My Personal Thoughts on "It Follows"

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes a movie, with hardly any budget but one hell of a great idea, comes out of nowhere and takes their genre by storm. Like it or not, The Blair Witch Project was one of the first to introduce the now over-saturated formula of "documentary-style footage" in making an entire movie. It’s angle was to give a sense of authenticity that would be simply not possible using traditional film-making techniques. Yet it went on to topple figures at the box office like dominoes and armed with only a tiny budget consisting of a few video recorders and one unorthodox concept. The movie It Follows is considered by many to also have a killer vision that required next to no budget yet enjoyed phenomenal success upon it’s initial release. Was all the hype that literally "followed" it around as being one of the scariest movies ever made, justified in any way?


After quite a shocking opening segment, It Follows begins to tell the story of a newly dating couple who are both going through the usual motions before starting a fully-fledged relationship. At the movies, the boyfriend Hugh (played by Jake Weary) starts acting strange when he appears to see something or someone at the back of the theatre. He and his girlfriend Jaime (played by Maika Monroe) promptly leave the cinema where they later park up in his car next to a secluded glade and begin to have sex. As the night drags on, the two adolescents appear very much in love until Hugh suddenly decides to chloroform her into unconsciousness. Upon waking, she finds herself strapped down to a chair and Hugh acting hysterically. As she struggles to set herself free, he proceeds to explain to her what drove him to this. A strange, lone figure has been relentlessly stalking him. This "entity", usually in the guise of some twisted human form, never stops until it’s target is deceased. The only way out is to have sexual intercourse with another person so as to transfer this “curse” over to them. However, should they be killed, the “curse” will come back to claim their own life once more…

Watching this movie, I was immediately impressed as to the subtle overtones of pervading dread. There is hardly any music played throughout, with the little that there is used to good effect. I love the fact that the “entity” coming for it’s intended victims can take on the form of anyone it wants. This premise alone is worthy of a tonne of praise. A killer relentlessly pursuing you, never stopping to eat or sleep, till it catches and murders you. That is enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine. But the twist in the tail? The sedate speed of the pursuer. The “entity” never runs. Just a monotonous slow walk, almost as if it savours or enjoys every last second of time afforded to their victim. Now, of course this formula has been used before with the likes of such classics as Halloween or even the Friday the 13th franchise. But the difference here is the helpless situation our protagonists find themselves in. There is no fighting back in this movie to speak of whatsoever. No special weapon that allow for its death or some antidote to the curse to save the desperate fate of our hapless heroine and her friends. Here, it’s a constant chase that never ceases. And to make matters worse, within a crowded area, the “entity” could be anybody. There is no glaring sign that the murderous presence is near. No, in It Follows, it could literally be anyone. Even their nearest and dearest.

For such young cast members, I was pleasantly surprised by how good the acting was. I mean to say, not that a movie of this nature required Oscar-worthy performances, but the believability and tension created from the absolute fear and despair coming from them, is palpable and disturbing to watch. A special mention goes to new actress on the scene, Maika Monroe, who should have a shining career ahead of her given her impeccable acting skills on display here. If any faults are to be cited against the film, it could be said the pacing of the movie may be a little slow for some. However this is an essential ingredient for the film to work so very well, therefore those with little to no patience need not apply. Honestly speaking though, unless this genre as a whole is not for you, I would recommend It Follows in a heartbeat. A thoroughly original and well-thought out sleeper of a hit with an unnerving, atmospheric intensity to match.

So, to answer the question of whether It Follows warrants the title of “scariest movie ever made”? Well, that a no-brainer. Absolutely not. Especially given the fact that “horror” in general is such a subjective term in the first place. But that’s not to take anything away from it. It Follows is a disturbing, visually haunting, classic in the making. Director David Robert Mitchell hit all the right button in piecing together this gem of a movie and, with a final shot to cover you from head to toe in goose bumps, things just doesn’t get much better than this. A job very well done and deserving of exceptionally high acclaim.

My Verdict: (9/10)


*Source: (1,2,3,4)

Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


Great post tnx for sharing I just upvote check out my post steemit all the way

Stigmatatata from Lake Titicaca!

Cool, you are posting reviews about many movies I haven´t watched so far, thanks @ezzy bro and keep up the great work!

Hey brother! Check some of them out when you get the chance! :)

Of course I will brother and have a nice weekend! 👊

This is one I haven't watched yet. Mainly as the wife doesn't like horror movies and I watch the movies she doesn't want to watch with me when I am looking after the kids. So no horror movies as to not scare the tykes.

