Back in the days when I was quite young and could hardly pronounce more than few words of English, skimming through books characterized by beautiful and well-coloured images together with my peers was one of my favourite hobbies. Sometimes, we play games by taking turns to open random pages in the books and then counting the number of lives present the image on the opened pages. Whosoever opens pages with the highest number of lives or living organisms wins. It was quite fun back then, although it seems a bit dumb remembering it now.
There are now more sophisticated and intellectually engaging games growing children could play. Such is the level of technological evolution that has taken place. Can we actually say humans have evolved with technology? That definitely is for another discussion.

One of such books we played with then was known as "My book of bible stories". It contains short stories and beautiful images about some key events in the Christian's holy book, the Bible. One of the events that stood out then was the enslavement of the children of Isreal by the then king of Egypt, Pharaoh. He tortured and made the Israelites to toil day and night until his cup became filled and God sent Moses to go and deliver the Israelites. The king refused to release the Israelites from slavery and it was reported that God inflicted Egypt with ten plagues as a way of admonition.
In one of the plagues, all the water bodies in Egypt were reported to have turned to blood with fishes and other aquatic organisms losing their lives in the process. The transformation was reported to have taken place after Moses touched the water bodies with his rod and the situation persisted for few days before normalcy returned. The synergistic effects of the transformation along with other plagues actually made the King to reluctantly allowed the liberation of the Israelites.
That was as spiritual as it can be. The then Pharaoh, as recalcitrant as a man can be would probably have been more determined not to release the Israelites if he had known that some of the plagues can be explained beyond the spiritual realm, especially the water turning to blood phenomenon. Only if one out of his army of magicians had been an Algologist, someone who sepcializes in the study of algae.
You wanna ask why?
This is simply because the turning of water to blood can be scientifically likened to the red tide, a phenomenon used to describe the sudden blooming of some specific species of algae in water bodies, especially in marine or estuarine habitats, the latter being a habitat where salt water from the oceans mixes with fresh water from the land. The species of algae are collectively called dinoflagellates. In most cases, harmful algal blooms (HABs) is the term used to explain this naturally occurring phenomenon.

The group of algae that causes the red tide is largely microscopic with high reproductive capacities clustering and inducing a colour change in water bodies in the process. The source of colour induction is the photosynthetic pigments of the dinoflagellates which usually range from green to brown to red. As a result, when these algae are present in high concentration in water bodies, the latter appear murkish white to black. In most cases, they appear blood red or less frequently, brown.
What usually causes the sudden blooming?
The sudden multiplication of the red tide inducing algal species has been reported to be due to changes in series of environmental factors. According to National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, the following factors have been implicated in the sudden proliferation of red tide inducing dinoflagellates:
- Elevated temperature on ocean surfaces
- Sluggish circulation of water bodies
- Extreme weather-related natural events such as hurricanes, drought, and floods
- Nutrient enrichment of water bodies such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon
However, it is important to know that while these factors have been found to contribute to blooming of dinoflagellates, their interaction that brings about the process is yet to be well understood.
Is red tide associated with the death of aquatic organisms?
The answer is yes. The dinoflagellates associated with red tides produce potent toxins which are generally harmful to aquatic organisms as a result of building up of the toxins in their system. The toxins have been found to affect nervous and digestive system of animals and as a result, apart from being harmful to fishes, other animals that feed on the fishes can also suffer the same fate.
Effects such as wildlife mortalities of marine and coastal species of fish, birds, marine mammals and other biological organisms have reported as one of the most noticeable aftermaths of the red tides phenomenon. Toxins from the dinoflagellates have also been reported to directly or indirectly cause illness in humans. Some group of fishes have high tolerance for the dinoflagellates's toxins and as a result, the toxin becomes bioaccumulated in their system. Consumption of such fishes by humans can cause serious and sometimes fatal illness.

One of the illnesses caused by the red tide algae include Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning which is caused by saxitoxin from the Alexandrium algal species. It has been reported to occur along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts in the US and Canada. Ingestion of shellfish contaminated with Paralytic Shellfish Poison toxins causes poisoning, resultin in the disruption to nerve functioning and eventual paralysis.
