3000 Followers Reached!! Thank You!! A Recap into the Social Media Journey of a Lifetime

in #story7 years ago (edited)

So, it's come to this. Over 3000 followers later and I'm still having the ride of a lifetime. Steemit has played such an integral part of my being since I joined way back in July 2016 that I find it hard to concentrate on much else. I'm sure many other steemians can relate to that. For instance, I've introduced a few of my friends to the platform who are now getting themselves up and running. All well and good but when they ask questions regarding the platform, I immediately just assume it's simple common knowledge! Such as the fact that "steempower" allows you to increase your vote worth or the different html tags needed to give your post a nice aesthetic boost! But that just goes to show how invested I am and have been in this platform.

The politics have always been there, disputes raging between different members of the Steemit community and all kinds of crazy price fluctuations over its short life. But despite all the negativity, Steemit is stronger than ever and has never looked better. This year is already shaping up to be even better than the last and I can only look forward to what's in store next for us all in the coming months. I've made such incredible friends along the way who've all helped in impacting my life in so many great and unexpected ways. And all from me signing up about a year and a half ago to delve into the unknown. So, thank you to every single one of you who follow my blog and have made this experience as amazing and rewarding as it has been. My appreciation for you guys can never be underestimated.

Therefore, I've decided to take a look back at a few of my most memorable posts to remind myself of how far I've come (I had never blogged before discovering Steemit) and showcase the fact that we all can make it too if we persevere and consistently keep pushing forward!


The Bionic Experiment - This is a short story that I wrote and managed to garner an award for "Best Original Fiction" at the last Steemfest. Set in the not-too-distant-future, it involves a young man, Vic, volunteering to partake in an undisclosed governmental initiative to trial a new set of prosthetic limbs with advanced capabilities. With his younger brother at his side, he prepares for a new lease of life which had been stolen away from him for far too long. But are the true motives behind this secretive project really all that they appear to be?

23 Minutes - My personal contribution to "creepypasta" via Steemit. This short was again written when I was just starting out and is actually a kind of sequel to another prior short story before it. So it begs the question. If you heard a loud scream in the middle of the night from an isolated house across the street, would you choose to investigate yourself or call the cops? On a hot, restless night in a sleepy suburb of America, corporate workerJill decided upon the former...

The Game - Prison is a terrifying prospect for any one of us. That's a given. Especially is you're an innocent civilian held captive in the middle of a war in foreign lands. Married couple Sheila and Ben have had a good, happy marriage together for many decades. However, having been caught in the throes of this exact horrifying situation, can they hod it together and do what it takes to survive at the mercy of a small group of sadistic military resistance fighters?

Inside The Mind of War - "Combat shock" is a very real condition that affects many young army vets who come home to their families after witnessing the horrors of war. Some may be worse off than others. But how well can a man who has been pushed over the edge conceal it from his peers? In a situation like this, everyone involved is a victim and this story short illustrates just how far this disturbing condition can spiral out of control...

Bitbaby - In the future, blockchain technology will have progressed at an almost exponential rate. So much so that a sort of artificial symbiosis has occurred in which humans will have the option of implementing their very own blockchain within their physical mind. Purpose being to constantly record every single memory a person ever creates via their optic and auditory senses. Which leads to Debbie's story and that of her newborn baby. This short story was followed up as a prelude to my first ever novella Echoes of Tomorrow's Past.

Visitation Rites - A death in the family is an extremely traumatic event for the best of us. Even if the deceased is of the four-legged variety. And that is exactly what happened to this young boy's cat. Jamie had been inseparable from Mia for most of his life so one afternoon returning back from school, he and his mother were both devastated to discover his tragic and untimely news about their beloved pet. However, little did they know the nightmare for them had only just begun.

Well, there you have it folks. Just a few of my posts of which I'm so very proud to have posted on Steemit as well as being a part of this awesome community. Though at the same time, I'm quite confident that we are still at the very beginning stages of a much larger adventure here on this great platform. It's changed my life in so many positive ways and will continue to do so. I have no doubt about it.

Bless you all and I hope to do a follow-up to this in the near future. Thank you...


Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)

There are 2 pages

Hey congratulations for this milestone @ezzy bro and Steem On!
Greetings from Berlin. Jonas @future24

What a fantastic achievement and amazing journey @ezzy! I am so proud of you and really Look forward to seeing more incredible articles from you. Steem On!!!

Hey there, @rea! Well, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't even be posting on here so maximum respect to my founder! Love always... :)

Keep staying awesome @ezzy bro and congratulations for your next Steemit milestone - Steem On! 👊

Congratulations!! Honestly this paltform is such an addition , I joined back June 2017 and it has changed my life forever and I’m sure it has played a similar role for you as well

It's crazy what an effect it's had on us, right? And here's to the next few months ahead of us too. Thanks for stopping by... :)

Congratulations @ezzy! Make sure to celebrate each and every milestone!

Eric! Oh man, if only I could explain in words how much I look up to you and your magnificent work and acheivements. Means the world to me for you dropping by on this post, thank you! Now, onto the next milestone as you say.

Unreal respect and gratitude to you, good sir. For helping my through the hard times at the beginning. :)

You are most welcome, brother. You have true talent. Always believe that. You are going to do amazing things, I feel it.

Oh wow, you actually have TWO milestones - reputation 69 and the 3,000 followers. Congratulations are in order! I've always said that you have the gift of words and you only need to continue to show everyone it to rise and rise.

Here's to 10,000 followers!

It couldn't be happening to a better person, bud! :D

The man of the hour! Oh bro, you got me through so many tough times at the start. I owe a hell of a lot to you and sincerely mean that from the bottom of my heart, bud. Let's rise up the ranks together and have the best possible time we can!

Thank you so very much for everything, my awesome friend! :)

Congratulations on the big three oh oh.. oh! I'm glad to have witnessed your meteoric ascent here. I remember when I first stumbled upon you while you were writing The Game, when you were earning measly rewards like the rest of my kind. Look at you now, man! To say that you've moved on up in the Steemit World is an understatement. You have fulfilled my prediction and your own potential, and I'm happy that you're getting your due here! Meeting the legendary @ezzy while he was still an unknown and conversing with him intimately while he still had time to spare will surely be a story that I will tell my future grandkids!

Man, where would I be without the bombastic and inspiration mega-author that is @jedau! Missed you, my bro! Yeah, we've been through so much, right? But our time is now through all the effort and encouragement we offered each other. Especially from you. To date, there is no comment as endearing and warm-hearted as yours. I felt like crap a few times at the beginning (like anyone starting out on Steemit goes through at some point or other) and your determined motivation pushed me through that barrier. You're one on a million, bro. I know I've strayed a little lately but soon hope to begin writing again. God bless you all the way down to Mother Nature's green earth... :)

I'm glad that I was able to help you achieve your full potential. I always say that all we need is one other person to motivate us. Now that you're floating above heights that were once thought of as unreachable, I will always go back to the time when I was still pushing you to fly :D I'm glad that my encouraging comments were heard. Quite too often they're left unanswered.

Hello @ezzy. How are you? I cannot tell you the enjoyment your stories have brought for me. You can see the level of respect you have on this platform. I still agree you are the best writer on Steemit and I am growing impatient waiting for your upcoming instalments to the stories you have yet to finish. Well done, @ezzy. You are the very best of the very best.

Yo @myb! Been a while! Man, I cherish those words from you. The support is unreal and I can only say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will get back to writing up the rest of my projects soon. You're an inspiration... Thank you. :)

nice comment

I just started out a few days ago in Steemit and reading stories of success like this is a boost to my morale and endurance. Steemit is in no means a get rich scheme. Sure, some post and topics can be viral but your story is an example of hard consistent work that pays off. The little things we do, say, and post does have this butterfly effects on others. Keep it up!

That's the best attitude to approach Steemit, buddy. An inspired and positive one. Over time and lots of patience, you will build a decent following and make your mark on this amazing platform. Don't let negativity cloud your judgement as the haters will always hate, but will never move "you" forward. I hope you take this opportunity and make the best use you possibility can of it. It certainly changed my life, I can tell you! :)

All the best, @dadup! :)

Goodmorning Ezzy, congratulations with your 3000 followers. I can understand why you have so many followers. You made many memorable posts and I think you will make a lot more in the future. What I admire is that you (and Rea) always make posts that show there was a lot of effort put into it. No posts that have been put together quickly, but really thorough work.
Good luck in the future!

