Tнιɴɢѕ I ѕαιd I woυld Never do

in #stockshares4 years ago

When I was young there were a lot of things I said I would never do.

photo credit: @lightcaptured

Some things just didn’t make sense to me. I felt they were unnecessary or ridiculous.

It’s been a long road traveled since then. Now as I think back on those things I said I’d never do...today I am doing those very things. 😏😄

I ѕαιd I woυld Never drιve α vαɴ

Oh my gosh I thought vans were the ugliest vehicles EVER. I used to ask my siblings

why would anyone ever want to be seen in one of those?

A van doesn’t know if it wants to be a car or a truck...like really make up your mind what kind of vehicle are you? I used to think they ran out of ideas and just threw something together lol.

I seriously had something against vans, especially the extra long ones. Then the ones without back windows were really weird looking to me, even rather creepy. 😬

𝙵𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍

I LOVE OUR VAN! 😁 I can’t imagine not having one for our family. Actually there are not very many options for us to drive a family of seven around.

The SUV’s that are 7 seater are not as comfortable as a van. You have to pull the seats forward to get kids in and out. With a van all they do is climb in and straight back to their seats without any extra hassle. There is also way more leg room which is good for traveling.

My young self sure was ignorant to the fact that vans are so convenient for larger families. I had no idea how comfortable they are to ride in on trips. I was just focused on the outer appearance instead of the functionality of them. Nowadays vans have come a long way in style, they are not as ugly as they used to be. 😅

I ѕαιd I woυld Never eαт veɢeтαвleѕ αт wιll

photo credit: @lizelle

I’m going to let you in on one of my deepest embarrassments. I’m trusting you to keep it between us okay?

I hated vegetables so much back then that I used to sneak behind my parents back and hide them under our dishwasher. 🤭

Okay let me elaborate some more. My parents wouldn’t let me leave the dinner table until I ate a certain amount of vegetables on my plate. I would literally sit there crying while forcing myself to eat them.

Well one day I got clever. When my parents weren’t looking I’d grab a handful of those wicked vegetables from my plate and stuff them under our dishwasher. I pushed them far back enough where no evidence could be found. 😎

The last time I did this my hand got stuck under the dishwasher. I’m serious y’all like for real stuck! 😳

Unfortunately I had to call my parents to help me get it unstuck. I can’t remember the lame excuse I gave of why my hand was down there and how it got stuck. What I do remember is the whole situation made my dad suspicious of what I was really doing. 😓

The next morning I woke up and was called to the kitchen. I walked in to see the dishwasher pulled out away from the wall and my many months of hiding vegetables right there on the floor. 😵

You can imagine it wasn’t a pretty sight and the look on my parent’s face said it all.

After that hideout was exposed I began holding the vegetables in my mouth and pretending I had to use the restroom.

In the toilet they went. 🤫

My parents never found out I was doing this.

They both used to tell me

one day you will love vegetables and actually choose to eat them.

I’m not sure if they realized who they were talking to. I mean me? The veggie hider. Haha come on no way! 😂

𝙵𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍

Yeah, can’t live without my veggies. 🤷🏽‍♀️

They called it. I can’t get enough of vegetables and salads. It’s hard to believe I hated them so much back then.

Now the tables have turned and I have to make my kids eat them sometimes. Well, it depends on which kid and which vegetables I make. Everyone has developed their own preference but I’m glad they at least like some veggies.

Isn’t it funny how our preferences change with age? 😆

I ѕαιd I woυld Never нαve cнιldreɴ

I was twenty five years old when I got married. Before then I would daydream of what it would be like having my own family. In my early twenties I did desire to get married and have children.

It was after marriage that my husband and I decided we weren’t going to have any. I think we both just liked caring for the two of us, it was easy. We didn’t want to be boggled down with the worries and stresses of trying to raise children.

We had decided we would travel all over the world together and make a life full of adventures. We both had nieces and nephews to spoil and figured that would be enough.

𝙵𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍


Here I am 5 months pregnant with our first baby...need I say more? 🤣

Ah life! It’s so unpredictable.

We wouldn’t have it any other way. We love having a big family and there is never a dull moment in our home.

Even though it gets chaotic I try to remember they will not be young forever. I’m experiencing that right now with my first born. She will be eleven years old in April and is changing right before our eyes. She’s becoming into her own. She’s not my little baby any more. 😫

We’ll continue to enjoy this ride of parenthood and live everyday to the fullest.