Around Europe and Japan, a red tide algal species, Dinophysos species has been reported to cause Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning in human. Poisoning by diarrhetic shellfish induces symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and cramps though has been generally found to be non-lethal. Aside from the two regions, the organism has also been found in countries such as Canada, the US, Chile, New Zealand, and Thailand.
One of the best known cases of red tides caused by microscopic dinoflagellates occurs nearly every summer along Florida’s Gulf Coast. Their toxins have been reported to have killed fishes, make shellfish dangerous to eat and sometimes make the surrounding air difficult to breathe.
I believe that a lot of natural and scientifically explainable events have been attributed to the supernatural either in a deliberate attempt to mislead people or simply due to chronic ignorance. This is just the scientist in me writing, not a deliberate attempt to discredit or attack religion.
Please feel free to express your opinions in the comment section of this article. I am opened to correction and re-orientation. :).
Thank you for reading.
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Excellent article. Very well written and thought out.
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I must say this an awesome piece. At first I was confused if actually I was reading a science post, the way you gradually threw me out of the primary school days and then suddenly into the religious account of Moses and pharaoh was awesome, as if that was not enough, you then catapulted me into the real science world were I actually belong. I shook my head in amazement... 😀. This is nice I must say.
Now back to the matter on ground, well if I must say, most of the biblical account of events in the Bible actually have scientific explanation though not all as some still are mystery e.g Jesus walking on water, feeding of 5ooo people with 5loaves of bread and 2fishes.
If these phenomenon seem to happen real as you have explained, then it's of no doubt, it happened.
I showed my friend a video of a whirlpool all he told me was that 'aaah there is a mysterious power behind it's I just laughed at his ignorance. This is what religious extremism can do, it blinds you from accepting facts at times.
This is quite interesting to read about, I won't say I totally agree with their reason neither will I reject it because I didn't see the Color of the water during the time of Moses and pharaoh. If I had seen it then and now, probably I would be able to make judgement. But I love the explanation .
I love the article, so chronologically arranged.
Nice one sir @gentleshaid
I actually love the way you analysed the article There are far better pictures of the red tide on the web but they are largely copyrighted, so not free for me to use. I used the best available pic to illustrate. You can search, the waters can actually pass as real blood from the pics.
Thank you very much for taking out time to read and pass such an awesome comment. that
I personally think every force occurring in nature has something behind it. Science seeks to unravel these. However, at one point or the other, we find some strange events that even science is yet to unravel and might not even unravel because they are beyond physical - Aye wa o!
By the way, your writing is top notch sir!
haha..thank you. That science is yet to unravel certain things doesnt mean they are mysteries though. We are Africans, as such religious. We always take the easy way out, attribute whatever we cannot explain with our understanding to supernatural powers.
I know what you are talking about and I agree with you, but I am still of the opinion that there are some things science shouldn't meddle in.
Perhaps if you were to be a life scientist and not an engineer, you wouldnt have said such :).
Science is knowledge, and the quest for knowledge is unlimited. Several phenomena that have been tagged 'no go area' have been delved into by science and have been the basis of some major breakthroughs in the world today.
In response to your statement sir, I dont believe there are things science should not meddle in. Wont you be happy if science can prove the existence of God? That would be like a major victory for a lot of
Like I said earlier, I do not underestimate what science can do. In fact, I'm a lover of science and I believe more is yet to be uncovered by science and there's no doubt about science succeeding as this has been proved over the year. science can only get better, but will only find things within its capacity. I am not being sentimental by the way.
I totally agree that science would only find things that are within its capacity but then, how would we know science's capacity if we dont try?
Well, there's no harm in trying sir, but some things will remain hidden.
I recently watched a video showing where the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean meet but do not mix. It was amazing, science has given its own reasons while religion says there is a power preventing both water from mixing. These are things I believe science has given facts on, but many still believe it is supernatural. I have the video on my phone of you want it, or you can check it on YouTube
Amazing angle, some years ago, someone pointed it out to me that the miracles recorded in the Bible may not necessarily be mysteries, what if they are just actions of someone that understood nature better.
To make my point clearer, in secondary school, we had this trick of picking papers with our pen after rubbing the pen against our hair. For whoever doesn't understand the underlying principle, that is a miracle.