Hey @clio! I like to think I've given Steemit a decent go since I began so I thank you for your comments. Though I must say if it wasn't for that incredible son of yours, his experience wouldn't be half as great as it turned out. And the fact that you are also so involved now is just the icing on the cake. My absolute love to you and your fantastic family... :)

Thank you Ezzy, I am grateful that Mark convinced me in November 2016 to join Steemit. It took me a while, but now I can only say I am an addict as well. Not like Mark, he is really incredible, but I like it very much. He also convinced his older brother Jan-Jaap (@look4balance)to join and that is quite a victory. I tried to explain what Steemit means to me in my last post. By the way thanks for your votes (you and Rea) on that post, it means a lot to me. I hope to see you two next time you are in Rotterdam. Lots of love to you and Rea!

You've really had a good time on steemit and this tells with the wide knowledge you have about most of steemit operations and yet you had never even been a blogger before.
My best two posts are 23 minutes and Inside Mind of War, you must have realised a hidden skill you've been having and not using until steemit came into your life.

Thank you very much! I love those two posts you mentioned as they remind me of the good old days when I was fighting and clawing my way to get noticed. Remember, I'm nobody special. Just a guy who strove to make on here. If I can do it, anybody can!

Bless you for your gracious comments... :)

Congratulation to your 3000 followers!
It’s an amazing idea to show you portfolio in this post. It nice to go back in time.

Hey there, @milano1113. Thanks very much. Loving this platform and hoping we all achieve even greater things in 2018! :)

Awesome achievement dude, well deserved.

Hey man! Thank you very much for stopping by and hopefully will bump into you soon on Discord. Bless, pal... :)

the different html tags needed to give your post a nice aesthetic boost!

Need to check this too, my posts might be missing different html tags

Also need to check The bionic experiment that u wrote, it sounds cool.
Bitbaby sounds like that episode from Black Mirror where people have a device in their eyes that record everything, you should sue them because it was your idea xD
Congrats on the 3k followers

Thank you for your comment, buddy! It's been a long road but an oh-so-enjoyable one! What a rush!

Bless you, brother!... :)

Wow what a fantastic milestone reached!
It's not easy pilung up hardwork, till it results in to something big and here you are 3000 followers.

I use to read a few of your works they are amazing, believe me, you are a fantastic fiction writer, one of the best actually this blockchain have seen.

Ah, thank you so much! You don't know how much that means to me.

Bless you... :)

Keep up with it buddy, even the sky will stop being the limit 😀

Just a few indeed, but a few brilliant additions to the Steemit catalogue. Well done on the milestone, and thank you for the contributions you have made to helping make Steemit the great place it is today.

I look forward to reading more of your stories (and even the ones I have missed previosuly - no upvotes, but I'll comment away).

Now excuse me, but I have some catching up to do :)

Hey my brother! Trust that one of the authors that inspired "me" because of his brilliance should drop by! Means a lot, buddy. I hope to return to my writing soon as I sill have a few unfinished projects left to complete.

Bless you to the highest mountains, man! Thank you! :)

You always pop up on my radar. Ping. There it is again. Unfinished projects are what define a writer's life. Could also be the name of my memoirs. Glad I could inspire you in my own little way. It's reciprocated. Again, all the best.

Congrats on the 3000, I am sure it will not take long to get to 6000.Almost 6 months for me on steemit, and it is still fun for me also, I do not see myself going anywhere else at the moment. Enjoy your day, and keep the stories alive.

Hey man! I've seen you around plenty on Steemit! Thank you for commenting on my blog, buddy! Yes, please stick around as we need to build on the community of decent, upstanding steemians like yourself. All the best, man and thanks once again for gracing my post with your presence... :)

congratulations. The next target is 5K. You definitely write your blogs so beautifully. I just learned that it started here. You are very successful. I hope I can write a nice blog like you. @ezzy My fovorite ''The Game''

Thank you, @darksea. I hope I can reach that milestone one day. And anybody can write like me, buddy. All we need is imagination, the rest should fall into place!

All the best, my friend! :)

Well done man! It only shows how great you and your work are. Congrats! 👏🏼

Hey there, @bkdbkd! Thank you for those heartfelt words. Bless... :)

Good job for the 3000. The story touched me as I'm a new steemian and I've never blogged before but I already have a vision for my future in this platform.

