Why are all beautiful stewardesses on Chinese planes, and all auntie planes on American planes?

in #stewardess5 years ago

If you have ever flown on an American Airlines flight, you will definitely be impressed by the flight attendants on the plane.

In China and most countries, the image of a stewardess looks like this:
Young, elegant, intellectual, and beautiful are almost synonymous with stewardess.

However, on many flights in the United States, the image of a flight attendant looks like this:
Although still elegant and confident, but the age is generally too large, these uncles and aunts, let you play in minutes.

Did n’t you say that stewardesses eat youthful meals? Is the problem of population aging in the United States already so serious?
In December 1964, our team searched for mineral deposits in northwestern Yunnan. The squad consisted of a total of eight people, of which four guard soldiers were each equipped with an assault rifle. One day, before departure, a Naxi villager took our car to Visi. There was a lot of snow on the road that day, and the road under the snow was uneven. We had to get off the cart often. Just as we got out of the cart again, a group of brown-yellow things slowly approached us. When we were in doubt and speculation, the Naxi villager shouted, "Get on the car quickly, it's a group of wolves." Driver Xiaowang hurriedly started the car and increased the throttle ... But unfortunately, the wheels just idled in place, it was impossible go ahead. At this point the wolves were close to the car ... everyone could see clearly-8 wolves, all like calves, with their stomachs hanging high. The soldier Xiao Wu picked up his assault rifle, and the Naxi folks seized Xiao Wu's grab. He calmly exclaimed: "Can't shoot. Once the guns are fired, they will either get under the car or into the woods. The wolves will bite the tires and surround us. Then the wolves will howl to call for more. The wolf and us are desperate. "He went on to say:" The wolves are hungry and crazy, they are looking for food, can there be food in the car? "We replied almost in unison:" Yes. "" Throw them and eat them. "The fellow seemed to give an order. I have never experienced anything like this. At that time, my mind was blank. Except for nervousness, the brain seemed to be unable to think about problems. After hearing this from fellow villagers, we didn't hesitate to drop some bacon, ham and precious deer stalks bought from Lijiang. The wolves' eyes were all red, and they yelled at the food in excitement, swallowed with a big bite, and ate everything they had just dropped in a blink of an eye. The fellow continued to order: "Throw more!" The second batch of about 50 pounds of meat flew out of the rear door again, just a bag of cigarettes, and was cleaned by 8 wolves. After eating, the eight wolves sat down neatly, staring at the rear door. At this time, a few of us were holding our breaths, sweating in the nervous hands, and even being able to clearly hear the sound of our heartbeats ... We don't know what way we can break out of the wolves. Seeing such a situation, the fellow said, "Are you there? Leave it at all, don't distress these things if you want to save your life!" At this time, in addition to nervousness, fear, and anger ...! As fighters, we have a responsibility to protect these materials, even if we sacrifice ourselves. But the reality is that our car can't get out of the snow and can only be trapped in the car. Our bullets are extremely limited, and once a wolf pack is summoned, we will become more helpless. A few of us glanced at each other, hesitating for a moment, no one said anything, and painfully dumped all the meat on the car and a dozen packets of biscuits all off the car! The eight wolves chewed again. After eating the meat, they sniffed the dozen packets of cookies tentatively, but did not eat them. At this time I clearly saw that the wolf's belly had been rounded, and the violent and fierce gaze had been docile. One wolf made two laps around the car, and the other seven wolf did not move. For a moment, the wolf drew into the woods with the wolves ... Unbelievable happened ... A short while later, 8 wolves got out of the pine forest, holding branches in their mouths, and put them on the two rear wheels of the car. below. We couldn't believe our eyes ... these wolves meant to use our branches to help us tyre up and drive our cars out of the snow. I laughed excitedly ... ha ... ha ... just laughed twice, another soldier was busy covering my mouth with his hands, he was afraid that the sudden laughter scared the wolf. Then, the eight wolves drilled to the bottom of the car together, but saw snow flying on both sides of the car. Tears rolled in my eyes, shouting Xiao Wang: "Wolves help us pick up the snow, start the car quickly," the car started, but did not take two steps and slipped again. The wolf repeated the action just now: "Push the branches under the wheels first, then pluck the snow ...". In this way, the car advances a section every time it is repeated, about ten times. For the last time, the car went forward a mile smoothly and approached the top of the mountain. Moving forward is downhill. At this time, eight wolves were sitting side by side behind the car, one of them was slightly forward than the other seven wolves. The fellow said, "The one in front is just the wolf, and the idea is from him." We were so excited that we applauded the wolves and waved their hands to pay tribute. But these 8 cute wolves did not respond to our actions, they just looked at us steadily, then, the head wolf came first, and the rest then slowly walked up the mountain and disappeared into the pine forest ... .. Can't bear thinking after reading: Even the ferocious wolf knows how to repay, should we reflect on ourselves? Human beings who profess to be primates, should we fill this world with love?
No, no, in fact, 50 years ago, there were young and beautiful women on American flights, and even their requirements were more stringent-if they fell in love, got fat or became disabled, they would be forced to retire!