Never ѕαy Never

I was so quick to say what I would never do. This famous saying rings a lot of truth. You just never know what you will actually end up doing. 😄

Wнαт αre yoυ doιɴɢ тнαт yoυ ѕαιd yoυ’d Never do?

Hit me up in the comments. I’d love to hear.

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I hope you enjoyed! Thank you! ♥️


I also think that I will never have children like you said and in the end you had 5 ... this scares me a little 😂


I'm so sorry, didn't mean to scare you! 😆

I think once we had one we just decided to let them keep on rollin' in lol! 😅

I fell into the trap of missing the baby stage every time one of them started growing up. 😁

Oh gosh, your veggies story is so familiar! I didn't dislike all veggies, but some I struggled with, like cabbage. My dad used to make us stay at the dinner table until we'd either eaten everything on our plates or it was time for bed. I used to keep shoving veggies in my mouth and chewing, but couldn't swallow them, so I'd end up with a mouth full of stringy vegetable pulp. I'd ask to go to the toilet and flush them, but my dad caught on and would make me show my mouth first. Plan b was a radiator just behind my seat at the table and I ended up dropping them behind that. When he was moving the furniture out to join us at a new place, he discovered the desicated vegetable stash. 🤣

These days he's the one who leaves food on his post when he comes to visit. I recently reminded him how he used to make us sit at the take until our plates were clean.

I wasn't going to have children, either. It war something I'd ever says never to, but I'd watched and helped my sister as a single parent and decided it wasn't for me. Eventually hubby decided he wanted kids after all. I recently asked him why he changed his mind and he said it was something he hadn't tried yet. 😆

I'm not the sort to say never, I'll always leave my options open, but it was funny to hear someone else's stories and recognising my own in them.

Oh my gosh! So now I know why we connect so well! 🤣🤣🤣

I remember having the moth full of soggy veggies and chewing for eternity until I could escape to the toilet. 😅

So you too had a plan b until it was also discovered. So funny.

🤣🤣🤣 Your husband’s reason is Hilarious!!!

Yes, I have learned to say most likely not or I don’t think I’d etc etc. No more never say nevers for me! 😄

Thanks for sharing that, I enjoyed it! ❤️

I'm just glad plan b was discovered when we weren't there. We'd moved on ahead, so it was just my dad sorting the house out. I'd have been in so much trouble if I'd been there! 😅 I don't even know why he moved the radiator to end up discovering it. Some years later he mentioned that he used to use a handkerchief to spit his veggies into.

My only rule with my girls was that if they couldn't eat their dinner, they didn't get dessert. There was no way I was going to force them to sit at the table for hours of they really weren't hungry any more and going without dessert was usually a good sign that they weren't hungry. They also didn't get fed veggies they really couldn't stomach. My other rule was that they had to try everything at least once, twice if cooked differently and if they really didn't like it I wouldn't push it any further. We all have thugs we really don't like, even as adults.


That is exactly what we do with our kids now. My husband was forced to try new foods and I was forced to eat veggies, we definitely don’t want to do that to our kids. Taking away their dessert privilege usually helps motivate them to eat their vegetables.

I also encourage them to try foods out first before they knock it. Most times they are happy I had them try something because they end up liking it :)

I was thinking of this post and our conversation on Saturday, when I overheard my dad talking about how he didn't like food that had gone cold, because as children if they didn't eat their meal it would go in the fridge and be put back in front of them next meal time. He'd go for days without eating because of this. Then he went and did what he did to us!

Oh wow! Isn't that something lol. Sometimes we do make our kids eat their meal from the night before (to stop waste) but of course we do warm it for them. I can imagine how that was to not want to eat cold food. 🥴

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A very interesting story about you and your family. I remembered the expression "Life is what happens to you when you have completely different plans." Yes, our life is interesting and unpredictable! There is even more interesting ahead! I wish all your family happiness !!!

Definitely so. We had totally different plans but am happy the way it turned out. We still get to travel just not too far and wide. 😄

Thank you, I wish you all the happiness as well ~

Hehehe, some of those... priceless. Some time ago I stopped saying "I would never..." as later at some point I get always challenged :D

Thanks a lot for featuring one of my stock photos, I love that place. Sometimes we go there and wait for a train to pass under, it feels like its speed is sweeping me off :)

Haha right? You couldn't pay me enough to swallow those veggies.