Will maybe have to find some time to sit down to this after both the wife and kids go to sleep one night.

Lol, no probs, buddy! Exactly like my wife! Though because of the lack of "blood and guts", she coped with this one quite well. Maybe you'll have the same luck I did, lol! Check it out if you get the chance. :)

Another excellent analysis. I appreciate how the film flips the script on human advantage, in that humans have greater endurance than most animals and—apparently—used to hunt animals much bigger and more immediately dangerous than we are by just following them until they ran out of energy. It’s fascinating to see that turned around so that It is to humans as we are to most everything else.

Some fantastic observations, buddy! Your analogy could not describe the premise more perfectly. The constant hunt with no knowledge of who your foe is and how they can be stopped. Primal and terrifying to the max. It's the stuff of nightmares and the writers of this film deserve nothing less than gold medals for their ingenuios imaginations! :)

A 9 out of 10? Wow! Color me intrigued! I've seen the trailer before, but didn't give it much thought. After reading this review, it seems very interesting. Doesn't Pennywise from 'It' have the same shapeshifting power? Isn't the title a happy coincidence? It Follows feels like it could be a good title of an 'It' sequel haha! I know the MO and the style of killing is different, but it's still a curious prospect.

Yes, my brother! "Pennywise" is a great comparison to the creature in this film (together with your great observation concerning the title). But yeah, I love the It Follows and would be really interested to get your thoughts on it too. :)

I felt like the music in the movie made it 100 times better than it could have been without it. One of the best things about the movie.

This one sounds pretty interesting, I'll give it a shot if I come across it, sometimes I love horror movies, other times not so much, plus the girlfriend hates them haha, maybe a late nighter for me.

PS. noticed you are a novelist on your blog page, any links to your stuff? Sorry, I didn't dig through your blog yet, I'm sure it's here somewhere so when I have a sec I'll check

Oh yes! This is not your conventional horror movies with standard clichés and horror tropes. The idea is inventive and works very well. Give it a go!

I wrote a short prequel called Bitbaby before the main book itself based upon the same character which was Echoes of Tomorrow's Past. Would love to hear what you think if you get the time to read them.

Thanks, buddy. :)

I'm not really a big fan of horror films, but after reading your review, I checked the trailer on Youtube.

And I can say that it intrigued me.

Story is really interesting, and I don't think I've ever seen something like this.

Most of the horror films I watched were made on the same pattern, but this one seems really interesting.

I might give a try and watch it.

Thank you, buddy. Just goes to prove you don't need no "an overload of gore or jump-scares" to instil real fear. Just a great plot device and execution plan. :)

I recommend you to watch “a cure for wellness”. It’s not horror, but a well put thriller.

Thanks for the recomendation.

I'm actually a big fan of thriller.

It has to be my favourite genre.

The Silence of The Lambs is, for example, one of my favourite movies.

In the horror, they try to spook by suddenly, but I like it to be done gradually, if you understand.

That movie scene when cops were entering the murderer's house and it turned out that Jodie Foster was the one entering.

It's one my favourite scenes.

Ehy Ezzy, always nice to read you.

I've never been a fan of this kind of movie, mainly because it either fails completely to scare me (90% of the time) or it scares me crapless when it hits some special keys. At any rate I'll give this one a try, the idea that the killer might be anyone reminds me of The Thing, and I loved that movie.

Oh, mate! I can probably count on one hand the movies that have genuinely frightened me. I'm as immune to the "scary movie" as one can get. Yet this is one of those rarities that actual did it. Because it got you to think about the fear instead of merely "seeing" it. I believe it got that special something just right and that's why I seriously recommend this for you, my friend. :)

I'll definitely follow your advice. I only wished I didn't have so long a watchlist :(

I loved It Follows, the original plot about an invisible human looking entity slowly following you to kill you it’s creepy haha

My favorite scene was in the school, where the girl was looking outside and suddenly an weird old person is slowly walking towards the building... and then enters the hall...!

It was one of my favorites horror movies from last year. “The boy” was also a good movie

Glad you share my love of this awesome movie! Yeah, that school scene set the tone for the rest of the movie up real nice like! Will be sure to check out "The Boy". Thank you. :)

I loved reading your review of “It Follows”
Evethough it is not the scariest movie ever, by reading you review it already got me a little scared. I have seen many movies where new unknown actors were casting and I was realy surprised how good and real they were.
Great review!

