Hey there,
Sorry to hear the you and other women were victims of these awful comments.
I have read the comments of @savetheturtles and they really are disgusting.
While I agree that these people should not be supported and even downvoted, from an objective point of view I do not see a proof of the link between the accounts @savetheturtles, @kawaiicrush and @trincowski (or @mitrado).
Can you provide some information regarding this link.
I had already linked the @mitrado account to the @savetheturtles and @kawaiicrush (after the account was sold from previous owner) due to content and styling. It was already known these accounts were linked.
Maybe you feel like you don't have to proof anything, and I understand that regarding the awful messages. But you do have a serious accusation here, putting @trincowski in the middle of the spotlights.
I feel like missing some more "proof" of the link between @trincowski and the other accounts. Even if you have some information, and you don't want to reveal everything because of privacy concers, the picture is not very clear without it. Is it possible to give something to clarify the link?
Thanks. I am still waiting for the same thing... 😶
I am not defending you, just trying to look objectively to the case.
After having read those comments, I hope for you that this is a misunderstanding. Because if it really is true and there is proof, you will lose big time.
On the other hand, why would @justineh create such a post if she didn't have the proof to back it up?! I think there is more information...
I asked her for proof, this was the answer I got.
No, good try though.