The Bloodless Revolution

in #story7 years ago (edited)

As I type this I have my crypto tracking app, Blockfolio, open on my iPhone and I’m watching the crypto markets climbing higher and higher with no end in sight. This week Steem was over $2: Steem Dollars broke all-time records.

There are many untold millionaires and, even a couple of billionaires, being made during this recent meteoric explosion in the crypto market.

This all has me reflecting about how this influx of newfound wealth might change us as a people. Thankfully, the younger generations don’t seem to be as caught up in as many of the material trappings of previous generations -- Rolexes, flashy cars (okay, maybe the occasional Lambo), mansions, etc. I don’t think there will be an explosion of materialism.

The millennials, and the generation that is coming after, seem more enamored with experiences, greater freedom, and doing what they can to fix our broken world. This gives me so much hope for a kind of bloodless revolution. I’m part of Generation X but share much of the philosophy of the younger generations. I bearing witness to scores of wealthy people being made around me and I think to myself…I’m at ground zero of one of the most amazing events in centuries!

An interesting observation is this newfound wealth doesn’t make most people all that much different from how they were before. It does tend to magnify qualities that person already possessed.

I believe that with wealth comes a great responsibility. For me, money equates to nothing more than energy. This energy can be put to work to do some amazing things in this world, like creating the HardFork Film Series or raising the standard of living in developing countries.

Wealth is a way to make dreams come true, it gives us the ability to live life in a way we wish, to experience the world. Most importantly, it allows us have to put up with far less of the things we don’t want to do. Many more people now have the power to say “no” and “yes” to things they we wish. This, in my eyes, is the epitome of freedom.

Still, almost everyone I’ve met that is involved in crypto-currency harbors a quiet fear that they try their best to tuck away and forget about. I count myself among them. The fear is that those in power will begin to try to thwart cryptocurrency.

On the flipside, those whose profit and power base comes from the status quo are even more frightened. Actually, the negative propaganda campaign against the sector has already begun. Although recent news stories show how some large institutions are a adopting the “if you can’t beat them, join them” approach and finding ways they can profit from blockchain and cryptocurrency.

What will the future hold?

No one really knows, but I do know that this moment is an amazing time to be alive. It’s so empowering to acknowledge this fact and hold it in our consciousness. We are right on the cusp of massive social change that will likely restructure our entire society. In fact, the change has already been unleashed.

I’ll continue to watch it all unfold through my optimistic lens. I’m very confident that we’ll all, one day, be bragging to our grandchildren and great-grandchildren that we were the pioneers...among the first to use technology instead of weapons and violence to create a better world.

This past year we were relentlessly and continuously pummeled with images of death and destruction in the mainstream media. The only death in this revolution will be to antiquated ideas, despair, and inequality. There's so much truth to that old saying, "The darkest hour is just before dawn."

Yours In The Chain,


(Gif compliments of

Please follow our official Steemit account for the film series @hardfork-series. Did you miss our last post? If so CLICK HERE to read it!

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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How amazing to be a part of such a fundamentally different social revolution! Amazing post Eric!

It truly is amazing to be a part of this! Thank you, Doug!

amazing post,thanks for great sharing

Excellent post dear friend @ericvancewalton, I loved the image of the cover, I must admit that I admire your point of view on money and share the experience "I think that with wealth comes a great responsibility. For me, money equals nothing more what energy, this energy can be put to work to do incredible things in this world "
I think in the same way about money, for me it is the resource that one needs to provide happiness to others, there are many people in need, with a small sum, they are happy the day.
Thank you very much for sharing your views and your reflections, you are right to say that "" The darkest hour is just before sunrise. "Humans must learn and be prepared for before dawn
I wish you a beautiful weekend

very good comment friend @jlufer

Your post is inspiring me.. I believe Blockchain Technology will change our luck! This day will come when we will gossip to our grandchildren that we saw Steem and SBD below $1.

In steemit we have found a really wonderful platform and as you have said, i too will be watching with keen interest

you're pretty much right except for the Broke World part
it's not
The Future is SO bright I gotta wear sunglasses.

Quick changes, ocean information and countless irresistible offers. When we look at the old rules of business and a new wave of technology, we begin to lose reason. Sometimes we worked hard, we achieved small results, today the modernization of technology has accelerated the industry by 50-100 times. Only workers have changed, no one has received a salary increase of 50 - 100 times, wealth has risen in the hands of the same owners.

1000 people hold 40% of Bitcoin, and other strong crypts. This shows me that people's psychology remains the same.
Where it runs for money, there is no true spirituality (spirituality is the removal from material dependence and wrong moral habits).
You have a good vision, I want to believe that the future will be beautiful and moral for our children.

