Crypto Prophecies

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Thanks to @dougkarr for the amazing Photoshopping job.

A little more than seven years ago, on May 22, 2010, a developer bought two pizzas from Papa John’s Pizza using 10,000 units of a currency few on the planet had ever heard of, Bitcoin.

Things have changed drastically since then. Cryptocurrency is transforming people’s lives profoundly. Last week I purchased a 2016 Toyota Prius for the equivalent of 1.5 Bitcoin (based on BTC’s value when I bought the car.) I know it’s not a Lambo but it does get 55 miles to a gallon of gas. The Prius is like piloting a spaceship compared with driving my previous car, a 2010 Honda Fit and seems like a logical choice before I eventually make the leap to a Tesla. Technology, and the world, are moving at such a rapid pace.

It’s easy to lose sight of just how valuable cryptocurrency is if it’s locked up in a wallet or on an exchange. I think it’s good, even for the HODL’rs to cash out a small bit from time to time to truly remember and appreciate the incredible value of this crypto/blockchain sector. Cryptocurrency becomes very real when you make a purchase with it and experience its value in real world terms.

I realize there’s even more gravitas surrounding the crypto/blockchain sector in the developing world. In their case, cryptocurrency can make the difference as to whether or not they, or their children, have enough food in their stomachs to survive another week. It doesn’t get any more real than that.

This morning, as I type this, my portfolio is in slow recovery from the recent crash. At its worst, it was down nearly forty percent. Volatility is the price we pay for being early adopters. I’ve been in the game long enough to know it will bounce back but dips like this still leave a psychological mark, each and every time. Market corrections are healthy and each time the market bounces back and blows past old price ceilings I have more faith in the resiliency of digital currency and more hope for the future.

From the news of Korea barring crypto trading to China’s recent announcement of banning its citizens from foreign exchanges, to Jamie Dimon’s nonsense, through these last few months I’ve watched, wave after wave of orchestrated efforts to strike at the heart of the market and bring this crypto/blockchain movement down or manipulate it for their own gains.

What Will The Future Bring?

No one really knows what tomorrow will bring. A good rule in crypto (as in life), if someone claims to be a prophet, run the other way quickly. That said, the people whose opinions I value the most are predicting this will be another record year for the crypto sector. I’ve shifted my focus away from low sat coins to only quality coins that have stellar dev teams and real world uses for their tech.

I’m, slowly, beginning to inhabit more and more in this crypto space and less in the “old world.” As I do this, I see my perspectives shifting, my world shrinking, and my potential expanding. I really do think this technology is the key to making our world a better place, or at least the spark that will start the fire.

This adventure has turned into so much more than I ever could have imagined when I began writing on Steemit in July of 2016. In the past eighteen months have quit my job to pursue my passion, have traveled to Europe twice, have spoken at two SteemFests, and am working on what we hope will be transformative film series (HardFork) with a team of friends that I love.

In a few days we’ll load up the Prius for a road trip to Brooklyn to spend two weeks of intensive writing on the HardFork series. This is truly living. If it all ended tomorrow I’d still be smiling for the rest of my days. That’s all that really matters.

(Gif sourced from

Please follow our official Steemit account for the film series @hardfork-series. Did you miss our last post? If so CLICK HERE to read it!

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.
My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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Looks like a Lambo to me! Woot woot!
Next stop BROOKLYN!
Can't wait!!

It’s the closest I’ll ever own to a Lambo. 😊 can’t wait for Brooklyn, brother!

Awesome! I am considering buying at new car this year using crypto profits as's nice to make the digital physical!

Thanks! I'm looking forward to seeing what you get. I'm loving the Prius so far.

I like how you said "its good to cash out and use a little bit of crypto from time to time to remember just how real and valuable it is!"

Its ReALLY hard for me to do because every couple months its worth MORE than it is NOW. Soooo being the BIG PICTURE guy all I see is LOOSING MONEY hhahahaa though I am very happy with my simple life and got used to living on less than homeless people YEARS ago!

Love ur posts, thanks for sharing!


wow.. nice car,, I hope someday I get that car ahahaha. By the way nice post

Yes ....cryptocurrencies changed our life completely but i believe that good things are yet to come. Very beautiful car by the way.

Thank you! I believe the best is yet to come too. I think blockchain itself will be the big game-changer and will make our world more more transparent and equitable.

