Hey broooo hope you heal up with God’s speed, so glad to see you doing more community uplifting and support. Is there anyway I can message you on Steemit.chat or Discord? If yes for either what are your usernames and #id.
I have an update for you. I have finished the song and want to release it in parts and showcase the full song you have requested me very soon. I hope you enjoy it and as I post the parts I want to send you the links as we build up to the song presentation.
Hey verbal-d, I'm still recovering from my ear+sinus infection and not spending too much time on the Internet. But, when I am on discord my user name+id is: fulltimegeek#5230
I'm sure the song is great and doesn't need my "stamp of approval." Just release it to the masses and spread the blessing :)
Sounds great bro! I'll be sure to do so. Again, heal up and I'll add you on Discord.
God bless and indeed I shall.