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RE: Top 8 Best Reasons Why SWAT Teams Point Guns at Babies: Grand Finale PART 9 of 9

in #story8 years ago

We definitely rocked their world that day. Instead of giving them back hate, fear and anger, we gave them back love, and compassion--even inviting them to lay down their guns, bring their families here and so we could feed them. That must have blown some of them away!!! What does one even do with peaceful people like us? Hopefully questions one's own motives and responsibility for participating in such ridiculousness. Thanks for the writing, LoveOn. I appreciate your sharing.


It's weird thinking such a tragic event can be turned around to be used to bring awareness and evolution but, that's what we're doing. Like the Chariot VII of the tarot, it may seem we're working our asses off and nothing is happening but perseverance is the key. The shift is happening, it's just not yet obvious. Well, some days more so than others. Grateful for your enduring friendship.