What A Summer!

in #story2 years ago (edited)

We're losing minutes of daylight per day, the leaves are starting to turn colors, and autumn's chill is already in the air. It always goes too fast, especially in our part of the world, but what an eventful summer it's been. Following are a few things that have been occupying my time and headspace.


My wife and I haven’t watched regular network or cable television since we canceled our Directv subscription in 2010. We’ve been streaming shows for so long that we find it torturous to sit through even thirty minutes of network programming (which includes around ten minutes of commercials) without feeling frustrated.

In these past twelve years we’ve found some incredible shows but few have measured up to the series we just wrapped up on Netflix (season 9 is on Amazon Prime), Suits. The show originally premiered in 2011 on the USA Network. Over the past few months we’ve been watching it, we couldn’t believe we didn’t hear a buzz about it.

Much like Peaky Blinders when the credits rolled on the last episode of season 9 I felt a certain sadness that we wouldn’t be spending time with those characters anymore. That’s how good it was. My favorite character? Louis Litt by a long shot. If you’re looking for something to watch I highly recommend you give Suits a try.


It’s pretty clear at this point that the SEC is doing everything they can to suppress the market. Suppress them, that is, until the big banks and Wall Street have replaced legacy crypto exchanges in the US and are prepared to manipulate and fully capitalize off of the crypto markets. At this point their strategy is as transparent as it is exhausting, which means they’re accomplishing what they’ve set out to do.

The good news is market can’t be suppressed forever. All it’s going to take is a catalyst and many think the first bitcoin spot ETF will be the spark that ignites the next bull market. The thing that worries me is the reputation of the alt coin sector has taken a huge hit by the multi-year smear campaign. Hopefully we have at least one more bull cycle that more than the top ten coins can capitalize on. The low cap alt coins are one the of easiest ways average people can change their destinies. If this door to financial freedom is closed it’ll be a very sad day.


In just about a week I’ll be on yet another flight. Montreal will be just the beginning of what will be a few months of international travel. Pictures and stories will be soon to follow. Hopefully there won’t be any magic carpet rides/cannabis-incidents like there was last time. Maybe this will be the time I finally try poutine.


It’s happening! I’ve officially begun work on a brand new comic strip called, Maelstrom of F*ckery. I’ll be looking at a few different publication opportunities for this new strip and will be posting it here on Hive (of course) eventually. M.O.F. will be an edgy one panel strip that reflects the frustrations and absurdities of today’s world. It will be fun to get reacquainted with my artistic side and I can’t wait to share it with you all!

I’ll also be publishing a collection of short stories in book form late this year or in early 2024. It’s definitely been a busy summer! Stay tuned.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Thanks for reading! All for now. Trust your instincts, invest in you, live boldly, and take chances.

(Gifs sourced from Giphy.com)

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Poetry should move us, it should change us, it should glitch our brains, shift our moods to another frequency. Poetry should evoke feelings of melancholy, whimsy, it should remind us what it feels like to be in love, or cause us to think about something in a completely different way. I view poetry, and all art really, as a temporary and fragile bridge between our world and a more pure and refined one. This is a world we could bring into creation if enough of us believed in it. This book is ephemera, destined to end up forgotten, lingering on some dusty shelf or tucked away in a dark attic. Yet the words, they will live on in memory. I hope these words become a part of you, bubble up into your memory when you least expect them to and make you feel a little more alive.

Pick up a copy of Ephemera today on Amazon.

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Most of us have experienced a moment of perfect peace at least once in our lives. In these moments we lose ourselves and feel connected to everything. I call these mindful moments. Words can’t describe how complete they make us feel.

These moments are usually fragile, evaporating in seconds. What if there was a way to train your mind to experience more of them? It’s deceptively easy and requires nothing more than a subtle shift in mindset. My new book, Mindful Moments, will teach you to be much more content despite the chaos and imperfect circumstances continuing to unfold around you. Upgrade your life experience today for only $15.99 on Amazon.com.

Let’s Keep In Touch



I will have to check out suits. We are always on the hunt for the next good show and if you recommend them I'm in!

