CBF part 2: A Computer-Based interactive Fiction For You and Your Friends

in #story7 years ago (edited)

This is part 2 of CBF (computer fiction). For an introduction to CBF, see CBF 1.

Welcome back, Computer User #1. The air is fresh and dry, and the sun is warm. The entrance to the library lies South. The path leading to the main building lies North. The lawn lies East, on which there is a big pile of leaf-litter blocking the way. The path leading to the West Wing lies West.

You decide to walk North, looking for weapons and computers. And it is indeed a lovely day for a walk, regardless of the purpose. The gravel path gives a satisfying crunch under your feet, and the beautiful yellow custard colour reminds you of your mother's own custard that you so sorely miss. Ever since the car accident, mother's custard hasn't quite been the same.

The path reminds you of Mother's Own Custard™. Photograph by rihaij

Aside from the occasional lollygagger taking advantage of the warm lawn, there are few other students around. The path is quiet, and you can walk right in the middle without any fear of being chastised for not walking on the correct side of the path or having "pick a lane!" yelled at you by passers-by. You feel strangely invigorated by this transgression of the school rules, however slight.

You continue walking. Soon enough, you arrive at the main building and head inside, still on the lookout for weapons and computers.

You arrive at the main building. Photograph by 12019

Inside the foyer of the main building, there is a reception desk. Behind the desk sits Mr Odorman, who is tapping away quite happily at a keyboard. You can see, through the reflection on his glasses, lines and lines of green text scrolling past. If ever a real computer wizard did exist, Mr Odorman is indeed such a beast.

You walk up to the reception desk. As you approach you see Mrs Bileman, your history teacher, down the corridor. Unfortunately, she appears to recognise you just as well as you recognise her.

"Ah, Computer User #1. I notice that you have not handed in your extended essay on the role of Greek fire on the expansion of the Roman empire. This essay was due three weeks ago. I have had just about enough of your silly games, young student. Where is your essay?"

What would you like to do?

This is an attempt at Democratic InteraCtive FICtion. By commenting, you can help choose Computer User #1's next step – and his or her fate. The most popular comment, for some arbitrary definition of popular, will be used as Computer User #1's next action, and I will create a new post describing the results of the action.

Update: part 3 is here


I counter Mrs. Bileman's request for an overdue assignment with a request for the overdue assignment that I previously assigned to her.

You almost won this round! Part 3

I would throw the leaf litter that I always keep in my pocket for emergencies into Mrs Bileman's face and then be on my merry way.

You almost won this round! Part 3

Good post. So interesting story

Thank you. What do you think Computer User #1 should do next?