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RE: Facebook, When a Train Crash is No Accident

in #story7 years ago (edited)

This is really interesting, thanks for putting all this together!
In the meantime i am using facebook every day, just like before, to exchange photos, and comment here and there. I know nothing about manipulations or account stealing... the only thing i have noticed, that now i would have to pay if i wanted my content to be seen by more than 20 people. And i see people quitting , but i am not sure why exactly. So what have i missed out on ?! Please someone turn the light on for me! JUST BRIEFLY !
thank You !
your post got my attention.jpg


To give a brief over view, back in 2012 FB ran a lab-rat experiment on users to keep them in an "echochamber" (without notifying the users) doing so while reducing the posts that you see.

So if you're a conservative, you only see conservative posts..etc. So that you're stuck in a feeback loop and don't see different opinions, so that people become more extreme and more divided.

Later on, in 2014 some company took advantage of Facebook's new "brain manipulation" algorithm and took advantage of those feedback loops to keep infuse "fake news" to a targeted audience.

That's basically a short overview, but there's a lot of stuff in between.

Hope that helps :)

Yes, nice of you. :-) Thank You !