I've just discovered you but it's never too late, right? Good job for these acoomplishes and good luck for the next targets. What are those? 4k? 5k? 10k?

Hey there, fellow steemian! Yeah, I've been on this platform for a pretty long time and loved every minute of it. So glad you found your way here. Before joining, I wasn't even on Facebook or Instagram! So, it was a new experience for me as it will be for you. Persevere, my friend. There's still plenty of room for budding bloggers to make it on here... :)

I will work really hard for it, thank you a lot of the reply and the value you're share. You still didn't tell me about your next target haha!

Lol... Next target will be a conservative 5k. Many more steemians are way more than me by now but I'll get there... :)

Good luck achieving your next target then!

Great news to hear all the success you've been having on Steemit @ezzy. I'm fairly new but look to you as inspiration. Your writing is very considered and I always enjoy the detail in your posts. Keep up the great work. Following and enjoying, even as a newbie here :)

Thanks very much, @oen! I started out the same place you did, buddy. I'm nothing special, just tried to remain positive and consistent. An important word of advice that helped me immeasurably: NEVER LISTEN TO THE NAYSAYERS WHO TELL YOU TO GIVE UP! Lol, I wouldn't be where I am now if I'd taken their valuable advice at the time. All the best and wishing you lots of success of Steemit. :)

Well well @ezzy i found you from@velimir blog and followed you :)

First of all Congratulations for the amazing journey you had since july2016, i am always a huge admirer of great writers and poets :)

I am so glad that i found someone who is going to amuse me through his writings. I am really looking forward to interact you My Friend.

It is a custom in our culture to gift something in first meeting, My friend i have nothing such worthy thing to offer you except a small upvote and lot of prayers for your awesome career <3

Together we can make this community an amazing place, My support is always with you :)

Stay Blessed, Steem on!

Hey man! You came over from @velimir's blog? A kinder, more gentle soul you'll struggle to find. He is such an amazing and talented writer/photographer. So I'm all the more humbled by you checking my blog out. We're all on the same journey and through helping and supporting one another, will all make it to the top!

Bless you for your beautiful comment, man. Hope to see you around a lot more. Thank you... :)

I am so much obliged by your kind words and the warm welcome i got from you, no doubt you are such an amazing steemian with awesome grip on language, loving ur every single word the beautiful soul <3

Stay Blessed :-)

congrats @ezzy, I just started following you recently, I'm probably #2990ish LOL! I look forward to your future posts and thanks for setting a good example of how to grow in this community!

Thanks very much, @geoffreydemars! I'll do my best and try to come up with more original content in the near future. Bless you, man. :)

Congratulations on the 3K.
Nice work with the formatting.

Thanks, man! You're not doing too bad yourself!!! :)

You're welcome :-)

Congratulations on hitting 3K man! There will be a lot of dead followers in that list but who cares. xD You said you never wrote before joining Steemit but you seem to know your way around words very well.
Keep them movie reviews coming. All the best for 5K and 70 rep. I'm on my way to 1K now. Let's goooo...!

Congrats on nearing the 1k mark! It's taking me ages to get to 3k, lol! Thanks for the kind words, my bro. Yeah, blogging was so new to me back then and now it's almost second nature. And so much fun at the same time! Still can't believe I found this life-changing platform. Wishing you the same amount of success... And much more besides. :)

Hahaha! Thanks man! :D

Wow! I only created an account last week. Glad I've just stumbled onto you. Will look through your posts to see if I can glean lots of useful information and material. Great to find somebody who has done well. It bodes well for my desire to get into creative writing as a part-time activity. Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.

Hey @novicewriter. Thanks for taking the time to leave such a great comment! I've got this far through nothing but sheer work (though a lot of it was fun too, lol). The same will happen for you it you persevere! And any tips for you? Don't give in to negativity created by your feelings or, more importantly, other people. They have their path, you have yours. So make it a "golden" one! :)

All the best, buddy. :)

Congrats on the followers! Cool beans!

I'm pretty sure most of my followers are spammers lol.

