It's time to be a hero in Overwatch: Legendary Edition is the most complete version of the three known as

in #stemmit7 years ago

it will include 15 skins among which we have some legendary outfits. Do not miss it

More than 40 million players from all over the world have fought on the battlefields of tomorrow in Overwatch.

Now new players can join the fight for the future today with an improved physical version of this memorable team shooter that has won more than 100 Game of the Year awards, following the arrival of Overwatch: Legendary Edition comes to stores with all their cast of heroes, maps and features of the saga overwatch including digital content typical of blizzard games

*  Set of epic and legendary aspects of Overwatch: Customize the appearance of some of your favorite Overwatch heroes with this set of five legendary and five epic aspects (Hanzo okami, Ana shrike and McCree mysterious man included).

*  Original aspects of Overwatch: It pays tribute to the original operative force of Overwatch with the classic aspects of Kings agent of Blackwatch or commander Morrison. Discover the origins of other heroes with Wild Bastion, Pharah Chief of Security and Tracer Pilot of the Slipstream.

*  Wings of Mercy for Diablo III: Swoop with the demonic forces of the High Heavens and the Burning Hells as you light the wings of Mercy. Every Sanctuary will witness your loyalty to Overwatch!

*  Baby Winston mascot for World of Warcraft: With its adorable but intellectual charm, baby mascot Winston will be by your side as you fight across Azeroth.

*  Heroine Tracer for Heroes of the Storm: Jump to the Nexus with Tracer and surprise your enemies with a translation blow.

*  Portraits for StarCraft II and back of letter for Hearthstone: With the portraits of Tracer, Reaper, Pharah, Winston, Bastion and Soldier: 76, you will become the champion of the Koprulu sector, and you can also give war in Hearthstone with a back of Overwatch letter worthy of a hero!

It's time to master the future thanks for walking by this post and I hope you follow me @jacklab1407 with a up vote


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