I enjoyed how you presented it too, the topic drew me in. Kudos.
I must say science and technology advancement is already a magic itself, things that seemed impossible some years back has "magically" become a thing of the past. We can now travel miles within few minutes, use reality technology to visualize digital materials.
I must say, it would only take a little time before many other abstract appearing things becomes practical and we'd only be wowed each time saying it isn't magic eventually.
You got me with the game though. I was a ring leader in playing it. Mehn, childhood was damn fun!
I was reading about another old story that might have a scientific explanation. A lot of cultures have a story about a great flood, just like the one in the Bible. There is evidence on coastlines that there were huge tidal waves hitting the shore a few thousand years ago. The theory is that a large meteorites hit the ocean, so there really were great floods all around the world.
Interesting stuff. Like I said, a lot of what the religious people consider as miracle could be explained by science. But here in this part of the world, we deliberately ignore the science part
For me, i think behind any science, there is a spiritual aspect of it. science has a father and that father is nature and when it comes to expressing or attributing nature from its source, then this is were you give the credits to the Creator..GOD
well, 'spirituality' is something we cant account for in some science tbh. Perhaps in some, no doubts.
this is actually a well written post. I love the stories behind it and the construction of the terms and word use.. Good job to u on this..i am not surprise with the fact that science has transformed so many things not neglecting also the fact that it has open our eyes to see things that we think are beyond normal or beyond what science can explain.. But i will not underestimate the fact that some things are just to be left explained scientifically in relations to the spiritual realm. Yes the fact that we are African and we believe spiritual things ahead of some scientific facts should not be a surprise(laughs)..
Bro, what then will you say about miracles??? Changing water to wine.. School me please? (lol)
Lol.....even magicians can change water to wine. Most magics are scientific and there is a thin line between magic and miracle. I wasn't talking about Merlin magic though :)
Lol.. You think so??
About the thin line?
Yea...I know so. I've you watched magicians performed in real life before? Perhaps you will understand better if you do
Honestly i don't... I am not actually doubting the intelligence of science. But what will be will always be.. "Que sera sera"..tanks alot for the explanation and conversation. It was indeed warming.. Looking forward to reading your post some other time
Interesting, i have learnt another cool stuff, "algaes can make water go red"
But even if we want to believe that its the actions of algaes that made the water back in pharaohs day go red, we also remember that the algaes were all resting 😊 and didn't tamper with the nile river until Aaron hit the nile with his rod..., and that was the miracle
Nevertheless, now i know what red tide phenomenom is☺, thanks for this piece of information
have you heard about coincidence? I am not saying that is what it is, but it is probable. Thank you for taking out time to visit my blog :)
Hehehehe...I played that game too when I was younger 🤓🤓
I never would have guessed you were talking about algal bloom 🤔
This was way fun to read
Thank you ma. Nice to have you around. :)
You just debunked the “river nile turning into blood” theory. While it is hard to say that Moses actually used these dinoflagellates to trick Pharoah. It also makes one think about that reported incident again.
A nice write up imo.
"debunked"....haaaaaa. Thanks for reading through.
Yah know, after seeing that biblical scene explained away, I began to think about the other scenes that could possibly be explained away from Science with how much we know about nowadays.
Yea. There would probably be a meltdown among religious folks if the basis of their belief becomes explainable by science. Sometimes, we just let the sleeping dog lies
I personally feel and know that there's actually no conflict in this issue. The one who created all things, gave us the brain to study and acquire knowledge. Nevertheless, like @temitayo-pelumi said, some things are there that are beyond our understanding and makes give reverence to God. Like when the rod of Moses became a snake. Can science explain it?
perhaps science cannot explain. But didnt the magician's rod turned to snakes as well?
Neither can they explain that. It shows that there are some parts of our existence that points to someone higher and supernatural
Well said
All I know is nature has its way around everything... Science is just the reason behind
Hehehehe... I guess we believe too much in spiritual things and not science. If i show this to my mum or pastor she would say i blaspheme right in front of her.
This phenomenon is quite interesting. I haven't heard of it till now and the way you relate it and made it simple is great.
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