Lol! I know. But that's to be expected, lol. Many of mine must be too. Never mind, it comes with the territory. Thank you! :)

Good achievements my friend my respects for you, keep it up, we can always follow someone and grow following the big ones. regards.

Thanks, buddy.

congratulations. I'm sure you'll get more follow-up. I found the page new but the texts are really good. You are a very good writer. keep working. I'm following you. @ezzy

Thanks a lot, bud. I also wish you very bit of success on Steemit. To the moon! :)

I am reaching 3,000 myself soon bro!

Glad to have found you. You're one of the cooler dudes here :) Grats!

Oh mate! Congrats to you too, my man! And thanks for the humbling comment. Those feelings are totally reciprocated back... :)

Looking forward to more movies from ya!

Congratulations on your 3000 followers👍
Great achievement and well deserved.
Fun that you also putted some of your recent posts in here, really great to se more.
Have a wonderful Sunday. Cheers!

And all the best to you too, @saffisara! Thanks for stopping by! Now, onward and upward as they say. I wish you all the success in the world here on Steemit. Keeping pushing and never give up! :)

congrats on this milestone and thank you for introducing me to Steemit!

My pleasure, buddy! Loving you're varied and interesting posts. You'll be a force to be reckoned with on this platform soon, no doubt about it.

STEEM ON, brother! :)

Congratulations. I'm one of your new followers. You are great writer. I'm going to read all your text. You are a good inspiration for others. Keep rising. Peace& Love from Spain.

Thank you for dropping by and those sweet, kind words. Keep on pushing, @motherearthist! :)

Congrats ezzy! You are a good writer, well deserved!

Thank you very much, @joythewanderer! Was a pleasure meeting you at the last Steemfest and hopefully our paths will cross again in the future. STEEM ON! :)

Why those were all amazing posts and congrats on reaching a great deal of milestone. I loved the one inside the war head. they are all distinctively amazing. You are such a talent. God bless you. Runs to read his other blogs
@ezzy good job man

Thank you very much, @naima94! Really appreciate you taking the time to read some of my work. God bless you too.. :)

You are most welcome. Its not very easy to stumble accross mindul posts everyday now is it? =)
prayers for you my friend

Hi! Long time to see! Congratulations! And you deserved many more!

Hey there, @akinsya! Hope you're keeping well and yes, it's been ages! Thank you for stopping by and hopefully we can both collaborate on another art project again soon... :)


Thanks a million, @allasyummyfood. I've got a mountain to climb before I get anywhere near to where you are, lol. But this is good enough for now. All the very best and thanks for stopping by... :)

Amazing Job Brother!

Your work is an inspiration to me and many other people who are also interested in writing.

Keep the good work!

Thanks a lot, bud! :)

Congrats man

Thanks. :)

Fantastic artical I like it and congratulation for this achievement now i am also a part of 3000+ hope i will learn from your post I wish you all the best i am going to visit your blog Because i appereciate your work

Nice post. Im happy for you. Now im one of your followers too :)

Many thanks, man. :)

I remember when all of that was like a foreign language to me. Now it makes total sense luckily.

Steemit has played such an integral part of my being since I joined way back in July 2016 that I find it hard to concentrate on much else. I'm sure many other steemians can relate to that.

Congratulations on your achievement. July 2016 to now is a long time, maybe cause i'm only a week some days old. Goes to show how consistent you have been. The key word is consistence, maybe if i put in much work i could reach the level you are.

You a great writer, i hope to look up your works i missed. Again , congrats.

Congratulations. 3000 more my friend

That's a wicked good achievement. Here's to the next few thousand followers :-)

Bless, buddy! Thanks for stopping by and yes, to the next milestone! :)

Well done. Something to be proud of. I wish you much continuing success. Peace :)

Bless... :)

Looks great!!! Congratulations you are awesome @ezzy DQmdFrxBBT1R2CaAWR3AhX4mrv68Jdr6bUVCnMv9QPGr1tZ.gif

Nice one, buddy! Thank you... :)

Congratulations on another milestone! :)

wow. @ezzy so much happy for you and excited to have joined part of your steeming hot followers who shall together see you to next milestone. will hope to enjoy more from you here. thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much, fellow steemian friend! I don't intend to stop posting any time soon, lol. Hope to see you again in the near future. :)

Sure and let's keep steeming hot 😋

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