The Stock You MUST Buy Now!!!!! Square, Inc (SQ) And What it Can Mean for Cryptocurrency

in #stocks8 years ago

The Stock You MUST Buy Now!!!!! Square, Inc (SQ)


I have talked about Square, Inc before on my blog a few weeks back. I have been preaching about this stock for months and it seems like nobody is listening to me. So here is the last time I highly suggest to get this stock while it is at this rate.

The chances that you have come across a Square product is high, but never noticed them . They are mostly known to make that mini card swipe device that plugs in to phones and tablets in small business to create easy transactions with a merchant and consumer. They have plenty of other impressive products that are revolutionary, but I am here to talk about how they will be a big player soon in the market, going up against Pay Pal and Visa.


They are different and have a greater vision when it comes to how merchants and consumers conduct transactions. They have a first movers advantage and are running with the ball. The stock is currently at $22.74, I could easily see it go up to 50. With their business model and outlook, it will be a matter of time when they stick their heads in the cryptocurrency world when it come to doing transactions. Look in to this stock now and see growth potential it has ahead!



I was just thinking about them today. Wrote up a little spot about them you might like.