Oh it's a pleasure featuring your work. Your photos speak the tone of my writings and most times I have an idea it drifts towards one of your photos. 😉

Thank you for making them available for me to use. They really enhance the mood I’m trying to convey ~

Oh! I am so happy and moved to see that. I always tell myself to search my photos for more but the days spin too quickly lately :) I've got an idea for months that is maturing, a series of useful stock images specially made for the platform ;)

It's true. 😊

Oooh looking forward to seeing this series! 😃

Thank you :) They still in my head only but I should make them, some day, hehee :)

This is a really simple but very entertaining post. I just fell into it and enjoyed every word. Nice.

Now this I will share with you but don't tell anyone. I used to say I will never borrow money from anyone. That's when I had a really good job with a multinational company. But then my contract ended and I had to settle with another good job but not as high paying. Eventually my expenses began to overrun my income that I had to borrow money just to make it through to the next payday. Now, debt is a necessity and a reality for me. It's become a way of life and I don't know how I could have survived this far without it. I am not so worried about borrowing money though because if ever my debts are all called in I do have more than enough assets to cover them. So word of caution: Don't borrow more than what you can afford. And yes, never say never 🙂

Oh wow thanks so much. I really appreciate feedback like this. 🙂

I promise I won’t say a word. 😉 That is some very sound advice, thank you for sharing that.

Your vegetable story is so funny!! You haven't checked your dishwasher now by any chance have you ?

😂😂😂 So glad you read and laughed. Sometimes I can't believe the stuff I used to do lol!!!

😳😳😳 Oooooh you have a point there. I will definitely be checking now!!! 🤭🤣

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I am laughing. At 58, I have often said by now I could fill a book with the list of things I said I would never do--that I have now done!

Haha that's so funny! 😄

I guess many of us can look back and laugh at those things ~ ❤️

Lovely read. And I can definitely relate. HAHAH, I like how your travel the world fantasy turns into family bliss, stuff happens and God knows best. And yes those mini vans these days a brim!

Thank you so much!

Haha yes! Our traveling consists of grocery shopping, family’s houses and walks around the block. 😂

Yes God definitely knew what we needed. Our plans are not always what He has for us. So glad He knew better than we did. 🙂

I enjoyed reading this! Thank you for sharing. I can just imagine the look on your parents face and your face when they found out the veggies hide out! 😁😁

And true, just enjoy the moments with your children while they are young. I am a mother of 3 girls and i can see time is really running fast that before we knew it our children are grown ups.

Thank you! I am happy to know you enjoyed. ☺️

Oh gosh, reliving that moment while writing this got me quite scared again. 😬😄

Yes absolutely! We must enjoy them while they’re young.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts ~

you are very welcome! yes I did enjoy reading your post. :)

This was a funny read! Especially because I said the same thing about the first two! I still don’t have a van, and probably never will 😜. But I definitely eat my veggies now. I used to tell everyone I was a carnivore and only eat meat. Now it’s a part of my balanced diet!

Also, congrats on the baby! Kids are an amazing experience! Tough. But worth it!

😆 Haha it's so fun knowing I wasn't the only one!

But wait, you HAVE to try a van lol! 😂 They’re amazingly comfortable! 😁

Oh yes gotta love those veggies! Our bodies are thanking us right now for accepting them into our lives.

Thanks so much. I really appreciate your visit and comment ~

Wow really nice!!!

Remember parents sleeping all late on Saturdays 🤔!
Me and brother would be up at 6:00 in the morning on Saturdays watching our favorite cartoons, and playing video games; ready to go outside as soon as the parents said we could!
Never understood why they slept to 11:00 and 12:00 on Saturdays!💁🏾‍♀️
Hey that was never going to be me.... 😳!

Here it is Saturday... my kids at my bedroom door at 11:00 just a knocking .... 😴😴
But I soooo get it now! 😆 Thanks for sharing.

Thank you kindly!!

🤣 Oh yes!! Sleeping in on a Saturday is THE Best!!! 😆

It’s funny how we didn’t understand those things and now we are living in our parents shoes...fully comprehending why now.

Too bad for our kids though. They have another 20 years before they “get it”. Lol

Thanks so much for responding. ♥️

Never is forever