Thanks for that link. I went to sleep last night reading about hydroxychloroquine, zinc and zithromax (no nightmares, though 😄). One of your questions is easy to answer: yes, tonic water does have quinine. As for the therapeutic value/safety of the other drug combinations: not so easy. Now that the drug combination has become a topic of political discussion, I have to look back at pre-COVID19 to get objective information. I'm still reading, and so far found some interesting details. All three drugs alone are associated with negative cardiac events. Here are three articles: ZPAC,hydroxychloroquine, and zinc. Not surprisingly, (given the individual effect each drug has) cardiac complications have been noted in people who take a combination of the drugs. Whether or not the drug combinations are effective treatments for COVID--this is such a political hot potato. Time will have to pass and valid, control studies done, in order to evaluate the efficacy of the drug combination in treating COVID. I think we may be looking at development of an antiviral(remdesivir) in the near future. This has apparently been looked at in at least one rigorous study.
Let's hope so.
Thank you for sending me into these corners of the science universe to find answers. Hope you enjoy good health and never have to personally find out if these medicines work :)
Thanks for that link. I went to sleep last night reading about hydroxychloroquine, zinc and zithromax (no nightmares, though 😄). One of your questions is easy to answer: yes, tonic water does have quinine. As for the therapeutic value/safety of the other drug combinations: not so easy. Now that the drug combination has become a topic of political discussion, I have to look back at pre-COVID19 to get objective information. I'm still reading, and so far found some interesting details. All three drugs alone are associated with negative cardiac events. Here are three articles: ZPAC, hydroxychloroquine, and zinc. Not surprisingly, (given the individual effect each drug has) cardiac complications have been noted in people who take a combination of the drugs. Whether or not the drug combinations are effective treatments for COVID--this is such a political hot potato. Time will have to pass and valid, control studies done, in order to evaluate the efficacy of the drug combination in treating COVID. I think we may be looking at development of an antiviral(remdesivir) in the near future. This has apparently been looked at in at least one rigorous study.
Let's hope so.
Thank you for sending me into these corners of the science universe to find answers. Hope you enjoy good health and never have to personally find out if these medicines work :)