Have you already written the second part of the trilogy? I only ask because it's due out spring of 2017, which is a pretty short window to pump out a lengthy novel. Or maybe it isn't and I'm just too used to waiting for George R.R. Martin to finish Winds of WInter
It's ok if your technology is no longer light years ahead of where it should be. I remember the same thing in a few Michael Crichton books.
And the cliffhanger almost made me go buy the book on amazon, but my reading list is so long it wouldn't be fair to all the other authors I've procrastinated finishing.
Truth Is Stranger is a little more than half done now. I've learned so much since I finished Alarm Clock Dawn I can't wait to wrap it up and get it into the editing phase of this next book. I don't want to make people wait too long. They say the optimal time between sequel releases is about 18 months. It's going to be such a feeling of accomplishment when the whole trilogy is written! Thanks for the reassurance on the tech-aspect. I appreciate your thoughtful comment, @daut44!