fishing, tub a long story and a set of view. him away, looking for and home. return line up poverty of the century century. nothing story cheerful about the people and effort to find the fish. alone on boats and build a story stabbed to jurung time Nan far memucuk, before the fish tempting tip fingers. study anthropology, as if line up view of the House roof leaves, Cam and perabung home asymmetric, berpelantar jeungki, selaksa fish clothesline rigid over the place platform that diuapi Salt water. study sociology, serve smell and urine along the mediator, a child who do not bersental teeth, not berkasut, climb fence school fall. documentation discovery, throw the image of graphics and body wrapped in bone arising up around the shoulder, pelvis, and the armpit.
Fishermen roll jungle deep, narrow streams, bays, creeks and lakes are shady. A way to survive by man of Asia, Europe and almost evenly continent on the planet. Demi bodies act with firmness and history, in his first epoch attach this as the era nautical, maritime. An era with a number of markers in gempitakan with subdued story-invade, finding new lands and new human occupation in the new land, and then there was a war. War happens after people of uncircumcised and clever to fishing; catching fish. Today, even when fellow fishers are at war, rsebab daulah region an increasingly narrow and intersect. Growing human numbers, fixed-size sea. Then the conflict broke out smelling maritime, maritime warfare powerless dielak because the battle took place on the water, the ferocity of which caps the sea and the waves, the foam crushing.
The fisherman is readers child star in kudrah God. They cleave the hills of water with dry feet. Towards the east, tempting the sun, the survivor of a bloody escape. Fatimid traveler carried the story of tears and blood with a regular plan. They headed west coast of Andalas and disguised as fishermen were tired. Persuaan continent with new people in the land of Andalas, sewing pen, embroider local myths and establish the community of faith that the vertical stab pierced the sky. The 'fisherman' is also building a castle in the teeth after sepurnama riding mountain pass toward the direction of the East. They are only willing to stare at the sunset from a distance. Far away from land. Something higher, more valuable gemala when contemplated from a distance. Such was the 'fishermen''s, transformed into the emirs, Sufi, and guardians of the children who brighten sebenua a mute and dumb about something and not plural.
Fishermen, poor, stupid and tired-looking statements that pierce time symmetric asymmetric. How many young fishermen who climbed to the top, but still forget the skin, like a pea. As a result, fishermen are poor and miserable.
How many young fishermen who pluck the stars, when their fathers are only count the stars. But the star at the hands of fishermen, do not change the world into darkness lit and bright. Fisherman, still a child star in kudrah readers that the power of God.
A habit of 'look' very old and worn out. He started, and always be loyal to the exhaustion-exhaustion and self re-pitched start.
The novice nor an end in itself. Maybe he was present only as a provider of analogy, when and allegory. The authors also passionate fisherman serve the story without pause; from night to night, from dawn to dawn and still not authorized to reveal sweet and urine.
That life must be not only flat, fragrant and always interspersed stinky, so we know how to get a delicious whiff of something called fragrant. Fisherman analogy is blowing tale smells and scents; between good and bad.
At a lunch upright, the old woman paddling with cloth-covered face crumpled. Paddling down the river, without a vote. He was also a fisherman? Or creatures goblins? In a number of diaceh river, not far from coves. Kias and allegory that was stopped ..
''Lenchik Do not forget to go home. "
in special for the waves are always invited me home and foam when he touched shore wind dissipates well as marine aroma smell of the sea breeze unerring
Everything that is enclosed in senses
Generating a sense in the chest
Meets every ruasnya but not claustrophobic
Mengkail arch called smile
But the warmth was very perdepa-fathom but sometimes I is not much time
Enjoyed every gently rocked
Will keep it this way?
But always I had no time to linger
I reluctantly parted
Feels close distance and vice versa, and at some point again so I miss
The only hope was a gesture between me and the sea,
"How far can I go?"
Blend with the sea, that I hoped
Together with the sincere, as dusk sank in the line of sight
And determination emit soft light does not melt
The light that is able to melt all anxious
Gemerciknya made soluble in hue joy
In kulantunkan solemn promise to understand
For I am convinced that sea home
I always heard him say,
"Do not forget to go home."
😀😀😀 nice...