Dow Jones Plunges 800 Points With Signs of More Turmoil Ahead.

in #stockmarket6 years ago


The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted nearly 800 points today amid fears of a slowing economic growth.

Stocks tanked Tuesday as the goodwill generated by a truce between the U.S. and China over trade evaporated over confusion about what the two sides had actually agreed upon.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell nearly 800 points. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note declined to its lowest level in three months, a signal that the bond market is worried about long-term economic growth.

To be fair this should not come as a complete surprise to anyone as this slide is just another step in a long-term planned crash of the entire world markets. The crash began exactly on the day predicted by the Economist magazine on October 10, 2018. Since then the earnings of the past year have been completely wiped away with the mainstream media downplaying the sliding market as much as possible. This is very dangerous as this will only continue to further the crash along. As it gains more and more momentum the stock market will take a sudden plunge leading to the worst crash in history. It will be even greater than the great depression. Simultaneously all fiat currencies around the world will return to their intrinsic value of zero essentially being useful for little more than lighting a fire.

The world will look for a currency they can rely on, one that does not wildly fluctuate but is backed by a stable hard asset such as Gold. This is why the other superpowers started the transition years ago to back their currencies with gold. Empires have been propped up for centuries as long as they kept their standard the same, but many empires came crashing down not long after they abandoned a stable currency. Let history be our guide.

There is one currency coming that will be the deciding factory for kingdoms that will last for eternity and that currency is GODcoin. GODcoin is a currency still in the ICO stage but it will eventually be backed by Gold and will be the stable currency of the New Kingdom under the control of Christ RayEl. Depressions and poverty in the New Kingdom will be a thing of the past.

This article was written by: @mharr331

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Right before it closes for a day...


The markets have become as unstable as Bitcoin, although the DOW still hasn't reached as low as June, but I refuse to talk about something I don't fully understand.

I keep hearing theories that the Federal Reserve will hike interest rates in order to ruin President Trump's economic progress and all that he is doing against the "Deep State"...if they do that it will be a pretty big problem. Whether they will or not, time will tell.

Fiat currency fire starter packs - something some bankers might take a look at in the Outer Darkness, after the fall...

Nobody can stop the collapse...

The big crash is coming soon!

Take heed of the writing on the wall.

All according to plan!