"The Republic of Indonesia is still there, because the leader of the Republic, the army of the Republic, the Government of the Republic, the territory of the Republic is still there and here is the Aceh"
The broadcast was delivered in a news brief from Radio Jungle Kingdom during the struggle for independence. The news was broadcast over a radio station of a magnitude of one kilowatt on frequency 19.25 and 61 meters. News of independence Indonesia any spread to neighboring countries of that time.
The jungle Kingdom radio of monuments inaugurated by Minister of Cooperatives/head of Bulog, Bustanil Arifin on October 27, 1987 at 10.30 PM that, located in the jungle village of Timang Gajah, Subdistrict, Bener Meriah Regency.
The radio of the jungle Kingdom meritorious is huge in spreading the word about the independence of INDONESIA. Since the aggression of the second Netherlands, December 19, 1948, the radio's role as a Messenger of the news on the ground water is already done by the jungle Kingdom Radio operating in the middle of the forest Kingdom Gayo.
A description of some of the figures who founded Radio Jungle Kingdom which was later collected in a book titled "the role of the Radio of the jungle Kingdom" in order to maintain the regional issue of Aceh, mentions, so the magnitude of the struggle of radio gait.
In the books it is told, when delivered the news about the independence of the Republic of Indonesia it can be captured clearly by a number of radio Semananjung in Malay (Malaysia), Singapore, Saigon (Viet Nam), Manila (Philippines) even Australia and Europe.
Initially, in addition to broadcasting to the public interest, the crew also did a radio monitor, sent various announcements and instructions essential for the activities of the armed forces. Radio broadcast of the jungle Kingdom in the middle of Central Aceh that wilderness, featuring five languages, i.e. the language of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, China, Urdu and Arabic.
Sejarah Radio Rimba Raya, ‘Republik Masih Ada. Dan di Sini Aceh’
“Republik Indonesia masih ada, karena pemimpin republik masih ada, tentera republik masih ada, pemerintah republik masih ada, wilayah republik masih ada dan di sini adalah Aceh”
Siaran itu disampaikan dalam berita singkat dari Radio Rimba Raya pada masa perjuangan mempertahankan kemerdekaan. Berita itu disiarkan melalui stasion radio berkekuatan satu kilowatt pada frekwensi 19,25 dan 61 meter. Berita kemerdekaan Indonesia pun tersebar ke berbagai negara tetangga waktu itu.
Radio Rimba Raya yang monumennya diresmikan oleh Menteri Koperasi/Kepala Bulog, Bustanil Arifin pada 27 Oktober 1987 pukul 10.30 WIB itu, terletak di desa Rimba Raya, Kecamatan Timang Gajah, Kabupaten Bener Meriah.
Radio Rimba Raya berjasa sangat besar dalam menyebarkan berita tentang kemerdekaan RI. Sejak Agresi Belanda ke-dua, 19 Desember 1948, peranan radio sebagai penyampai berita di tanah air sudah dilakukan oleh Radio Rimba Raya yang beroperasi di tengah hutan raya Gayo.
Keterangan beberapa tokoh yang berjasa mendirikan Radio Rimba Raya yang kemudian dihimpun dalam buku berjudul ”Peranan Radio Rimba Raya” terbitan Kanwil Depdikbud Aceh, menyebutkan, begitu besarnya kiprah radio perjuangan tersebut.
Dalam buku itu diceritakan, saat menyampaikan berita tentang Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia itu dapat ditangkap jelas oleh sejumlah radio di Semananjung Melayu (Malaysia), Singapura, Saigon (Vietnam), Manila (Filipina) bahkan Australia dan Eropa.
Pada awalnya, selain mengudara untuk kepentingan umum, para awak radio ini juga melakukan monitor, mengirim berbagai pengumuman dan instruksi penting bagi kegiatan angkatan bersenjata. Siaran Radio Rimba Raya di tengah hutan belantara Aceh Tengah itu, menampilkan lima bahasa, yakni bahasa Inggris, Belanda, Cina, Urdu dan Arab.
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