I think it grabbed us after about the second episode. The characters are just so well written. This is one that could've gone another ten seasons and wouldn't have gotten old.

It's on the list to be watched. I love a good streaming show that you can get stuck into

Same here. It's nice to escape for a little while. Are there any that you've particularly connected with recently?

We havent had a good one for a while. We are watching a British one just now, The Stranger, it is ok, but not amazing drink deep from the binge well amazing!

Only a small handful are in that category! I'm still rationing eps of Still Game. I watch one every few weeks.

I hope that the short story book that you will publish in 2024 will be successful in the market. And I also hope that in the next year all crypto coins will increase in price. Have a nice day Eric.

Thank you Eliana! It's looking like it'll be a long winter from crypto but I hope 2024 is better. Enjoy your weekend!

Your comic strip sounds like just we need for these times lol. I honestly cannot wait until you offer the first M.O.F. panel. You have a treasure trove of material to use as fodder for your pen.

It's going to be so much fun, Tamara. Current events will provide all of the "f*ckery" I'll ever need. Lol. I'm trying to find a way to draw it digitally so it's easier to produce when I'm on the road. I used to do everything by hand but that just wouldn't be feasible now.

Oh yeah..there must be a way to go digital. Hahaa I can't wait to see what you come up with!

There's an interesting one I found that turns photos into the comic strip and you can layer drawings on top.

I also have not watched TV since many years. I watch movies and TV series either online, or I download them (mostly with torrent). Of course both without advertisements.

So many people have switched to streaming now. Once you've lived without advertisements it's difficult to go back. Hope you're well. You travel back in a week, right?

You travel back in a week, right?

Yes. Exactly one week (seven days) later. On the evening of 2023.08.25. According to the schedule, the airplane departs at 21:10, and it will arrive at 23:50. So I will be home around midnight, if they will not change the schedule.

Nice! Maybe you'll decide to go back to Spain at some point in the future. You're still young.

All the movies and series I have watched for the past one year is online as well. I felt a lot more in control compared to watching from tv subscription.

Suit is an interesting series, though I have only watched a few episodes of the session one. If I could find the time I will definitely go back to watch it to the end.

I like having more control over what we watch as well. It's hard to believe there are 9 whole seasons. The last season is short though, they wrapped things up in a hurry after Meghan left.

Have fun in Montreal! I just realized we are only going to be a couple hours from there when we take our trip this fall. Not sure we will be able to fit it in though. Suits is definitely on our list now. We just need to find the time to watch it. Looking forward to seeing your comic strip!

Thank you, man! It would be worth the trip. Let me know if you decide to go and I'd be happy to send some recommendations. I have ideas for the first few strips I just need to decide on a app/program to draw it with. Most of the ones I've found are more suited to full color animation. Maybe I just need to go with something ultra simple like a drawing pad program.

Perhaps. Do they still make those tablets that allow you to draw? I can't remember the brand now. I want to say Qomo, but I don't know if that is right. We are going to be focusing mainly on Vermont while we are there. I am sure we will make it to Montreal some day!

My wife has an iPad (with the Apple pencil) I could use but I was searching for a program/app that would allow me to add text. You can't go wrong with Vermont. That will be a lot of fun.

I think the tablet I was thinking of was a Wacom or something like that. That sounds more accurate.

I watched Suits, first two seasons and after that forgot about them. Liked that show very much. :)

My favorite character? Louis Litt by a long shot.

Ohhhhh Suits!! I haven't seen any other law series that does it better than Suits.

My Favorite character would be the all knowing Donna🥰🥰

Donna was an amazing character! She was the REAL boss. : )

You need to see the way I was smiling all through when I saw you mention "Suits". I love that series. I've finished all the episodes and all the seasons. I wouldn't mind watching it all over again. I fancy Harvey Specter, Mike Ross and that loyal secretary. I love everything about that series.

It was very well done! The only weak point was the dialogue. We noticed a lot of the characters said the same key words over and over again (goddamn was a big one, that's said about 500 times in an episode).

😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂 oh my... I didn't notice that. I know it's what Harvey is used to saying.

