Why are Most Aeroplanes Painted White?

in #stemng7 years ago

If you have ever paid attention to the aeroplanes, you will notice something unique amongst all of them; they fly. Of course, they should. They were made to fly. Otherwise, they would just be just another oversized vehicle that needs a special road as wide as a soccer field to operate. The something unique about most of them that I wanted to talk about was their colours; they were majorly painted white.

Pxhere Image: A White Airplane

My inquisitive cousin asked the distraught mother why the aeroplane is painted white as they were about to board one. That was after a series of other hard to answer questions, and the mother tersely told him, "Tom, it is painted white because other colours are taken!" Of course, that was not the reason it was painted white, but Tom was content with that, and his mother lived to see another day of his never-ending questions :)

But the main reason for this could be traced to thermal science. I hope you remember the high school science class on what to wear on a particularly hot day. The idea was that a lighter coloured shirt would keep you cooler than that dark t-shirt which happens to be your favourite t-shirt.

As the real estate market is all about location, this particular phenomenon is all to do with wavelengths, absorptions, and reflections.

The sun consists of all the mixture of visible wavelengths. The colours are visible in a rainbow. A rainbow merely is when the light from the sun separates into its colours. The colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. Which, we remember back in high school with ROY G. BIV or simply ROYGBIV, for each letter of the visible light spectrum in the sequence of orders of wavelengths.

The red has the longest wavelength while violet is the shortest wavelength.
Wikipedia Creative Commons: Electromagnetic Spectrum showing visible spectrum with red colour having the longest wavelength (750nm) and violet colour with the shortest wavelength at 380nm

A colour of an object is what it absorbs and reflects. For instance, a red shirt appears red because it had absorbed all shorter wavelengths (absorbs all wavelengths of visible light from violet to orange) and reflects the longer ones. The reverse action happens when you put on a blue or violet shirt; it reflects all the other colours in the spectrum, and violet/blue is visible.

Thus, white or light coloured shirt reflects all visible colours, a black coloured shirt absorbs. The absorbed radiation makes the black-shirt-wearing fellow warm due to absorbed radiation being converted to heat while the white-shirt-wearing individual appears cool due to reflections of radiations.

Now the reverse is true in areas where suns are needed. Solar panels paints/colours have a dark shade; some are black to be able to absorb all the sun's rays as hits it.

The absence of any light is observed as black. When all the colours are mixed, they appear to us as white just like the colour of the Sun. Yes, the Sun's colour is white and not yellow or any of the hues we observe from earth due to scattering of its other colours by the atmosphere.

The same coolness experienced as a result of reflections from wearing a white shirt on a sunny day plays a major role in why the planes are painted white.

According to Prof R. John Hansman, an MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics professor

The main reason why aircraft are painted white or light colors is to reflect sunlight and minimize both the heating and any potential damage from the solar radiation. It's basically the same as putting sunblock on. For example, on a sunny day if you're wearing a dark-colored shirt, you'll heat up more than if you will if you're wearing a white-colored shirt. Business Insider

Also, whatever colour that you paint, it will oxidise due to exposure to elements and fade to near white over time. So, it makes sense to have the paint as white.

Even the Birds Love White

So apart from shielding some composite material and some plastic part of the plane from the dangerous solar radiation, the birds seem to see the colour white and swerve out of incoming aeroplane's approach.

Birds tend to avoid brightly painted aeroplanes, according to the 2011 research titled Bird Strikes and Aircraft Fuselage Color: A Correlational Study, done by Esteban Fernández-Juricic, Jim Gaffney, Patrice Baumhardt of the Purdue University Indiana USA and Bradley F. Blackwell of USDA/APHIS/Wildlife Services’ National Wildlife Research Center.

That is a good thing as birdstrikes come with severe financial implication as a study has shown.

Thus, the true cost of bird strikes in the US is likely substantially higher, especially if indirect costs (e.g. aircraft downtime) are considered. Globally, conservative estimates of the total monetary costs of bird strikes range from US$1.21 to US$1.36 billion annually. THE COSTS OF BIRDSTRIKES TO

That is not all we have to contend with, birdstrikes have been shown to result in deaths too.

Collisions between birds and aircraft (birdstrikes) can have catastrophic consequences, and have resulted in the loss of at least 190 lives and 52 aircraft in civil aviation (Thorpe 1996). Military losses are more difficult to estimate, but there have been 283 military aircraft lost and 141 deaths recorded, in the limited number of western nations from which data are available, between 1959 and 1999 (Richardson & West 2000). The outcome of most birdstrikes is far less severe, and the majority (65%) result in no damage to the aircraft at all (Milsom & Horton 1995). THE COSTS OF BIRDSTRIKES TO

More on the Economics

White paints are cheaper to use and maintain, so it makes economic sense to chose the colour since painting an airliner requires buying between 35 US gallons (130 litres) to 132 US gallons (500 litres) depending on aircraft size.

Since using white paints makes for a cooler plane that results in a cheaper cooling cost from the airlines.