Enjoy your new car! It's the right colour too! ;)

Thanks, I am Michelle! We just drove it to NYC and it averaged 52mpg at an average of 75mpg. Not too bad.

Cryptocurrency doesn't seem like real money until you actually buy something with it. I felt the same way, and then I saw it in my bank account and that was the epiphany moment for me.

You're right, that's when it stops becoming "magic internet money" and is real. It's a pretty crazy epiphany at first.

In the past eighteen months, I have quit my job, have traveled to Europe twice, have spoken at two SteemFests, and am working on what we hope will be transformative film series (HardFork) with a team of friends that I love. If it all ended tomorrow I’d still be smiling for the rest of my days.

There are few feelings as satisfying as living in the center of one’s purpose.

Have to agree about cashing out some crypto here and there - it helps it all feel more real.

It's such a good idea to pull little bits out on a regular basis, it's a good hedge against all of the risks and why shouldn't people pay themselves? This is a lesson that @dougkarr convinced me of.

By the way, I wonder if the person that spent 10,000 bitcoin on a pizza regrets it? :)

Perseguir los sueños es de personas muy valientes arriesgar y apostar por lo que se quiere es una decisión que cambiara tu vida y el destino de esta dependerá de la fe y confianza en dios. puedes transmitirle eso a muchas personas que necesitan ese empujon.

Sí, es una lección que aprendí más tarde en la vida, pero cada vez que tengo fe y sigo mi pasión las puertas se abren. ¡Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer la publicación y dejar un comentario!

NO gracias a ti porque a veces necesitamos que alguien nos guié y nos de con sus propias experiencias eso que nos hace falta que es creer en nosotros mismo desde mi corazón te deseo todo el éxito del mundo y que muchas personas aprendan de ti

Yesss, to all of that.

I'm not worried about crashes. I'm gonna mark my calendar for the annual "January Sales" from now on.

More control and regulation will cause more desire for freedom and self-direction, which will in turn spark more creativity and innovation and technologies for decentralization.

This can't be stopped anymore 😊

What a pity that license plate is not real :)

It's crazy how the market has followed that same pattern for the past four years, isn't it? You are so's "January Crypto Clearance"! I wonder if this will be the last time this happens though since there will be infinitely more people in the market in a year? Time will tell. I hate the idea of vanity plates but I may have to pull the trigger on this one. : ) Thanks @connecteconomy!

nice post

Nice ride, @ericvancewalton ! Should I expect to see you cruising on Hennepin in Uptown? Nicollet Av DT? Or are you more of a Marshall St. in NE kinda guy? haha, congrats on the new whip man.

Thanks @intothewild! You'll, very likely, see us in all those places. We live in St. Paul but spend some time across the river too. We're not afraid of Minneapolis like 90% of others are from St. Paul. : ) . Thanks for the kind words!

Why is it that the St. Paul-ites are afraid of MPLS? I've heard that before and never understood why...

I think it’s more of the older generations. People were afraid of getting lost in “the big city”.

Ahhh, makes sense! Thanks.

Thank you for exellent post my friend

Thanks for reading!

Its amazing how far your Steemit journey has taken you...and will continue to take you really.

I'm forever grateful @snrm. I see it changing the lives of so many people.

"I’m, slowly, beginning to inhabit more and more in this crypto space and less in the “old world.” As I do this, I see my perspectives shifting, my world shrinking, and my potential expanding. I really do think this technology is the key to making our world a better place, or at least the spark that will start the fire."

Without a doubt a spark, however I would be so bold to say the fire has been lit. I don't have a name for it. I don't necessarily want to label it, but I like having short, deep words to explain something quickly. I'm limited to the word 'renaissance' at the moment. My wife and I keep having these impromptu discussions of how we haven't even imagined the ideas and the freedom that are going be born from this.

Last night I watched a video ( ) of a guy who, as a result of steem, was going to be able to pay of some 'government' debt which has been restricting him from getting a passport. THAT's HUGE, yet small in comparison to what's ahead. I'm loving it, just beyond myself excited for the future and what it means for my children

You are 100% correct, @noboxes. The fire has been lit, now it's only smoldering but it will take and spread across the entire world. A few minutes after I met you at SteemFest I noticed that you totally "got" the potential of this crypto/blockchain movement. I really like how you've encouraged your entire family to be a part of it. What a legacy you will have because of it. Thanks for your comment, my friend.

its a great post....firstly your photography is nice and second you sharing a nice post...i impressed and waiting for your next post

Firstly, awesome that your work on steemit and the rise in btc bought you a new car, that's major congrats!

