Fiat or Crypto: a short story

in #story-300words7 years ago (edited)


The year is 2027. Crypto currency is in vogue, 1 steem is worth $100.

Two friends meet after the school re-union. One, poorly groomed, the other fairly well groomed.

In silence they sit, occasionally glancing at a third, unoccupied chair

After a while, the first man unfolds a newspaper from his breast pocket.

“Here,” he reluctantly passes it.

At the front page flashes a picture of a well-kempt man in suits, captioned: “a billionaire at 29: How did he do it?”

“Funny, Huh?” the first man now speaks, “It was here it started, for all of us!”

“We couldn’t have known,” the other says.

“What? That $100 notes under a mattress were easily shredded by rats? For you at least, predicting how the State emergency would affect banks was difficult.” The first man says, matter-of-factly, echoing their decisions of 10 years before.

10 years before

In the graduation aftermath, the three honorees, each awarded $100 for leading their respective departments, sat around a table pondering the future.

The $100, the Chancellor had advised, needed to be invested carefully.

Protracted pondering resulted in a simple question: Fiat or crypto?

Despite being worth $7, Patel, the Arts major, claimed crypto was the future.

“Crypto! I am going to invest there!”

Ramesh, the computer major disagreed.

“Fiat!” he cut in, dangling his $100 envelope. “Touchable. Visible. Usable,” he chuckled, “Where is your…?”

“Steem,” Raju the economics major sarcastically cut in. He hated banks, and preferred keeping his money where he could see, like under his mattress. So he didn’t entirely agree with Ramesh's idea of banking. But Patel’s block chain idea was more ridiculous.

“Patel get serious! Worth just $7, where is the economic sense investing in steem?”


286 words

Other stories already published under the story-300words challenge

  1. Wiser
  2. Unsaid
  3. Why was the word made Flesh?
  4. Unforgiven
  5. Judgement Day

Hello @ebitularmbert. Another good read. Your stories are brilliant.
It nine would be the price of Steem? Maybe a thousand :-)

Thanks @jeffways. For the compliments and for your persistent reading and commentary on my works. Cryptos are only getting better by everyday. You can imagine what a person who could have purchased bit coin, crypto currencies most popular iteration now, of $100 in 2009 when it was only worth $0 could be worthy now!!!

You are on point @ebitularmbert. And how creative.

You here show us the future of steem but above all, warn us of what will easily be the regret of those who hesitate to invest in steem today.

Yes. Since bitoin started in 2009 only valued at $0, its value has both occasionally plunged and peaked, but overall, it has been peaking and growing. At over $13, who could have know that in 2009?

You brilliantly and creatively construct the fate and the regret of those who will hesitate to invest in steem today. And how brilliantly you do it in story form. @ebitularmbert your creativity is too much!!!

So for all ist worth, i am upvoting and reseteeming this one. I hope it trends!!!. It deserves to

I love the optimism portrayed in your writing. Truth be told, crypto is the great growling engine of change and we all need to follow this and educate the masses.
Thanks for this great analysis, I'll be sharing with my friends.

I am very honored @nexrules, for your active commentary on my works. I take much pleasure when you share your thoughts with me.

The trend of crypto currency since bitcoin came to the fore around 2009 has been upwards, despite occasional dips.

It is therefore safe to suggest that it will only keep getting better. Insofar as technological migration is concerned, unlike the 'let us wait and see' kind of people, it is always the enthusiasts, you know, those who immediately latch onto the idea who profit the most.

Patel was one such person. And Ramesh and Raju, the 'let us wait and see' type.

I tried to construct that picture in the story. It is of course all fiction but it relates to the dilemma of our age of vast and accelerated technological advancement.

Uniting the plot and the setting was somewhat difficult, but i hope the concept came through.

Thanks for your thoughts

Steem at $7 in 2017 and $7 billion in 2027? Now that's a story!

I am honored, @swissclive, again. And much.