Hello, @ericvancewalton

Although I haven't seen the series, I have listened to it when my daughter watches it while eating at the table via her cell phone. I'm guessing it's the one you're referring to, since after seeing a brief review, it sounds familiar.

Regarding the famous Bitcoin and the potential ETF, already BlackRock has their hands in. It is ironic, but not illogical how these manipulators of the financial markets operate. Personally, I am suspicious of how they handle the leading and pioneering crypto, at least in name.

I hope your comic book project is successful and pleasant and fruitful in all your travels this season.


Blackrock practically owns the SEC so I think their spot ETF will be the first that's approved here in the US.

This channel is a good source for info:

Thank you, I appreciate it! Enjoy the weekend.

The way the internet has evolved we all have stopped watching TV either completely or after a very long time we watch it occasionally but the way you are telling this TV show. It is very interesting so we will definitely try to watch it and nowadays most of the people who are away are spending their time on YouTube and Netflix.

It's so much better now. I can't imagine going back to the old model of TV programming.

I have always wanted to watch Suits but never find the time. I did see a few episodes of Pinky Blinders but yet to finish the rest.

I do hope the bull market comes around for the altcoins to change some of our destinies 🥺

Looking forward to those pictures and adventures in Montreal. Have fun..cheers

Thanks! I hope we see at least one more bull market for alts. There are quite a few people who know enough about the markets at this point to be able to retire next time around. Pictures and adventure stories will be soon to follow! Take care.

It seems you like to travel a lot which shows it part of your hobby and I can't wait to see amazing photos of beautiful places that would be shared.

Oh, I did see Suits for the first few days episodes. I remember hearing things like, Suits would make anyone want to be a lawyer and rightfully so cause of how intriguing is.
Looking forward to your trip to Montreal. And all the amazing stories that would follow.🌺

It looks like you are quite busy and doing a lot of interesting things! From enjoying TV shows like "Suits" and planning international travel to pondering the state of the crypto market and starting a new comic strip, your summer seems eventful and varied. Good luck with your upcoming endeavors!

It seems to be great. Thanks for sharing with us.

We hope for the better part of the Crypto market though seems down and challenging at the moment but there's hope for progress.

We are still watching cable networks, I had Netflix subscription, but I had to unsubscribe it because it was costly for me.

Watching was suite our satisfaction is what we really need than feeling inconvenient to watch was we don't like.

I will be so eager to have the short book you are to publish, I just hope it will be in ebook form

A few months international travel sounds interesting. Where do you plan to visit? Out of Americas?

For now it's Montreal and Ireland but Japan is also in the works. We'll be stopping home between visits though so it won't be continuous travel.

Wow! So many things to say. Like you, I have a long time without sticking to a commercial TV show. I've heard of Suits, especially after Meghan Markle's engagement and I think they cancelled it because of contract issues and just because of Meghan Markle and Patrick J. Adams leaving. Now that you talk about it, I'm itching to see it.
It's good to see you back in the game! Traveling is your natural state and it suits you very well. I hope you'll be more careful with cannabis, take amazing photos, eat delicious food and have lots of anecdotes to tell.
I'm also glad you're working on your comics and stories. That talent can't be kept bottled up and you have to publicize it!!!!
And as for the bull market, well hopefully and so be it. It's decreed!
I hug you tight and take care of yourself, my friend!!! Regards

For some weird reason Suits was never on our radar and we hadn't heard much about it until recently. Meghan actually does a fabulous job in the serious. She's a decent actress. I think you'll enjoy the series. I'd be interested to learn who your favorite character is.

Thank you! I can't wait to be on the move again. I'm more than ready. No more THC oil for me. That last experience was enough. : ) I hope to have the first strip done shortly after I return from Montreal. The ideas are already flowing. Thank you my friend! Enjoy the weekend.

I have digital TV connected, but I don’t watch it, there’s nothing to watch there. As the Zombie Guys say, they only show what they need. I pay only because of WIFI.

Most television isn't worth watching. I do like PBS (Public TV) in the US though. There's some good content on that network.