in #story6 years ago

I have been a banker for fifteen years and been praying for safe way out. I could not resign because loan loaded on me which i believed then that i could not payback. I could not have any alternative job means another job . Therefore it is difficult for me that were all flimsy excuse borne of of inadequate faith. When God glorified He, wanted to help me. I lost my job for no reason overnight. As a result my loan was liquidated with my entitlements and i was left unemployed without a dime. By the grace of God, things have worked out and now am richer and i have a lot of time for myself, God and my family. I also realized that true peace of mind can never attained while working with interest based bank. Now am interest free and out of misery and slavery.
Now am happy with my life thanks God RIBA.jpgRIBA 2.jpg