after following the music competition,
Aldi got word from his teacher that his mother had died this morning in because of his illness,
heard that Aldi was very upset to hear it, he rushed home,
when he arrived at home with Tears yes crying to see her mother lying on a mattress with a shroud and the neighbors already read yasin to her mother, saw her friend so beaten Briyan come and calm the hearts of sad Aldi.

 After their funeral, Aldi lives alone, 

there is no one in his life who means to make him eager to rise
, see Aldi's circumstances, Briyan as a friend does not want to let Aldi slumped with his condition,
Briyan also invites Aldi to live and Stay with home Briyan.

Day after day walking left the sad story in the heart of Aldi,
now they both re-run their school activities, Briyan make Aldi managed to rise from adversity,
and they are preparing to follow the event famous music event in Indonesia.
They also train hard so they can pass the audition and win the event,
with the spirit of their champions to practice hard.
Do not feel they have attended school three years finally they both graduated with excellent value,
it makes them more excited to win the prestigious event.

 One day when they practice suddenly Briyan fainted while playing piano, 

Aldi suddenly surprised to see Briyan who suddenly fainted, Aldipun bring Briyan to the hospital, when he arrived at the hospital Aldi was shocked to hear the doctor's statement about his illness Briyan, Had told her about her heart ailment, now briyan only survive if somebody donate heart with blood type B for her, hearing that Aldi is very upset considering that Briyan is the only friend who accompany him at any time and Briyan is the person who manifest His dream.
Aldipun decided to check the blood type, it turns out they have the same blood group, without thinking Aldi was willing to donate his heart to Briyan.
Finally the briyan aware, his parents could not bear to see his son back to them, but there is no more Aldi there, Briyanpun ask Aldi to his mother, but his mother only gave a letter from Aldi containing all his gratitude to Briyan and now they Are in the same body.
And Briyan also realize their dreams he also won the prestigious event and dedicate the victory to a very beloved companion.

                          The End :)