Tapaktuan City, also known as Dragon City is located near a bay called Teluk Tuantapa. The Bay is the place where two dragons were stopped from China.
The story of a fight begins with the discovery of a baby girl floating in the ocean by a pair of dragons. Having no children, eventually the pair decided to adopt the baby and treat it with affection.
Fights also occurred because of the arrival of the baby's family who came from the kingdom of Asranaloka looking for their daughter. The family recognizes their lost baby by being swept away by the sea water.
Conflict erupted between the royal family and a pair of dragons for grabbing the baby girl who has grown up. The king asked for her daughter's daughter, but the two dragons did not accept the king's decision, until a fight was inevitable.
Tapa Tapa who was meditating finally felt annoyed with the quarrel interfered with them all and asked the dragon to give the princess to his family. Dragon refused, then challenged Mr. Tapa to fight, unfortunately the dragon was not lucky to have to return the princess to his family.
The princess went back to her family with the nickname of the dragon princess. Long story short dragon male killed and his body destroyed. The rest of the dragon's body is blackened, now known as a black stone. While the red dragon's blood turned red. Meanwhile, Mr. Tapa left his footprints still existed today.
Seeing the death of the dragon, the female dragon can not accept. He went berserk to divide the island into two that now become Pulau Dua. The largest island is still the target of dragon amok until the island terporak so 99 pieces of small islands, also known as Pulau Banyak now.
Tapa Tapa finally died shortly after the incident. He is buried near the Mount of Lights Tuo Masjid, Gampong Padang, Padang Village, Tapaktuan Subdistrict.
nice and beautiful tourist spots..