Dust, Final 2 parts

in #story7 years ago

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Dust part 4 of 5

It took several weeks for Frank to get it painted for them, but he loved the color that they chose. They took the car out to celebrate at the local Sonic. Noah had just enough time to eat and drop Logan off before he had to run to his work. “Well man, what did I say?” Logan got up and stretched. “The color is perfect for this car.”

“Well I guess when the joker is not busy making bad jokes he knows what he is talking about.” Noah noticed Tammie walking towards them. “Heads up man.” He said as he turned to see Pam walking beside her, “Hey ladies.”

“Hey Noah,” Tammie greeted him, “How have you been, haven’t seen you two around here in months.”

“We’ve been busy fixing up my car.”

“Is it that big boat over there?” Pam pointed to the Impala.

Logan laughed. “Yeah, that would be it.”

Noah rolled his eyes, “It’s not a boat. It’s a…”

“1969 Chevy Impala, I would say.” Tammie interrupted him. “What engine do you have it in?”

“It’s a six-cylinder.” He paused and looked at Tammie for a minute. “You know much about cars?”

“Yeah, being tall I was shunned by most of the other girls, so I had to learn guy stuff.” They stood there talking about the different modifications that Noah and Logan put into the Impala until Logan interrupted them.

“Hey Noah, Pam told me about a party that they are going to tonight. You should skip work and join in.”

“Oh yeah, come along.” Tammie said, “I was afraid that it might be a bore. But if you come, then I might have fun.”

Noah shook his head, “I can’t. I have to go to work. Someone has to pay for the paint job.” He looked at Logan, “But you should go along and have some fun.”

“Okay, I’ll let you know how it was.” Logan paused for a moment, “Tammie, could I catch a ride?”

Noah laughed at his goofy friend.

“Yeah, Pam would like you to come along. Just stop with the bad jokes.”

“What, I haven’t even made one, tonight.” The girls started to walk to Tammie’s car while Logan hung back to talk to Noah. “Well they do love the car. I have to admit you were right.”

“I was never in doubt.”

“It looked like you and Tammie were chatting up a storm over here.” Logan looked at Noah. “Does it look like something good?”

Noah laughed. “Like if I know. You go out and have fun with them tonight. Tell me all about it in the morning.”

“I owe you one man, I hope it comes in the mail soon.”

Noah looked at him. “What comes in the mail?”

Logan smiled and walked away. Noah watched his friend got into the car with the two girls and then headed off to work.

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“Wake up, Noah, Wake Up!” Logan’s frantic voice jolted Noah awake. Just in time, he was heading off the road. He slammed his foot down on the break, causing the car to screech to a stop just shy of the edge of the road.

“Fuck that was too close.” He looked over at Logan. “Yet again, I owe you more than you know.” Once his nerves calmed down, he started to drive again.

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Noah walked into his house and tossed his jacket onto the sofa and went to see if he had any messages on the answering machine. He noticed a package sitting right behind it, and one message flashing on the machine. He grabbed the package to see what it said, the first line of the letter read, Congratulations on your acceptance to. . . “That fucker,” he thought, “he went without my permission and filled it out.” He pressed play on the machine and walked into the kitchen.

“Noah, it’s Beth.” Beth went quiet for a moment and Noah looked around the corner at the black box. “Logan was in a car accident earlier.” He dropped the packet and grabbed his jacket off the sofa. “He was rushed to the hospital.” Forgetting about the anger he felt about the application, he bolted through the door. “The doctors don’t know. . .” was the last thing he heard before the door closed.

End of Part 4

Since it is Friday for me, I have decided to post part 5 as well today. I hope you enjoy it.

Dust part 5 of 5

Noah pulled the car to a stop about fifteen feet from the edge of a cliff. He got out and went around to Logan’s door, to help him out. “Well, Logan, we are finally here.” He walked them to the edge of the cliff. And they stood, together. Looking out as the sun broke the horizon, shooting rays of gold, red and yellow across the watery depths of the ocean.

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Noah got to the hospital to see Beth and Tammie in the waiting room. Beth was pacing around the room. Tammie was sitting on one of the hospital chairs. When she told him about the wreck she let her emotions loose and broke into tears. Both Logan and Pam were in critical condition and the doctors didn’t know if either of them would make it. They waited there for what seemed like an eternity before the doctor came out to talk to them.

“Mrs. Laux. Logan is conscious, but we don’t know how long he will last.” It was at that moment that Noah saw Beth cry for the first time in years. He didn’t pay any attention to Tammie as she asked about Pam. Pam would make it, but Noah’s friend… he had to see him.

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Noah stood there, staring out at the sun for what seemed like an eternity. “Here we are Logan.” He said. “It’s been one crazy journey you sent me on.” Noah took off the lid to Logan’s urn. “I think I know what you were trying to say when you requested this for me.” Noah turned up the urn and let the ashes mix into the wind. “I’ll go to college in your place, but it still won’t be the same without you.” He stood there watching the ashes scatter into the wind. Noah smiled as he remembered his friend’s last words.

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“Noah.” Logan had some trouble speaking.

“You look like shit man.”

“I still look better than you.”

“I got my acceptance letter today.” Noah grabbed Logan’s hand. “You better be there with me or I might not go.”

Logan laughed. “You’ll go, because I’ll always be with you.”

The End