Thoughts that I don't want to interrupt my wife with

in #stereotypes3 months ago

She's working on a poem or a paper, and needs to not be interrupted even though she's so close.
But I'll be good.
But I have thoughts, and I love sharing my thoughts with her.
Here's this one.
I immediately form a person in my mind when I hear their name. I mean, if they're a stranger. This person is named Deborah, so I think she's 60, white, maybe an academic of some sort. I'll bet she reads a lot of books and is a successful professional or small business owner. I wouldn't be surprised if she has a stall at the farmers market where she sells crafts. Maybe she's a lawyer, though. I'll bet she gardens. I said she's white earlier, but I can also imagine she's black. It doesn't change any of the other details, though. Except maybe she works in medicine?
This other person is named Amy. I'll bet she's my age, but I have myself in mind from 20 years ago. Because I went to school with a lot of Amys. Maybe she's a real estate agent. Maybe not. She's probably creative, but has a very responsible day job, like accountant. I think she's active, like plays a team sport - maybe soccer on the weekends.


schroedingers real estate agent. A Deborah definitely does real estate as a side hustle, unless she doesn't. Sometimes its her full time job.

character creation is so fun, and this "IS(unless it isn't)" is such a cool technique.