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RE: My Wartime Diary. Seventh day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Live update from Kyiv

in #stoprussia3 years ago

Everything that threatens my people, my culture, my existence is my enemy and it is natural to hate and fight your enemies . but just as ugly broads always complain that beauty is only a construct , those who want to parasitize from more capable ones complain that they are hated by them if they are not given everything that others have created ... and you know what ? It is even true ... who wants to parasitize from us at the expense of our existence is our enemy -- and therefore hateful and to fight !

#standwithRussia #GoPutinGo !


I am not sure where you come from when you talk about we. If you are from Germany I am asahmed of having such people in my country.

We welcomed people in 2014 and 2015 in Germany and we will do it again now. By the way. We are welcomming everyone who is now comming from Russia because they do not want to be part of this massacre.

Go and tell you weird talks somewhere else.

No I am not German but you are not German either German would "welcome" the worst enemies and destroyers of peoples and culture in the land of their ancestors .. creatures like you will be guilty for the war coming in Europe .. we will have to fight to rescue the lands and cultures of our ancestors .. and we will ! Be sure -- you all will have to pay for the crime of genocide ! !

You are talking about war genocide and killing people. How can this be anyone else guilt?

People like you are seeking guilt by others for their own weakness and being unable to get their life running.

Get out of your rat hole and see how good the world is. The joy of meeting people from other countries.

The world is far feom peefect abd rich people keep their richness for themselves instead if sharing it with the poor.

That causea migration. But people from foreign countries seeking for help are never the problem. They are the symptom for a deeper lying illness of inequality.

If you want to meet people from other countries .. go to other countries .. and dont support the genozide of our peoples, races, nations and cultures by supporting the invasion of the scum of the planet !
We ARE inequal .. importing the inferior only ruins the superior (which is the NwO-idea behind it by the organizers) .. and this is against natur and evolution .. Nature separated us for a reason -- mess with nature and you lose !
I you are so fond of those inferior -- go there and play "equality" in their lands and slums on your costs -- not ours ! !
War and civil war per Geneve declaration are NO REASON for asylum .. who does not stand his ground and fight is a coward ! And trust me, I know the differenece, I have been a war-reporter for a long time - I met heroes, cowards and scum of all kind ! And what comes here is the scum !
Who invades our nations accross several safe borders looking for the nations with best social welfare does not "seek help" but social welfare, white women and a "better life" .. if they want a better life its up to them to build one in their lands ,, if they are not able to then they dont deserve it !
The last 2 Worldwars killed 30 Million Austrians and Germans and our ancestors remained and built up again .. for us, for our OUR people, for OUR children and grandchildren and not for the scum of the planet! and be sure .. we will honor this .. these "help-seekers" will pay for what they do to us now - same as those who "help" them in .. because soon this system will collapse and then we will take over ! And you will have nothing and nowhere to "escape" to. nobody will help you and this scum then !
Be prepared -- it comes ! Soon !

Do you really try to thread me? Here on hive, because noone can see your real name?

You are such a poor person.

One hint. Your kind will never take over. You are so afraid of everything that you wont have the strong bonds needed to take over.

In addition I am sure, that most of the world learned from WWII. It seems you and your kind did not.

So much from me. I wont waste my time anymore here.

Kiddy, I am a reporter.. I report what I see .. and I saw a lot of wars, idiots, cowards and heroes .. an I see whats coming closer and soon to us in Europe ! . Unfortunatly the scum you bring in rapes and kills our innocent people and not the guilty ones like you .. but times will change soon .. the crash is near .. me afraid ? Kiddy I have been to more wars, battlefields, terror-zones and unrests than you know are existing .. I watched people killing and dying and very often, even mostly, the innocent had to die .. . and I hope that the upcoming war in Europe this time will kill the right ones, the guilty ones, those like you who are guilty that we will have war again ,, war from house to house when the scum you bring in will riot and plunder, will massacre our population over foot-shortages and energy-breakdowns like I have watched them in many other lands before - scum is scum everywhere ! and its the scum you bring in .. to fight our people for the NWO ! .. .. thats facts, mature facts, not mentally-limited-kiddy-phantasies of "equality" -- if you think thats a "threat" .. well then the police and the judge are a threat for the killer and rapist too ! - huh ?

If people had "learned from WWII" than creeps like you could not exist because brainlimited existences like you lead us straight into WWIII and even import the "soldiers" - the soon-killers of our native population !