$WPI - Of blind sell orders

in #stocksph7 years ago (edited)

Today, the blue chips and the traditional crowd favorites are down. There was word around 10 am that the Gatchalian stocks were up. I didn’t have much time and I just sneaked to go with the flow and bought a familiar stock I have played with before. I got some WPI at an average of 1.04 and sold some of my sluggish POPI with a little loss. I knew the afternoon was going to be busy and I just looked at the bid and sell and thought 1.09 was a safe place to sell. So I set a sell order.

From memory, I remember 1.1 was a significant resistance so the plan must be fair enough. I could get back my POPI shares quickly after sellling, I thought.


So I got busy as expected and checked at 5 pm. WPI sold and WPI went ceiling to 1.35. Whoah. Being busy would have been a convenient excuse but I should have checked out the weekly chart first. Could have divided sell at 1.1 (with resistance) and 1.2 (the heavier resistance).
