In October last year, Pixar released their nineteen (and latest) animated feature film by the name of Coco. This studio seems to be able to do no wrong as the film managed to bring in a whopping $681 million at the box office. They have fast become the foundation stone upon which all other movies of the same genre are matched against. And so far none (perhaps with the exception of Dreamworks) have even come close to the levels of success and fandom they receive. This newest outing centres around a "Latino" theme (a pop at President Trump, possibly?) and features an all Mexican cast of brand new characters. Can Pixar still keep to their incredible unblemished track record by creating yet another smash hit?

The movie takes place during the well-known Mexican festival referred to as the "Day of the Dead". Many years ago, a jilted wife by the name of Imelda (voiced by Alanna Ubach) refuses to have any of her family ever play music again due to her husband leaving her to pursue a career in that very field. They had a daughter at the time by the name of Coco (voiced by Ana Ofelia Murguia) whom now, in the present day, is but an old aged lady. Miguel (voiced by Anthony Gonzalez) is Coco's great grandson and soon discovers that one of his idles, the famous Ernesto de le Cruz (voiced by Benjamin Bratt), could in fact he his long-lost father. However, due to Ernesto's unfortunate passing, Miguel sets about to steal his prized guitar kept locked within a private mausoleum. However, upon touching the stringed instrument, he instantly gets transported to the actual "Land of the Dead", where he ends up getting much more than he had originally bargained for.

There's a certain "look" and "feel" of animation when Pixar are involved in any project. The use of vibrant, fluorescent colour palettes. Deep, emotional depth to their expression filled characters. It's almost down to an exact art-form and I'm happy to say they've implemented that same winning formula here once again. There are plenty of moments that will beckon to your eyes with a near hypnotic effect at the radiant beauty. Such as the "land of the dead" itself which is anything but. Wide, sweeping shots of the city from above will have you gasping in awe. Or the "bridge of flowers" that makes you just want to bath in it's glittering yellow petals all day long. The levels of sophistication regarding the astounding visuals only improve with each subsequent Pixar release. And the aesthetic quality is most definitely one of the main highlights of Coco. The original score, as well as the vocal tracks written especially for the movie, are also full of their own blend of personality and soul. Kids and adults alike should feel right at home.

If there is one main underlying running theme throughout, it's the importance of family and their corresponding values. Make no mistake, you may have a hard time holding back the tears. Not only is our main protagonist, Miguel, a lovable little rogue but he comes complete with a host of incredibly charming support cast members. Such as his faithful dog, Dante, or a down-and-out "dead guy" he befriends over on the other side. I do understand that this is primarily a children's movie with adult elements thrown in, but the relatability factor regarding both sets of age groups, work on almost every level. We can all find a tonne of enjoyment and laughter with Coco as the narrative is literally bursting at the seams with side stories, jokes and numerous hidden messages. Each skeletal figure has a surprisingly varied range of expressions too that should captivate and engage with audiences. This is the perfect family film that you, the wife and the kids would have a great time checking out together.
Well, their track record only seems to be going from strength to strength. I can't believe how many innovative stories and beloved characters Pixar are capable of conjuring up. This is a heart-warming adventure of love, learning and appreciating the gift of life. You could do a lot worse than watching the fantastic Coco. Another golden feather in the cap of the magnificent animation giants that are Pixar.
My Verdict: (8.5/10)

