In a small town called Toronto there lived a little girl named Marlenita, everyone treated her badly, they did not take it into account to play, Marlenita never knew what a birthday party was, it was always like that anyway.

One night, while resting in his bed, he made the decision to escape, fled while everyone slept, aimlessly, the little girl came to a beach and sat down to rest, she was very exhausted. Suddenly, I look at a hole in the sand. He got up and when he got close, he fell into the dark hole.
He could not believe what he saw, they were small people and they were around him, Suddenly, one of them approached and said, we come to the surface every day, to observe humans and rescue one who really needs our help, you are the chosen one of many children, we feel the pain and sadness of other beings. If you accept us here you would live so happy that you would not think of ever returning to your village, but there is a condition, if you accept we will transform you into one of us. We will give you time to think about that, we will welcome you to our world.
Time passed and Marlenita was very happy in that place, always smiling,
I spent a night thinking until I made the decision to stay with those little people who changed my life. At dawn he gathered them all and told them that he wanted to stay with them the rest of his life, then they said close your eyes, she obeyed, and when the little girl opened her eyes, she was so surprised because she was so small, all burned and the sad girl happened to be the happiest in the world.