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RE: We Are Worthy

in #story7 years ago

Yes, the life of an artists can be such that you don't have two pennies to rub together.

The life of an inventor is far worse. Usually spending lifetimes on what amounts to one great work. Then having the work stolen and sold by someone else.

Also, I really feel artists shouldn't complain. (to much) Not that long ago, if you wanted to be an artist, you had to find a wealthy person to become your sponsor. The common people were too busy worrying about starving to death to give any care about the art.

Also, being an artist is incredibly rewarding in and of itself. In a way that is no other job can match. So, that is the compensation you are getting.

You could also complain about the disparity in income from one artist to another. Even though, in some cases, they are making the exact same art.


You're so right about inventors. We know one (who is a bonafide genius) and has gotten far less credit/compensation for his work than he should have. This guy is luckier than most too because he, at least, is getting some compensation.

I feel the tools are available now for artists to make a career more quickly without the need for a benefactor, like the old days. The key is really networking/marketing/audience building on social media.

~bluerocktalk🖖That is the key @ericvancewalton. I have worked in the product world for games, toys, inventions, creations, etc and met many artists of all walks of life. Nowadays you don't have to hope for the one person to see your work to come sweep you away, there are so many means of doing it yourself. Of course you have to know those means and learn them. Its not easy for everyone, there's a lot to learn, but doable.