he asked me to post this:
Quite simply, you left the evening with a clear request to get everything approved before posting any online content. This even includes online content relating to said event. It's really that simple.
The Man is a celebrated scholar, and his works should be treated as such. Be patient. Communicate with us. These pillars were not present from your crew, hence, the situation we are in now.
We are professionals here, and expect the same treatment from an outside group who approached us only days before the event, to Film said event for "aerial footage and time-lapse only".
Not the entire seminar, with no written consent from the Producers, nor Mr Hancock. Who refuses to monetise any of his 'public videos' - by the way - this is contrary to his beliefs, and the producers of the event echo his thoughts. That's why the seminar was 'free'.
You mention you've received a "warm" email from Mr Hancock, I'd like you to forward me this email in private. As Ive been in touch with him, and his thoughts are not as you state. Displeased, rather.
In any case, let's not forget we are both passionate about the works of Mr Hancock, and you indeed have genuine motives to continue supporting the man who is an inspiration to many. We enjoyed our time at the event, and were excited others shared the same adoration for Graham's work. And that's the bottom line
I guess.
Thank you for replying to us. We will meet and move on with positive vibes.
On that note, if there was any online video content to be posted. I'm pretty sure it would be from the Producers of BUDOCON, approved by Mr Hancock, on our own Channel. Surely you can extend us this courtesy? I think we deserve it.