Nice post. Well it is all about financial education. Those who got it will do fine, those who do not have it will be crushed. Regarding "crypto" world, I am also very optimistic. It is new evolution of money.

Very good observations about the generations and their tendencies, while the descriptions are accurate, I don't know that a bloodless revolution can be possible unless the revolution takes place after the demise of the baby boomer generation.
just my thoughts

I agree with many of your points. In particular, the optimistic part. As you say, " We are right on the cusp of massive social change,..." I'm referring to it as a renaissance.

This may not be the best example, but looking at myself as an illustration, I have enough to have purchased a drone, a DJI Mavik Pro, something I would not have normally purchased for myself. By doing so, I now have entered into this world of not only flight, but video editing, something I knew nothing about. I've entered into self induced university that I wasn't planning on. I was so ignorant has to how ignorant I was. In 6 months or less, I'll be much less ignorant, that's the plan anyway.

I am confident that myself as an example is but a drop in the ocean of things that are and especially those to come.

I’m at ground zero of one of the most amazing events in centuries!

It is truly breathtaking to watch and act in this time. A bloodless revolution is a superb way to put it. Ideas do not need bullets to grow, they only need to be planted.

It's kinda funny... I just held my first Bitcoin class (an intro for newbies) and although the attendance was not stunning, those that were there were stunned and the comment "Mind Blown" came up quite a few times.

But the overwhelming consensus was that it represented a way to exit the repressive financial burden of banks and governments.

This is a revolution and watching it from early on to even just now has been humbling as well as inspiring.

I share that same fear. I really worry that one day cryptocurrency is going to be outlawed. Just look what happened in South Korea :(

Well said and beautifully written.

I believe a bloodless revolution is possible, my fear however, is that the chaos will be too much for some.
Things are changing and not just a matter of degrees.
We must shoulder the responsibility for navigating the madness.

It's allowed me to quit my job and writing every workday.

Excellent post @ericvancewalton. It tells a story rather than another article. 👍😊

Well said @ericvancewalton. It's really interesting article about cryptocurrency market. Currently steem platform very better with SBD and steem pumping. Its make us for earn more profits..Many peoples daily added bcoz current situation. Probably in future, will be harder to earn and need to be knowledgeable. If not we will going to the hell. Also my way if we earn more here need to increase and keep great reputation level.
Most stunning post eric. I read three times this blog. Cryptocurrency lot of modules in trading market. But I believe nore of BTC and steem. Another coins will be rise. If we have SBD better opportunity to earn multiple profits. I will wait more changes and provide development progress here.

U r right friend good article

Good summary on crypto currency

This year was full of ups and downs but certainly the best interesting one and had been great till now

It dis felt good to go through the post and most importantly the last few lines about talking to our grandchildren :)
I do believe that this will change the world in a lot good way expected :)

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Our team really like your blog about crypto news,blockchain, finance and your opinions about that. I really admire all the efforts you put into making such an amazing and unique content! I would be happy if we could work together.
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In addition, if you will be interested in our project, I would like to talk about cooperation in our bounty campaign (of course, with reward).
I hope to hear back from you soon!

Very interesting post you have my upvote and resteem and my continuing support

I don't know if my generation is more concerned with experiences, rather than material things. I have plenty of friends who strive to get a house of their own, a car and such things :/ The age of consumerism is making its mark on us.
For their 18 birthdays, my friends wanted the coolest phones that were on the market - Samsung whatever and the latest Iphone - and that's what they got. I went to London to see one of the last Black Sabbath shows ever. Experiences over things, all the way, I just think there are materialistic people and less materialistic people in my generation, same as any.
That being said, wonderful post, Eric. I agree 100% that it's a great time to be alive.

It cannot be said that we live in uninteresting times. It's a new set of values that ushered in this socio-economic revolution and, hopefully, we choose to live differently with the gains (as you suggest in your post).

Thank you. for this uplifting note: "This past year we were relentlessly and continuously pummeled with images of death and destruction in the mainstream media. The only death in this revolution will be to antiquated ideas, despair, and inequality. "

From your mouth to His ears _/|_

Oh how I love this post, Eric this is exactly what is needed to be projected out into the world. The positivity and optimism, the faith that we are heading into a new, evolved era. We who understand the power that we truly have to be the authors of the script instead of playing the roles of another's vision.

wow! all I can say is AMAZING!!! @ericvancewalton

The start of a new world a crypto era! With limitless possibilities! A beginning of a great new world.

Thank you for sharing this @ericvancewalton ! Resteemed!

greAT share gl

Cryptocurrencies are the future and thank goodness that we are part of it..good post