In the era when airplanes were not so common, people who had money to buy air tickets were either rich or expensive. They spent a lot of money and naturally wanted to enjoy better services. Then, let the young and beautiful girl bring tea and water. Seems to be right.
At that time, celebrities, senior officials, and wealthy businessmen could not only enjoy delicious pastries and comfortable beds on the plane, but also live piano performances, and that posture was no less luxurious than star hotels.

At that time, the young girls who could be selected as stewardess must be beautiful and fashionable, they were called "perfect sky girls".

This job has attracted countless people-after all, for girls in ordinary families, this is the best opportunity to get close to the high society. Who wouldn't want a carp to jump?
At that time, although the feminist movement had flourished, the status of women in society was still not treated equally. Most girls could only accept growing up and marrying, and lived a lifetime of cooking songs in pots and pans. life.

And the airline has advertised such a job: marriage is good, but you do n’t want to look at the world first?

The world is so big, who doesn't want to see it? Who doesn't want to shuttle through a coffee shop in New York in the morning, go to the cross streets of Manhattan at noon, and order a bloody Mary in a bistro in Los Angeles at night?

Countless girls have joined the flight attendant registration army, and the heat is much more hot than the current creation of 101.
For wealthy business celebrities, these youthful girls are also a symbol of their status. Only outstanding men are equipped with excellent stewardess services, so the fares of major airlines have risen, and even individual flight attendants have appeared. Individual bidding for services.

The airline is like a girl's brokerage company. According to the different preferences of wealthy businessmen, they have opened a variety of special routes. The flight to the United Kingdom requires a refined and elegant stewardess. The flight to Paris requires a sexy chick ...
The girls were packed like draft stars, and even arranged "personal settings" for them, and they were indeed sought after by the stars, wearing Milan fashion, Paris jewellery, and some still Owned car and human cash dispenser.

The celebrities and wealthy merchants enjoyed the visual enjoyment, the girls received various gifts and luxury goods, and the airlines made a lot of money. It seemed that everything was a joy.

Until the 1960s, the United States had a wave of female "awakening".

The stewardesses finally found that this "pleasing to the customers" had already changed taste.

Southwest Airlines has always used "sexy and delicate" as the selection criteria for flight attendants. They are required to maintain perfect weight, put on the most beautiful makeup and say the most sultry, the skirts of uniforms are getting shorter and shorter, and the chest line is pulled lower and lower. Revealing sexual cues.

Even recruitment posters have become like this:
The stewardesses were not allowed to marry or fall in love, and had to entertain those customers during their spare time. Otherwise, they would be forced to retire, and they would only get a pension that could not feed themselves.

Even after retirement, they had to face the humiliation of "old customers" coming to their doorsteps, and many of their marriages broke down.

Even if you are not in love, have no overweight, or have a damaged face, you have to retire before the age of 30 because "the company does not need a woman who is old and old".

Women's youth is so short, and they dedicate their best years to the sky, but they will be abandoned when the years are gone!

The stewardess were angry.

They submitted a petition to the court.

With the rise of the feminist movement, things soon became a big deal.

Girls spontaneously posted flyers and parades on the streets, and reporters who came to the newspapers accused the airline of being inhumane.

They demanded that they be able to wear fitted clothes, lengthen the skirt's hem, take off strange Martin boots, and more importantly, they asked to extend their retirement time.

In 1972, the Aviation Women's Rights Organization was officially established, and the stewardess began to protest and fight for rights in an organized manner.

Once the affirmative action began, it quickly became "politically correct." In the early 1970s, federal courts in the United States formally passed laws prohibiting companies from forcing retirement due to the age of their employees.

In addition, the law provides that no job can be refused on the basis of gender.

This also means that in the past, only men could do the work, and now women can also participate. For example, in the industries of truck drivers, doctors, lawyers, pilots, etc., women have begun to appear.

This is a huge victory for women's affirmative action. Men also benefit a lot.
With the promulgation of the statute, what was previously thought to be only women can do, and now men can also participate, so male nurses appeared in the hospital, and there were empty seats on the plane.
At the same time, with the liberation of women, women no longer need to rely on flight attendants, and can freely walk out of their homes and embrace the world.

On the plane, the proportion of female passengers is increasing, and many housewives are beginning to travel with their children.

In this way, the stewardess of the sexy line seems a little "not suitable for children."

The uniform returned to its original solemn and elegant appearance. Even expensive cocktails and obscene in-flight performance services were stopped, the cost was reduced, the fares of major airlines were correspondingly reduced, and more and more ordinary families could also consume Able to travel by air, a virtuous circle gradually formed.

The gorgeous aura of the stewardess faded away, and the group of stewardess who dared to resist injustices gradually grew old, and this time, no airline would fire them.

Because there is no time limit for retirement, the stewardesses have gradually become auntie, auntie, and even grandma, and the first batch of flight attendants also became uncles.

They still love their work and stick to their posts. Even if fresh blood is constantly being added, no one can take their place.
They said they should fly until they can't move.

No one can determine the time limit for youth to fade away. As long as there is love and courage to fight for in his heart, he will never grow old.