Thank you for the lovely comment, bud. Was blown away with the concept and how well the whole production gelled together. An unexpected diamond of a flick. :)

"It Follows" takes the movie industry by storm, despite its low budget. The reason? Just by the sheer greatness of the idea back the film.

It is true that nothing can succeed more than idea whose time has come. Thank you for sharing.

It did exceptionally well at the box office and I see exactly why. Word spread fast about this and with my expectations running high, it still delivered. Now, that doesn't happen too often. :)

@ezzy I have never really like scary movies. That being said I found it interesting that Hollywood is like falling apart and less and less people are actually going out to the movies now. Something like the attendance is the worst it's been in decades. Let's be honest too that Hollywood does seem to retread the same stuff over and over again...............

I like the idea but can't understand the hype. Yeah, it's creepy but at no point was I scared. For the most part, I was weirded out by the guy who thinks she's insane and sees that as an excuse to fuck her?! The fact that it just walks seems like more of an inconvenience than a fear factor - if it really annoys you that much, just pass it on.

I give it a rating of:
sex really does sell/10

Who’s the real you? The person who did something awful, or the one who’s horrified by the awful thing you did? Is one part of you allowed to forgive the other?
Your parents’ disapproval doesn’t make you a bad person.
I know that kind of rejection is incredibly painful, but it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. Just so you know.

thanks @ezzy you've done great job I look forward next one

i agree though the movie was short on the budget part they really tried to nail it.

They did a phenomenal job. Yes, indeedy. :)

Great idea but execution could have been a little better.
I mean for example the pool scenes didn't work imo.
Also they establish certain rules, and than broke them.

If you are interested; another movie with a simple idea that requires no budget is
"Man from Earth" (2007)
A men claims he is immortal and has been living for thousands of years.
Great film too!

Ok, that's interesting. How did they break the rules?

I mean one example of the top of my head was:
They establish that: "It" is a creature/demon that always walks slowly towards you.
OK! Cool!
Well than you see a scene where "it" is just standing still (taking the form of naked old man on top of the house).
I need to re-watch the film but I remember all but there were at least 2-3 other moments.
Remember Superman comics and movies where sometimes he has trouble lifting a bus ( when the plot demands it), in another part he lifts an iceberg or something . Well I hate that. I want consistency! :)
That's what I mean with breaking the rules(consistency).

Thanks for the feedback, although I still think the lore stands up to scrutiny for the following reason:

I'm not sure if Hugh's explanation at the start ascertained if the creature "always" has to walk given that the adolescents themselves don't much about it. There was also another instance in the movie where the creature remains stationary for a brief period of time as you mentioned. In addition to the fact that the creature walking "all the time" simply couldn't work on a logical level *(e.g. obstacles, etc).

Nonetheless, interesting observation, bud. :)

Awesome post dear thanks for sharing

great post... thanks for sharing and am going to get the movie for my girlfriend because she loves horror movies.
pls upvote my post @chidoziemike

People are sick of storyless dumb movies based on gore or over edited scenes.

Amen to that, brother! The concept of "less being more" is very prevalent in this film. And works flawlessly. :)

well writing article about the movie it follows, I look forward watching the movie. I can see that you put great energy in your review. keep it up.

Thanks very much for saying, bud. :)

I didn't see it yet and I'm a bit scared of all horror stuff. I always hide myself with a blanket. Maybe I should try it now, your review is fantastic as always ezzy chan :D

I love the fact that the filmmakers also went out of the way to show the technology used in the film could be in any time frame.

I really loved this movie. I started out with an open mind with little expectations and I was really impressed.

Very good!

It's really good. it is very essential for the's basically a helpful post
..thank you very much for sharing us.

your story lines are always awesome,thanks today too @ezzy

It follows is a very good film. Not a masterpiece, but it is efficient, original and it is deeply unsetting. That is more that enough for any horror film to be appreciated.

Another good film on this same league is "The Babadook"

Great analysis! I saw this movie on a whim when my job got cancelled for the day and I had a free afternoon and I was blown away. It really gets under your skin and leaves you wondering what will happen next. I read an interview of David Robert Mitchell where he said one of the things he was trying to do was to make is a "dateless" movie. Meaning the technology, cars, and town itself could be in any generation so the movie would last through time and the clamshell e reader was actually a makeup mirror!

It is already showing sir @ezzy? I will check the cinema movies here because I like suspense-horror movie. Better watch it. thanks for sharing your views and opinion.

It's very interesting, your post really fascinated me because I wrote a post on a subject very similar to yours.

Fear is the subject of a very complex and complicated.