The crack-up (animation teaser)

in #stop-motion8 years ago

Doing a stop-motion animation on scanner with cut-outs, watercolors on plastic sheet and other crazy stuff can be lonely. It sure takes a lot of time and devotion (not to say stubbornness) and even when you have 300 images you still might not have anything to show yet, still have to do editing and at least 300 more... 2 months have passed in which I've been trying to finish this short animation video (a freelance project I found on the net) and somehow meanwhile have some summer rest/adventures and still go on a lot of walks with my daughter. Sometimes I don't know if what I'm doing is even interesting to watch. It's still not finished, but I wanted to share a micro-bit of it here. Would be great to hear your opinion:)


()![img026.jpg] ()![img026.jpg] ()


Cool, Following!


OH, You doing what i have been wanting to make ! Cool art !! i totally like and will follow you!!! i wish we could talk about the process.. this looks cool ! :-)

I'm glad you like it! :) The video that this face is part of will be ready very soon and I'll definitely share it with you. I'm always happy to talk about crazy cut-outs and stop-motion:) (you can see some of my older videos here : We'll talk:)

cool. i will check it out! see you around. can i ask you questions if i get last in the making? i hope you wont mind! :-) thanks again !

i checked your page. it is really cool ! nice voice you got ! :-)

Thanks! Of course, you can ask me anything, I'll answer to the best of my humble experience:)