In an Empire beset by internal rebellion and ferocious yaomo, the elite Shenwujun stand ready to defend human civilization. Among the Shenwujun there is none finer than Ensign Zhang Tianyou, who earned the nickname Zhang the Invincible. During a mission to quash a nascent rebellion, a Shenwujun detachment discovers evidence that the Grand Union is supporting the rebels. Zhang is tasked to investigate and destroy this new threat.
But will Zhang the Invincible meet his match at the hands of the rebel called Han the Demon Sword?
INVINCIBLE is a novella running to 16700 words, and won an Honorable Mention at the Q1 2017 Writers of the Future contest. I am pleased to announce that I will be publishing it in a serial format on Steemit, my blog and at The first installment will go live on 1st October. At the conclusion of the story, it will be compiled as an ebook for sale on Smashwords, Amazon and other leading distributors.
If you would like more long-form SFF fiction from my Hugo and Dragon Award nominated alter ego, please check out NO GODS, ONLY DAIMONS on Amazon.
I'll check it out on Steemit. I really want to see this place become a hub for fiction creators to make money.
Thanks! I think that day will come pretty soon -- but fiction creators have to make it happen.
Oh cool - finally a serialized story that I can follow and comment on from the beginning!
There's a lot of good fiction on here but I have a hard time finding the time to go back when I discover a new writer and they're posting chapter 30!
Yeah, it's a shame Steemit doesn't natively support archiving. At least the better authors include links to previous chapters.
Wow this looks pretty good, it's really exciting to find good fiction creators here on steemit :)