This is one I haven't seen yet (geez, I say that a lot eh?), but I checked out the trailer and it looks like another great Pixar film. Maybe a little too much for my two year old to understand, but it will be there for when she gets older.
Oh, but I did watch Baby Driver last night and really dug the classic tunes with the driving scenes, sweet combo there! :D
This one is a doozy! I'm sure you'll like it, my bro! And yes, I'm real glad you liked Baby Driver. Cool little flick that deserves all the recognition it gets.
the) lead animators for this film :DFun fact: @randomli's childhood friends aunt is one of the (if not
I haven't had the chance to see it, but I've hear criticism that it's too similar to the other animation years back called "The Book of Life". Did you find that to be the case? People are ragging on the MCU, but it's really Pixar that has found the formula to long-standing animation success. They've been doing it for decades haha!
Really?? Wow, @randomli has got some serious talent running in her family! You seems to make the best choices in life, even in you life partner! Awesome...
Yeah, I must check out "Book of Life". Though I'd be hard pressed to believe they did a better job with the story premise than Pixar did, lol. Guess I'll just have to watch it and found out. :)
Hmm you misread it haha it's actually her friend's aunt haha
Wow! ... No.
That's my Top 3 of animation movies. Something funny about it, as it is a story about Latinos, it's easier to get related to it, or closer to the characters, at least for me as latina. Great review as usual!
Defo, @bkdbkd. I'm glad you give it your seal of approval and we both enjoyed this movie regarding it with the same high standards. Thank you... :)
My 1 year old daughter makes this movie her lullaby. She literally recites the lines as the movie plays on my cellphone. Part of her limited screen time is watching Coco in Youtube usually before she goes to sleep.
This movie really teaches family values and the attitude of gratitude! I love this movie too. :)
Oh yes! In terms of life's teachings and all, Pixar can prove the ultimate in educational personality-building for children. That story about your 1 year old and her love for this movie just goes to show how much these movies actually means to even the youngest of our generation. Beautiful stuff, @ablaire. :)
It's a top notch film. You are so right when it comes to the colour pallete of Pixar films. There are parts that are just downright magical. They really have been nailing it for some years now.
And I always fight the tears at their films!
A juggernaut in the world of animation. No one else really comes close, as I mentioned, possibly with the exception of Dreamworks. But yeah, I had to man-up at the end and think of something else lest be ridiculed by my peers for being a cry-baby. Lol, typical male am I. :)
I had to do exactly the same not just for Coco but for the last few of them. I think in Inside Out I made this ridiculous squawking noise in the cinema because of the man style swallowing the anguish deep inside!
Ah the magic of pixar, I am in love with the way these movies are produced, all of the colors appeal to my inner child which is still very much alive and well. Another awesome review, I'm really getting into these!
Thanks very much, @dreemit! I also get captivated by how amazing the visuals and stories are from this incredible team. :)
Absolutely :)
So I wrote an actual blog for today, used the funny tag for the first time, woot, lol. If you get a chance, check it out, it was super fun to put together :) xo
What i learned from this movie is to Never underestimate the power of music. And none was going to hand us our future, it was up to us to reach for our dreams, grab it tight and make it come true.. Remember me, Remember me. Hahaha truly a work of art movie. :')
Oh yes! "Remember Me", what a beautiful song with a great message behind it. Fantastic stuff. So glad you enjoyed it as much as I did... :)
Hahahaha yeah i really enjoyed the song. And also i really enjoyed reading your articles. I cant wait to read your nxt article. Keep posting good quality post. :')
I have NEVER cried over an animation movie until I watched Coco. I couldn't even shut off the faucet to my eyes for over an hour. Even reading this makes me tear up. The movie was beautiful and the plot killed me. I know for a fact when I watch this movie again, I'll probably burst into tears. 😂😂😂😂
Lol, I hear ya! Coco was brimming with raw emotion and delivered with such class. The guys down at Pixar are the ultimate in their craft. Nuff said... :)
In October last month Pixar released nine movies, maybe that's a great achievement. Many of the benefits achieved make them not in vain at work. Very beautiful story. @ezzy
For sure, they can release as many as they want if the quality is this damn good! Thanks for stopping by. :)
I just watched the trailer of “Coco”. I think that the animation is excellent. Pixar has outstanded in this. I love the music as well. Casting is great too.
Great review!
Thank you, my friend! The trailer for this film gives you a good gist of what's in store. If you liked the trailer, the movie shouldn't disappoint. :)
just watched it yesterday. I really enjoyed it. I think they could've worked on some of the side characters a little more, perhaps giving them a bit more definition....and some of the impact of the twist were a little bit skipped over (perhaps because it was deemed a little too edgy so they softened the blow a bit, but I thought they would have done well to intensify the emotional repercussions), but the ending was brutally tear-jerking and I came away feeling like Id really enjoyed the experience. Especially as I'd watched it with family :) :) :) x
As long as you came away with a thoroughly enjoyable experience, that's all that matters. I think you make a good point with a few of the toning down of various themes, possible due to it's audience partly being made up of kids. Still, I loved this movie, as with all the Pixar line-up before it. :)
I have this movie in the queue of my library rentals and can't wait to get my hands on it. The movie has all the elements of my culture, what I love, especially looming in such a geightened political atmospgere here. I always love reading your reviews, awesome work!
Nice post
As a latin myself (im not mexican) im glad to see a movie like Coco being such a sucess worldwide. This could inspire other people to seek inspiration in our culture to make more great stories, 'cause in the latinamerican legends there is so much material to make stories.
Also, it is great that an american studio such as Pixar made a better cultural reflexion of mexico that all of the mexican animation to the date.
Nice review, better movie.
Agreed. They respect and promote other cultures apart from their own (being primarily the USA), which I tip my hat off to them for. A great all round effort. :)
family is very important. this film look like good message. I with my daughter and husband watching as soon as. good film elections. ..
I also love the message of this movie. Thanks for dropping by. :)
Pixar suprises me every time. The storytelling technique they use is the same, but is a succesful one. It appeals to all ages, like you said.
Great review!
Pixar can. :)Thanks, @pink-coco. They've got the formula and tweak what's needed, when necessary. Many elements may be recycled, for sure, but no one else quite pulls it off the way
I know pixar works hard at their movies, i hace watched a few and enjoyed them. I also enjoyed your review.
Many thanks, buddy. :)
Don't you think this is kinda similar to Book Of Life? Maybe they've run out of stories.
I've yet to watch Book of Life, but from my understanding, it's from a different studio. Though I can't comment to their differences side-by-side, I'll be most happy to wager which is probably the better of the two. :)
Still can't wait for Incredibles 2
Me too, buddy! :)
I just watched the movie, but I asked a little about the flow of the film. in my opinion, such films could damage the child's concern about death. is not the nature of spirits not as beautiful as told in the film.
hallo master. thank you post. @ezzy thank you, sorry if my understanding is wrong, I just want to express my opinion. i'am @nadiasteem
well i have not wated this yet bu after yu review i hink its good i should
Really enjoyed it with my wife, I love the way Pixar can take a simple emotional concept, create graphically astonishing world around it and then overwhelm you with it, in a good way :) And by the way, being 16 flight hours away from Mexico, I think the hispanic theme was very charming. Not sure another culture's interpretation could pull it off.
I'm mexican and this movie did a great job with our traditions. I really, like it!
I live in Yucatan, here this tradition is called "Hanal Pixan" in Maya, its mean is "Walk of the souls" , is the same tradition with few differences :)
Good post..have a nice day@ezzy.
I want to speak to parents here; this movie is not for children, it will explode in frustration and you will be tortured, so be aware.
If you pass this, it will be an exquisite animation, you will get the oscar .. so there is an idea in this direction :)I enjoyed it when I watched the movie in front of a brat standing behind and kicking my seat. I cried a lot.
I fainted about the review. I get new ideas about a lot of movies.
I thank you very much in this regard.
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Amazing movie! While you are watching it you experience a lot of different emotions (you laugh, you are scared, you are in tension, you cry). It's very funny and original and the emotions of children are different from emotions of adults. Fantastic!