There are 3 main reasons for choosing this color

  1. providing heat advantage
  2. easy detection of cracks / cracks / cracks in the body
  3. low cost

Heat Advantage
white color is a perfect reflector compared to other colors, it reflects almost all the light falling on it and prevents overheating of the plane. If the plane is painted with a color outside of white, this color absorbs all of the heat and causes the aircraft to expand. but it does not expand because it reflects the white color light, at least it does not expand to the extent that the flight is dangerous.

Easy detection of fissures in the body
planes are regularly checked for cracks / cracks / scratches. flight safety as predicted. white color is the best color for these cracks to be noticeable because the cracks / cracks will always be darker than white. it also helps to notice white color, wear and oil leaks.

In addition, white is the most noticeable color in the event of an accident. especially at night. a white plane that has fallen into a deep blue sea will be more noticeable than other colors.

Less costly

Airplane painting is a costly business. labor force, money and time. (a passenger plane takes about 2 to 7 days to paint, so much money is so short), and of course the paint that covers the entire body is an additional weight to the aircraft, which increases the cost of the flight. (The complex airplane painted about 100 kg.)

also colorful airplanes are cheaper than white airplanes. the airplane company / person will want to paint the colors of the jetty bazaar or their own company, which reduces the sales price, resulting in additional costs on board.

There is also a white color fading state. planes are subjected to different atmospheric conditions at high altitudes. Due to these conditions, the colors of the colored planes fade and this leads to the necessity to paint the plane more frequently in order to protect the aesthetic image, the cost increases. (the cost of the complex plane varies from $ 30,000 to $ 70,000, as well as the fact that the plane sleeps 2-7 days).

You made an excellent summary of the post plus some added details. Thank you very much.

Your welcome :) I knew the main reasons but I got help from the internet for the details :))

That was helpful

I am very happy if I have helped :))

New Zealand must of been like f**k this science stuff we like black dam it!


Hehehe. I bet they do not really care for sciency things :)

It was actually a story that started in a story but turned into a scientific writing atmosphere. It was interesting but it was a nice sharing.
As you said, important factors like heat advantage are the main reasons ..
But besides these, the cracks in the body can easily be recognized.
Of course, it is also important to have low cost.
When all these conditions are taken into consideration, it seems to be the most logical to choose in white, but there are not airline companies that paint their aircraft in various colors. @greenrun

but there are not airline companies that paint their aircraft in various colors

If you do recall, the post article said most not all.

Yeah, cracks in the body are also easily seen. Thanks very much.

You are right .. And thanks for your nice comment .. :)

so it's a win win win situation, heating advantage, lower costs and beard fly away from it! and if we continue it's a whole chain as all the above lead to cheaper tickets, better infrastructure and more customers

It is as you said

Another eye opener. Who would have thought that far. I think the economic part makes sense, that thing called plane is massively huge. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for reading.

And having read it now, I see I was fractionally right in the sense that there are multiple reasons why white is used. Cool!

The bird-strike statistic is shocking! More than a billion dollars yearly -- from birds! 😱

You'd be surprise what some little determined group of things could cause

Trust me buddy, I didn't know there's a reason behind planes being painted white. I thought it was just for design, cos white looks attractive :)
Now I know better.
Nice piece bro

Thanks a lot. We learn every day

Yes, this is based on the concept of heat and light. Dark coloured substances absorbs heat better than white or light coloured ones. White or shiny coloured objects reflects heat better than objects with dark or black surfaces..otherwise the passengers would be very uncomfortable due to influx of heat.

Light-coloured objects reflect more than their dull-coloured counterpart. Thank you.

Wow. I never really thought of that. Tom is a really smart kid. I have learnt something new today thanks to you. It is painted white to minimize heating, so birds can avoid it and because it is relatively cheaper to use and maintain. @pangoli come and see this.

Tom is sure smart no doubt about that.

Nice piece of information. This is an eyes opener, one would have not thought of this if you had not drawn the attention back to the issue of white colour getting to make one feel more lighter in a sunny and hot condition. And of course, white paint cost less because most people feel stress washing of stains. Another point is bird avoiding it. I just learned something new. Thanks to you

Thanks a lot

I did not know that "birds tend to avoid brightly painted aeroplanes", I learn something new today. Thanks!

Thank you for reading

Asides the scientific and economic reasons, a black painted airplane will look awkward lol...
Thanks for sharing

There are black painted planes :)

Seriously? Oh no..I wouldnt board it lol

Another educative post. I did not know about the economic implications.

Happy to help

Lol. Your aunty is funny o. She said because other colours are taken. Taken by who plix?😂😂
You took me back to physics class there for a minute. Very educative👍

I'm glad I could do that.

Wow, never for once taught of this.
Thanks for the information

Thank you too

It is a wonder I have not previously noticed that the color is white not to talk about its implication. Very informative. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks a lot.

Another bomb!

Wow.... The sun is white in color... Never knew... This info could make me dance all night.

