For several decades until now, most computerized devices have continuously employed and used light to store data and also to read data. Be it compact discs otherwise known as CD's which have been around since the 1980's or it's improved version; the Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) which was introduced in 1997.
But with the increasing need to read off large amounts of data in the shortest time possible, newer efficient and effective data storage means must be developed to achieve this feat while also being able to offer long term readability and reliability, which is where the interesting subject of Holographic Data Storage comes into play. So without further ado, what exactly is holographic data storage and what does it entail or involve?
What Exactly Is Holographic Data Storage(HDS) ?

Holographic data storage otherwise known as a three-dimensional data storage, is a form of data storage which employs the concept of optical storage which is the use of optical means (light) to store data.
The holographic memory will therefore involve not only writing data on a disc surface, but also magnifying by a large extent the physical area on which the available data is to be stored.
A holographic memory system is comprised of several components which include; a blue-green laser made up of argon, several beam splitters to help split the laser beam, mirrors to help direct the now split laser beams, LCD panels otherwise known as spatial light modulators, Lithium-niobate crystals and then a charge-coupled device(CCD) camera.
Granted, these are not your normal everyday household items(Okay, maybe except for the mirrors), as they're mostly utilized and employed by tech savvy companies. So if you feel sad that you can't perform the task as a form of DIY challenge right now then you needn't worry, because I'm pretty sure in the near future most if not all of these items would be more readily available and at cheaper prices too, since they currently do not come cheap right now. But how exactly would these items work together to bring about holographic storage in the first place?
Well, firstly, the blue-argon laser would have to be fired and then after firing, the argon laser beam would be split into two beams with the aid of the beam splitter; with the first daughter beam produced from the original parent beam being called the signal or object beam which travels in a straight direction. The second daughter beam called the reference beam takes a deviated or separate route to the crystal and is directed and travels through the beam splitter's side.
The first beam called the signal or object beam after traveling straight will then come in contact with and bounce off one of the mirrors , and will then travel in a straight direction which extends through a spatial-light modulator(SLM), which is a liquid crystal display and which displays clear pages of raw binary data. The signal beam after traveling through the LCD display then travels to the light sensitive Lithium-Niobate crystal.
The convergence of both the signal and reference beams with the majority of the data being housed by the signal beam would ultimately result to the data being stored in a Hologram, which is basically a three-dimensional refraction pattern captured in the media.

Although this may sound like a really technically long and complex process, the reality is that all the aforementioned processes occur within a split second, probably before the blink of an eye. And although holographic data storage sounds really fun, exciting, promising and all that, the truth is that just like every other means of data storage, holographic data storage isn't also without it's own fair share of drawbacks. So what exactly are some of the main benefits and drawbacks of holographic storage? Well, let's consider the advantages first before the disadvantages.
Benefits Of Holographic Data Storage
1. Long Term Reliability, Stability and Sustainability:
Modern day storage mechanisms like CD drives and magnetic tapes cannot completely guarantee a sustainable life span of more than 50 years, as they are subject to wear and tear from exposure to the elements and several other environmental factors. But on the other hand, holographic storage could offer a lifeline for storing large amounts of data for very long periods of time.
2. High Level Of Portability:
Holographic data storage will allow for the convenient distribution of dense amounts of data which otherwise cannot be distributed via broadcast or HD video networks. They would thus serve as a very good and convenient means of keeping and storing data backups and data archives.
3. Relatively High Storage Capacity:
Although holographic storage does not have an infinite storage capacity, it does have a good one. A small sugar-cube sized crystal can store up to 1terabyte of data which is quite a lot. Meaning just one crystal can house that much data that would otherwise need to be stored in about 1000 or more CD's. The figure is still expected to rise further in coming years with the high level of research currently being done in this field of technology.

Drawbacks of Holographic Data Storage
1. High Cost Of Practically Applying The Technology:
You probably already knew this, but this kind of technology does not come cheap or at least not in today's world. Storage drives will cost about $14,000, with a single media disc costing about $150. These high costs are a major drawback to the major acceptance and adoption of the technology, thus leading to the adoption of far cheaper forms of data storage like hard and flash drives, magnetic tapes and the likes.
Several other lesser-known drawbacks include;
2. High Level Of Data Sensitivity(Zero margin for read or write errors).
3. High Level Of Light Sensitivity; as holographic discs can be ruined by premature light exposure.
4. Lack Of Standardisation; as it lacks substantial standard endorsement by the INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ORGANISATION(ISO).

So with the above list of benefits and drawbacks of holographic storage, it is ultimately left for you to decide or determine if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or if the reverse is the case. But since holographic storage technology is still in it's primitive and infant stage, what then does the future ultimately hold for this new and emerging form of technology?
What The Future Holds For Holographic Data Storage

Well, the future of holographic storage is certainly bright, that I can totally assure you of. Several plans to increase the storage capacities of holographic discs and media are already in the works, with the issue of the high cost of adoption also currently being addressed but still yet to be improved upon. And although more and more research is still currently being done by experts in this field of technology, holographic storage would definitely be an instant and much needed upgrade from today's modern day data storage technologies. But until it's full potentials are discovered, achieved, harnessed and employed in practical terms, we'll just have to make do with the means we currently have right now.
Thanks for stopping by to read this and please feel free to express your personal thoughts and opinions in the comment section below :)
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Keep up the Good work
Thanks for stopping by.
Quite good looking taught. There is more to technology here. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for coming around. I'm glad you did.
Very useful piece of information this is indeed educative and useful. Personal I thinking the usefulness outweigh the drawbacks cause as technology continues to advance is only a matter of time before it is made really available and this will result to low price.
More so I don't think price should be a really big constraint considering the durability and size compare to others.
Thanks for sharing am gonna share this.
Yes, you do have a point there. The technology is still an advancing one and although much work still remains to be done, it could become a major player with future widespread adoption. And hopefully by then the price would be reduced significantly.
Great read. Hope we can see this type of technology in consumer products in the near future. Followed!
Yeah me too, as it would definitely be a major game changer in the world of technology. Thanks for coming around.
Very interesting. Do you have an idea of any breakthroughs required to make this cheaper/more available?
With my present knowledge I'm afraid not. The technology is still in it's experimental stage and is still being heavily scrutinized for loopholes and other characteristics which would make it unapplicable, and the full extent of it's practicality in the real world is still yet to be realized, as several factors and reasons tend to currently prove that we could be years away from fully utilizing any major aspect of the technology. Surely in the near future we could see a reduction in the price tag thus making it readily available and easily purchasable, because personally, I do not see the human race still using hard drives and tapes in the next 100 years to come. So indeed there is hope :)
Thanks for the info @blessing97, in that case I'll be hoping the law of accelerating returns increases the pace of this technology :)
It sure will :)
keep it up..
Thank you :)
@blessing97 how will i join the @steemstem team
Excellently and exceptionally well written article data storage technology is the way forward for the betterment all and sundry.
Thank you for your contribution.
Well detailed post, My knowledge in Data storage just increased thanks to you.