As happy as I am that the high priestess didn't get elected - I'm starting to get more convinced that Trump was always "someones" long term plan. This may look like a revolution, but it's just a controlled changing of the guard and sacrifice of lower level peons.
Trump has already committed full support to Is Ra El , and installed Bilderbergers in his transition team. His seeming alliance with Alex J and the frothy culty euphoria I'm seeing from his supporters and the fake truth-media is setting off red flags everywhere..
There's nothing you've said that I can disagree with because you are standing in Truth...
The reason I am not quick to condemn him is because I was at that same level of consciousness a decade ago. Remember, the Internet wasn't what it is today, and Hollywood grooms us to be this way. Everyone we associate with in entertainment is subscribed to that ideology, and it took serious events to jolt me awake. When things are going well, it's easy to become deluded that this is what the universe wants for us. I didn't know anything about Israel, or who Alex Jones even was, but because the majority of people running entertainment support Israel, and all the other phony Phoenician ploys, it's easy to get caught up in it. These people are not evil in the way they behave. They may be serving a dark agenda, but everyone's really nice and it's difficult to see how people who are so affluent and worldly could be so spiritually stupid as to engage what they are doing. I know from experience. I used to spend holidays at their homes. If you judged me by my associations back then, everyone could say the same thing about me that they say about Trump. So knowing how I much I've changed from being an illuminati golden-boy who was pro-war, pro-Israel, pro-everything that didn't serve me, lol, to what I am now, if I can change myself by serving Truth, then ANYONE can. The thing that thwarted me was that I wasn't down with the orgies and sex parties or the drugs. If you're not down to get down, they're not interested in you. But had I been as successful as Trump, I may have ignored the Truth like he did, and assumed that my success was a sign of of me doing what is right. That's why I'm so conflicted.
If one is president, he cannot avoid these people. They run everything, and have run everything since before our grandparents were even born. The situation must be changed by the people, but if we keep holding these public figures accountable, they will have no choice but to do our will.
But like you said, he's setting off red flags everywhere. I guess I'm just so tired of fighting for so long and not catching breaks. The breaks we catch are more like protection, which is nice, but we really need to start waging High Magick and raising consciousness so people stop believing in the myth of authority or government.
Thanks for your feedback as well as your service to Truth. It is greatly appreciated.