You like to dance; it is a good way of exercising your body.

@mimy, how are you? @mandymoore, you know her too well, she loves to dance :)
We live and learn. Good to see you.

I am fine.

Hahaha.... Sweet to be here.

Wow. Thank God Tom asked the question we probably wouldn't have known the answer either. Thanks for sharing. Added something new....

Thank you.

Without reading your post, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it's because white reflects the entire visible light spectrum and thus helps keep the airframe from absorbing too much heat via sunlight.

Now to actually read the post lol 😁

You are right :)

Would you advise nigerian airways to be painted in all white? I hope we would have a functional one someday.

Do we still have that airline in service?

Wow!. This is awesome!. No wonder people hardly wear dark colours here in Nigeria-it's always hot!.
Thanks for sharing.
Upvoted and followed @greenrun

Thanks for reading

Wow great post i never know the reason why most plane are painted white,thanks for sharing this is educative.

If did not find this post i will have take the white color of air plane as a compulsory color. That must be adhere to

Not compulsory by any chance. The reason white is preferred as the colour of choice is listed in the article.

I never said it is compulsory, i was only talking about my previous thought.

Ok. I understand you now

i would say from what Ive read in your post is that"lets take for example with these illustration we feel the heat inside are car painted black, why because black absorbs and in a car painted white we don't feel it much.

if we can feel the heat from this ground level on earth while in a black painted car , how do you think the heat will be felt compared to the heights of an air plane in the sky.
it would be much hotter there, so i think the white paint is to prevent heat from the sun while the plane is in the air so as to keep passengers comfortable while traveling.

Thanks for your contribution to the topic of dicsussion. I do appreciate it.

OK ,its really a nice work you did

Good observation, I didn't tot of this even for once, after my research IV fine out that, not all plane are with white colour, but thank GOD you said almost all

"Tom, it is painted white because other colours are taken!"
i like this line..

The mother was just distraught, and that was what first came to her.

Nice observation. White colours Will reflects most of the heat from the surface of the aircraft, this is scientifically proven.

That is so right.

Such an intelligent question leading to a scientific write up... Who would have thought a colour would mean so much in aviation???

Colors have always meant a lot of things in various places.

Oh. This is indeed expository. We all know about the lighter colours and the lesser heat it absorbs. But not really thought about why planes are painted white.

Cousin Tom is a smart boy. Hope this was taught to him too. In plainer words though.

Thanks green for this. I learnt a lot.

I trust Tom would get a better explanation when the Mom is less distraught. Thanks for reading.

Lol. Indeed. Greater thanks for sharing man. Well done.

My inquisitive cousin asked the distraught mother why the aeroplane is painted white?

First of all, thanks to this ur small cousin, cos i never would have even thought there was a reason for the white color..

My friend who did engineering, most times Do advise me to not 2 wear black on sunny days 2 avoid sweat, rather white is more preferable ... Had no idea there was even a scientific explanation for this.. Thanks for the insight.

There is almost a scientific explanation for virtually every thing if you look close enough :)

I felt silly not knowing this before. Haha! Informative, nice post @greenrun! :)

I glad it was useful

really got me thinking and its true, but most military planes are not painted white.

I guess the reason is not too farfetched: for stealth and camouflage. But the first pix in this article is a military plane.

very correct. camouflage is main reason.

You know I never though about it before but this is so cool. I now know the reason why most airplane is coloured white.

Thanks for your contribution to the topic

Lol, it's really good to see a practical example of what we learnt in secondary school. Actually, I have never wondered why airplanes are painted white.

That's nice to see those knowledge ain't a waste after all

This is an interesting/educating topic. The colour of Sun, yellow? Jeez, would fail this question in an exam hall or interview, thanks for letting me know today. From your conclusion, my first car, will be white😀😀😀

That is good to hear. Congratulations in advance :)

Thank you

Lol. White cars are classy though.

Hehehehe, yeah right

ㅈㅈㅈ지저스 갓뎀 쒯

Thank you for sharing ♥ following you

Thanks a lot

Great post thank you for sharing

Thank you

learn some new, thanks..

White color is cool Therefore the airplane color is white

I agree

Nice observation @greenrun during my secondary school, i learnt that in physics. That white colours radiate heat, while black absorb heat. I also think thats why most of our roofs(zinc) are white...to prevent heat too.
But u just made me discover that such principles are applicable to planes too. Thanks for sharing this

Absolutely right. You are welcome

Colour is by choice.

It is so, to prevent plane crash: due to absption of high heat

interesting reasons to choose but most importantly the economic one :)

good post..upvote me please...?

That question never came into my mind up until I read this post but it is very good to know why the airplanes are always white. ;)

Did not thought of about it that way but as it seems the science classes did came out in handy !

white colour affords a thermal benefit

  • It allows in less difficult inspection of cracks and dents on the fuselage and is also value-effective.
  • White planes additionally tend to have a higher resale cost than coloured ones.

Thank you for the good job.