Do you really try to thread me? Here on hive, because noone can see your real name?
You are such a poor person.
One hint. Your kind will never take over. You are so afraid of everything that you wont have the strong bonds needed to take over.
In addition I am sure, that most of the world learned from WWII. It seems you and your kind did not.
So much from me. I wont waste my time anymore here.
Kiddy, I am a reporter.. I report what I see .. and I saw a lot of wars, idiots, cowards and heroes .. an I see whats coming closer and soon to us in Europe ! . Unfortunatly the scum you bring in rapes and kills our innocent people and not the guilty ones like you .. but times will change soon .. the crash is near .. me afraid ? Kiddy I have been to more wars, battlefields, terror-zones and unrests than you know are existing .. I watched people killing and dying and very often, even mostly, the innocent had to die .. . and I hope that the upcoming war in Europe this time will kill the right ones, the guilty ones, those like you who are guilty that we will have war again ,, war from house to house when the scum you bring in will riot and plunder, will massacre our population over foot-shortages and energy-breakdowns like I have watched them in many other lands before - scum is scum everywhere ! and its the scum you bring in .. to fight our people for the NWO ! .. .. thats facts, mature facts, not mentally-limited-kiddy-phantasies of "equality" -- if you think thats a "threat" .. well then the police and the judge are a threat for the killer and rapist too ! - huh ?
If people had "learned from WWII" than creeps like you could not exist because brainlimited existences like you lead us straight into WWIII and even import the "soldiers" - the soon-killers of our native population !