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RE: Whispering Hope - +Forbidden Tales+ From Your Bright Future (#3)

in #story8 years ago

Some good stuff there. I think of Marcia and relate it to the poem and think of her happiness. After her funeral I heard music continuously 24 7 for weeks. it may have been my way of psychologically coping. It started with Amazing grace with bage pipes. After a few weeks the play list increased. Then I heard a happy song finally. It sounded like carousel or carnival music or a marching band. I later learned it was a reformed version of "I'm So Happy and Here's the Reason Why." I had an image of Marcia dancing with small children in a circle. They say the the saints are spiritual warriors but I would like to think they have some happy play time too in celebrating their new life. Great poem. Thanks.


Thanks, Troy.

That sounds like a great playlist. There's something about music that reaches us at the deepest levels.