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RE: @fulltimegeek's #stewardsofgondor - Weekly delegate engagement and sub-delegation stats!

in #stewardsofgondor7 years ago

hopefully the spam merchants don't use it as a go to directory.

That's just my posts in general at present! :D

is this average a reflection of good comment quality - and do you think calculating the average will be a good reflection for the level of quality for comments made by the Stewards and worth sharing?

I have thought about add average length of comment and can see some value in it for sure. At the top level, I guess the number of comments provides quantity and the number of characters provide quality.

There are a few examples I can think of where one is better than the other.

  • A huge comment could bring the average up, but that engagement may only be specific to the comment receiver

  • Many comments of support to many people show a wider engagement level, but could lack substance

I think there is room for both - especially if you consider 2nd languages, available time to engage, etc.

I wonder what others think?
