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RE: Portrait - Halloween story in 3 parts - Part 3

in #story8 years ago

I will aim to REsteem at 6pm EST, could we have a comment reply box with the earlier story installments for the readerships convinced, LOVED your work ! ! !

I had not found you on Steemit yet but people like you caused me to give up writing. I used to be a terrible writer and I am much better now but plainly me authoring my average class stuff on steemit just distracts people from pure talent like your work.

Now I mainly try and comment on posts instead of blogging new stuff, it is work of your quality that will help steemit more than my literary wafflings : )

See you on the Block Chain ; )

~ 6PM EST, unless you want a different Resteem time . . .


Thank you for ReSteeming! <3 I've added links for the first two parts on your suggestion.

No, no, no, no!
Do NOT give up because you think someone else is better. You have a unique story to tell and no one else will do it, it has to be you. Please don't give up writing.