From other people pilotby differ in that they are comfortable only happens to people who clearly can not call love. That is, with a partner who humiliates or despises – behaves not like a lover. It is this attitude that makes a phobian-obsessed person feel safe. But do not think, pondering the concept of "philophobia" that is a condition, which is akin to masochism. No, filafob on such a perverted relationship, as a rule, is not solved, it is sufficiently developed survival instinct, so most often he stands alone, not having children being.
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Philophobia is agree with you is a survival instinct and like I said most times he finds comfort in being with a partner who humiliates or despises so he could comfortably build a wall around himself and shut himself more out of falling in love and that's why he is often alone. You are right. Thank you