Some wonderful words in this post, 2 highlights for me are:

inhabit more and more in this crypto space and less in the “old world.” As I do this, I see my perspectives changing, my world shrinking, and my potential expanding. I really do think this technology is the key to making our world a better place.


If it all ended tomorrow I’d still be smiling for the rest of my days. That might be the only prophecy that matters.

Thank you so much, my friend!

That whole lambo meme needs to be replaced with a Tesla meme!

Yes! I couldn't agree more!

Oh yeah, the world of cryptography is evolving and what will happen next or who does not know, but the fact that this has already changed our life with you is a fait accompli! We will believe in the best and it will come, my friend! Thank you @ericvancewalton

I'm so grateful for these changes and the positive things that are happening to those around me. Thanks @serkagan!

Really it,s a nice clr car.Papa John’s Pizza using 10,000 units of a currency few on the planet had ever heard of, Bitcoin.
Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing..

Excellent You have achieved a lot in a short time, I congratulate on a good purchase. I also think that the crypto currency is still ahead and we are waiting for an interesting year. Thanks for the exchange.

Thanks! So many of the early adopters have's really amazing,

thank you for share keep it up

the universe of cryptography is developing and what will occur next or who does not know, but rather the way this has officially changed our existence with you is a fait accompli! We will have confidence in the best and it will come, old buddy! Much obliged to you @ericvancewalton

digital currencies changed our life totally yet I trust that great things are yet to come. Extremely lovely auto incidentally.

I feel the same way, we've only begun to see the benefits. Thanks!

It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..
Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing. It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..
Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing.

Congrats for the car . Very beautiful machine
Cryptos are future & steem is freedom.

Thank you! I'm loving the Prius, such a solid car.

Do you regret that person who lost 10,000 petequin on pizza¿

i want to say that it is good job.... in your post you show you a very intelligent person.... thanks for sharing this post... i waiting for your next post....

I like your Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing. It is about making you think from a different perspective
Following you

this is a great ..story of crypto..especially thanks for discuss about crypto..carry on your activity..

i have nothing to say... it is great story
thank for shearing

great post👍

@ericvancewalton If the right investment can be made, the crypto money will bring a very profitable income

I agree with you, the crypto currencies have changed our lives, but this is positive.
In the near future the whole world will accept crypt money and replace real money.
Because now the year 2018 something has to change things :)
Note: The car is nice by the way: P

I agree - one of the weirdest parts about cryptocurrency at this time is that it's primarily used as an investment with no utility! That's not how I expect currencies to work, and seems to lead to more volatility since the value is based on people's moment-by-moment belief that it will be worth more in the future. At least on here, my investment is proportional to my influence in a community.

the future is going to be rocking with bitcoins and the crypto and steem will definitely change the lifes of millions

Wow! Congrats on your new car. I love Prius, btw! I agree with you 100%, the time is now and it’s so amazing to live a life with a bigger Purpose. I just quit my well paid9-5 job to start my own business and couldn’t be happier! ‘This is truly living’. :) Have a great weekend!!

congratulations dear friend @mervancewalton for the acquisition, you are very right in what you say, see the cryptocurrency in the walle is cold and distant, it is not like having the money in your hand.
Do not worry soon, the bitcoiny will start rising again, it will surpass the US $ 30000
I wish you a wonderful weekend

What will be the future bring , agreed with this paragraph .
Thanks for post

Photoshop car image is nice and your article on crypto currencies is also good. Good define .
Thanks and have a nice day

Congrats and it will definitely improve and make many lives more significant.I am glad I am a part of this crypto space !
And I am loving it !

crypto is our future.just work with cryptocurrency

Steem is my love 😜

2018 - the year to realize those dreams.

Looks amazing! did you use your crypto earnings to buy it? Terrific content as always! hope you have a great day

beautiful car dude ...crypto change the world :)

smack brooklyn on the ass for us 😂

It is amazing ! ! Lovely car ! ! Thank you for your post dear ! ! :D

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